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Food For Thought - Skeptics And Believers


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You first.


What are you contributing here?


Tell you what.  Watch will for awhile.  Him, I like.  You can be skeptical and not fail utterly to engage the topic.

Denial is not an intellectually engaging stance.


Scientists using their science say the mainstream is wrong.  And what, I just go with mbh on this?  Oh.  OK.

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I doubt I'm contributing any more or less than you.

You have over 3,000 posts and everyone seems to be a condescending attack on anyone who disagrees with you. If your posts were nonexistent, there would be a lot more productive discussions in a lot of these threads IMO.

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Um, I am not sure you could conceive of how seriously I doubt that.  I mean you couldn't come close.


A bigfoot skeptic feeling condescended to has to be the funniest thing I have heard here.  So you may be contributing humor.


And touchiness.  There are places where your approach would work, JREF for example.  Try there.


You aren't thinking this approach of yours is productive....?  But your assessment of my posts tells me most of what I need to know about you.


[sigh] here we go again.  Are you dmaker's son?

And you've read all ...sheesh I don't even know how many posts I have!  And haven't picked up anything.  Bad sign.

Edited by DWA
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Funniest thing you've ever heard...You should probably get out more pal.

Please don't feel that I actually take anything you say personally. This is a Bigfoot forum, I come here bc I'm interested in the subject. Dont take this the wrongway but, I couldn't care less what you think of me or if I don't fit into your view of what a skeptic shoud be.

What's the point of this forum?

Do you only want one opinion? If that is the case, please let me know and I will delete my account and leave right away.

Edited by mbh
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Hey, you posted that, not me.


If you are interested in the topic, why make out like you aren't?  There are people here that have been around this a whole lot more than you, and all you are doing is saying they're wrong and not backing it up with anything.  (While we are on, you know, condescending.)  That doesn't fit into anyone's view of what a skeptic should be.


You could be researching all those mainstream scientists to come up with one who has something interesting to say about this topic.  But...

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Hey, you posted that, not me.

If you are interested in the topic, why make out like you aren't? There are people here that have been around this a whole lot more than you, and all you are doing is saying they're wrong and not backing it up with anything. (While we are on, you know, condescending.) That doesn't fit into anyone's view of what a skeptic should be.

You could be researching all those mainstream scientists to come up with one who has something interesting to say about this topic. But...


I have no problem leaving if opposing views are constantly meet with hostility. Why would I waste my time?

do you have me mistaken for someone else?

how many times have I said something was outright wrong? I ask questions, or post issues I see in the subject, or post my opinion. I'm not wasting my time telling supporters they are wrong in every post. If I disagree with something I will say it though. Should I stop that kind of uppity behavior?

I even asked you for a list of the best evidence I could study but you didn't provide it for some reason.

I feel like that was a copy/paste response you have for when you constantly get into this argument. It just doesn't apply to me. Sorry.


I found this earlier today. Seems to be what you were crying for.

This isn't the topic of the thread tough, so feel free to send any future personal critiques to my mail box.

Edited by mbh
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Guest Cervelo

I doubt I'm contributing any more or less than you.

You have over 3,000 posts and everyone seems to be a condescending attack on anyone who disagrees with you. If your posts were nonexistent, there would be a lot more productive discussions in a lot of these threads IMO.

Bravo...Bravo... greatest single post I've seen this year well done... Edited by Cervelo
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*** Mod Statement *** 


Several of these posts are getting extremely close to crossing the line into violation.  Please direct posting back toward the topic and not toward each other.


Thank you,



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I like to think of the BFer's as the same small informed type of folk who insisted the earth was not flat or the center of the solar system. Guess what? That small group of people with these theories were considered heretics until finally proven right. It took centuries to convince people then and it probably will now. I hope I am alive to see this debate put to rest!

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Guest Darrell

So what ultimately solved that delima? Yep, somebody sailed right around the world. Only thing hindering that feat was technology. Whats the excuse for not finding a bigfoot again?

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Guest Darrell

But in fact when techology caught up it solved the problem for every culture. So for the last 1000 yrs at least we know the earth is round. So then, why cant you find bigfoot with the technology available today. We put put a man on the moon 40 yrs ago but cant find a bigfoot. Its all a house of cards if you play it circumstancial. Just find one and we all become believers. Until then you have the makings of a great cult.  

...and you'd be right.  (In many ways, Western Europe was behind some folks back then.)


Pretty interesting. seems like the flat earth thing wasnt as accepted by main stream 14th centery science as one would believe.  The earth is round. But what about bigfoot?

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