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Urban Bigfoot, Seriously?

Lake County Bigfooot

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Thanks to those who visit the thread, and who duke it out with Dmaker.  I will try to keep a focus on developing some ideas that help us see where and how these creatures are adapting.  To try to get a handle on some of the information the sightings are giving us.  There are things to be learned in this school of the obscure, and it is only as we put all our heads together can we unravel the mystery. 


Tonight I was throwing apples into the brush, and I swear one was tossed back, need to go check in the daylight tomorrow.  They have a certain thud to them, and that was exactly what I heard about 15 feet to my right, which is about 30 feet from the apple tree, and they don't jump 30 feet.

As far as the eye thing, it is really weird, but I cannot say they are fish eyes, though I see the resemblance. It does not negate the vocals, maybe fish were climbing up and taking self portraits, while Squatch was off hollering, Mike, Mike,
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Oh boy! Another argument between dmaker and DWA about the existence of bigfoot! I can't get enough of those.

Yeah, me too. About as interesting and informative as watching a dung beetle rolling one uphill. I'm a little curious about that "The true believers are also generally as uninformed as the skeptics" thingy. Who are the true believers he's talking about? Is he confusing believing with knowing?


I suppose there are "true believers" that have never seen a Bigfoot or two, and just came to their personal conclusion by studying the factual accounts of a few thousand credible witnesses. That's cool; they have a right to an opinion too.

Edited by Branco
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And the saltwater fish eye Ontario (Toejam) presented?

actually I think it was a yellow perch... A fish quite common in his neck of the woods.




As far as the eye thing, it is really weird, but I cannot say they are fish eyes,





I sure can..  go fishing for a day.. jeez.

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Concerning the Ontario Sasquatch recordings, while incredible, it is logical they could have only been made by a human or something with those capabilities. Given the ability to jump from low to high and everything in between and the overall volume of the subject, I think I know who is responsible, I challenge someone to present a convincing copy of those sounds that they hoaxed just to see what they could come up with. I have a feeling that it might be very difficult to duplicate the range and volume of the subject in Ontario's recordings. Prove me wrong and I will accept that these could be faked, prove me right by ignoring this post. What separated the whoops I heard from being human were, the overall volume with no effort, thus clarity at a high volume, as a musician and singer I understand that difficulty. As well as the ability to slide the range from low to high without breaking or cracking, while still maintaining a perfect rise in pitch. I found these impossible to duplicate.



It's already been done. I'd show you the videos but SO and his minions complained to YouTube and got the guy's videos taken down.


I don't know if you were following that thread but the video was posted there and a direct audio comparison was made. It showed they were obviously different audio clips, but they were close enough that his followers accused the guy of presenting copied audio files.

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My current thinking on those who scoff at nature's unclassified diversity is to invite them to spend a night on the ground, alone, in say... Clarke County, AL, or anywhere else in the Black Belt, or any other similar wild locale, N. or S. on the continent. Leave the cell phone and tablet at  home too. Ditto the tent.  Come tell me the next morning you are of the same position, and I'll just shut up already. Until they have that kind of cred, their opinions don't matter that much to me, and to a lot of others here, and I feel free to disregard them whenever I see them. This is one of those times.

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Absolutely! They have no knowledge or experience to base their disbelief on, yet they are so arrogantly mocking and scorning people that have been in these situations....some for many years.


The average skeptic has no credibility.

Edited by Sasfooty
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I'll take the bait here, although I probably shouldn't.  I do not mock or scorn people for the situations they have been in.  I do, however, for them throwing around the words proof and fact.  A fact is something that is verifiable, an eyewitness account is not verifiable - unless of course you can reproduce it and it can be verified via video, thermal, third party etc and then submitted for scrutinous review.  Until that happens they are just stories.  Notice I didn't say they were made up - they may very well be true stories - but they are not facts. 


As far as the so called "boot cred" - no one here really knows very much about the average other poster.  Sure, some of you may know each other fairly well, but not one person here knows me and my experiences.  To discount what I say because you think you know me or how much time I have spent in the woods is just as arrogant as expecting others to "take your word for it" - neither of which demonstrates a scientific approach.  I do not scoff at nature's diversity - but I am skeptical about claims of unclassified critters in every nook and cranny around this great country.  I've spent my fair share of time alone in the woods, and I can back it up with stories, just as many others here can.  Alas, these are just stories though, the same thing many knowers expect us to believe with no proof.

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I think I'll ask the FAA to give me a commercial pilot's license. I used to live next to an airport and watched a lot of planes take-off and land.  Read a book once about it too.  Off topic? Not really. Unfair personal commentary? I beg to differ. Each so-called experts' qualifications are subject to scrutiny on cross-examination in every case I've ever tried. This here is no exception.


