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Urban Bigfoot, Seriously?

Lake County Bigfooot

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Urkelbot, our government wastes so much money on stupid research. over 592,000 dollars to study why chimps throw poop, over $600,000 to research to study the benefit's of watching reruns on television, over 3 million for a university to study video games like world of warcraft. The list goes on and on. Our government hold's the purse string for these studies. So why not bigfoot. How do you know what the general population's view is on bigfoot ?

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Not true at all, I would welcome your insights. Please include specifics that can be verified.


Hmmm ... verification ... I can't see how I can provide that without losing my job.  I guess you win, you've bullied me into a corner I can't afford to fight my way out of.   Congratulations.



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Guest Urkelbot

Urkelbot, our government wastes so much money on stupid research. over 592,000 dollars to study why chimps throw poop, over $600,000 to research to study the benefit's of watching reruns on television, over 3 million for a university to study video games like world of warcraft. The list goes on and on. Our government hold's the purse string for these studies. So why not bigfoot. How do you know what the general population's view is on bigfoot ?

As far as americans view on bigfoot a quick google search shows only 1/3 or less believes in bigfoot or that bigfoot probablly exists.  Probablly similar to what you would find with ghosts or ufos.




While the things you list seem frivolous someone put the grant proposal together and was awarded the grant by a board.  I would like real scientists to tackle bigfoot but it probably won't happen until more concrete evidence surfaces.  

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As far as americans view on bigfoot a quick google search shows only 1/3 or less believes in bigfoot or that bigfoot probablly exists.  Probablly similar to what you would find with ghosts or ufos.




While the things you list seem frivolous someone put the grant proposal together and was awarded the grant by a board.  I would like real scientists to tackle bigfoot but it probably won't happen until more concrete evidence surfaces.  


I agree.  That's what frustrates me about people supposedly sitting on mountains of evidence, but do not produce it.  Makes you think we may be being trolled. 

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Urkelbot, our government wastes so much money on stupid research. over 592,000 dollars to study why chimps throw poop, over $600,000 to research to study the benefit's of watching reruns on television, over 3 million for a university to study video games like world of warcraft. The list goes on and on. Our government hold's the purse string for these studies. So why not bigfoot. How do you know what the general population's view is on bigfoot ?

the rerun study was actually very interesting

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A bit off topic as well but I think studies on MMO's like World of Warcraft would have quite a bit to offer sociology or psychology programs. I've read a couple of papers that were done on Everquest in the past. They were pretty dry and technical but there is some pretty interesting things to learn about human behviour there. 

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one third of the population is significant. Actually more people believe in ufo's. Those things i listed are frivolous. Look at the money given to SETI. It began in 1957 and was funded by the government, For 39 years and had no data, have gotten nothing !, yet they received 11 million a year. They still get money from publicly funded programs. Where was their evidence ?

I find the studies a waste of money ?

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Those things i listed are frivolous. Look at the money given to SETI. It began in 1957 and was funded by the government, For 39 years and had no data, have gotten nothing !, yet they received 11 million a year. They still get money from publicly funded programs. Where was their evidence ?


Outer space = nearly endless frontier


Forests of NA = not so much

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Guest Urkelbot

I think finding evidence of an alien civilization would be a much bigger deal than finding bigfoot.  Finding bigfoot would be really cool but it wouldn't really change anything.  Unless bigfoot actually has the magical abilities some people claim they do.

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again, 56 years and NOTHING, yet they still get funding. So you have no really good reason to give for your view on why we don't fund research into finding this creature.

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Guest Urkelbot

again, 56 years and NOTHING, yet they still get funding. So you have no really good reason to give for your view on why we don't fund research into finding this creature.

Most of the country doesn't believe in bigfoot.  Most of the scientists in relevent fields don't believe in bigfoot.  Most of the people in government don't believe in bigfoot.  Most of the people involved in handing out research money don't believe in bigfoot.


I don't know for sure but i would guess more people believe that it is possible that aliens exist somewhere in the cosmos.

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Yet there is no proof of alien's, but they still, after 56 years of SEtI continue to fund it . okay, lol. while there are scientist in relevent fields who do believe in bigfoot and can't get funding. You won't address the point that they are still being funded after 56 years of nothing.

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