You take a walk in your favorite woods on a sunny day and return to your keyboard to amend your magnum opus on why Sasquatch can't, and doesn't, exist? Enjoy yourself. I won't be tuning in.  

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Morning Guys and Gals, just finished going through last nights sound recording, have another coyote/stick thing, similar to the first. I said I was tossing apples into the brush last night and thought one was tossed back, couldn't find it, but found one half eaten right along the edge. Conclusion, don't know, but I know what I heard, "thud". Glad to see new folks paying a visit. I want this thread to be a place where we all learn something from each others experience, do not let the nay say ers

scare you off. I have had a racoon raiding my gifting station, pretty funny pics of glowing furzy. I would like to say at about 42 seconds into the recording and interesting vocalization occurs, it sounds more whoopish to start, it is probably just coyote, tell me if you hear it too, see you all this evening, keep it rolling.....listen for the stick break in the silence in the middle, the brush is about 50 yards away from my window, pretty sensitive recording device, very satisfied with it's quality.

coyotes with stick break 2.mp3

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I think I'll ask the FAA to give me a commercial pilot's license. I used to live next to an airport and watched a lot of planes take-off and land.  Read a book once about it too.  Off topic? Not really. Unfair personal commentary? I beg to differ. Each so-called experts' qualifications are subject to scrutiny on cross-examination in every case I've ever tried. This here is no exception.


You take a walk in your favorite woods on a sunny day and return to your keyboard to amend your magnum opus on why Sasquatch can't, and doesn't, exist? Enjoy yourself. I won't be tuning in.  

Right.  And here a little explication is in order.


"Bootsole cred" is demonstrated.  And it's not just demonstrated from a lot of time outside.


A lot of wildlife photographers, wildlife biologists, zoologists, primatologists, hunters and you know some internet posters et al et seq. differ with me on the sasquatch evidence.  And their views are demonstrable hooey.


It's not because I spend more time outside.  It's because either their explanations don't make sense or that they offer none.  Or that they confuse evidence and proof, claim they aren't doing it, and go on doing it.  Or that they say bigfoot doesn't exist because they would have seen one or a car would have hit one or one would have hijacked a plane or become a Fortune 500 CEO by now, or any of a host of other insupportable assumptions. 


Or because they make assertions that my bootsole cred automatically rejects, like "there's not enough habitat or food."  Um, there is more than plenty of both to support the possibility, not just of a few of these but of a fairly substantial population, occurring in the kinds of places reports are coming from, and not only my bootsoles but scientists who support my bootsoles tell me that.


Nod4Eight:  I'd agree with you that "To discount what I say because you think you know me or how much time I have spent in the woods is just as arrogant as expecting others to 'take your word for it' - neither of which demonstrates a scientific approach."  Skepticism is the only way to approach this.  And it's some of our skepticism that has unerringly led us to where we are on this.  One must be skeptical of all claims.  And I am scoftical of the claim that all this evidence can be comfortably explained by...oh, a whole bunch of stuff for which the person talking declines to provide any evidence that I can take seriously.  One might as well tell me that because there are some crazy people out there, we need to institutionalize everybody.


Anyone who demands proof of someone else's claim must provide evidence that his makes sense.  I mean, if he wants us skeptics to take him seriously.


If one is at either end of this discussion - I-believe or no-way - one isn't employing skepticism.


If one has seen one, then one knows, and there's nothing any of us can say about that, is there?

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Eat you heart out Sasquatch Ontario, check out my eye....could yours be a raccoon? Or is that the cat next door whose been eating my offerings....hmmm


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Maybe where I am getting hung up here is the use of the word skeptic to describe scoftics or denialists.  I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm not saying they do.  Some of the evidence is compelling, some of it not so much.  We all have different filters on our BS-meters.  I've seen some strange things that I have no explanation for.  I don't chalk it up to the big guy quite yet - although it was in an area with several reported sightings as well as just over the mountain from where my friend's grandmother claims to have seen one while picking berries.


As far as one seeing one and what can we say about that?  Not much, we weren't there and it is probably not repeatable and therefore not verifiable - we can question state of mind, misidentification, are they lying, were they hoaxed etc...  To us it's a neat story, to them it may be something much much more.  We can take parts of the story and see if it's consistent with other sightings - if so, that's even neater!  Of course I could make up a really neat story that is consistent with sighting reports in the area too (enter the BS-filter).


Getting back to the OP - the sound at :42 mark sounds like a coyote to me.  I do hear something that could be a stick break at 1:30, but it could be a number of things as well.  This is recording out your window?  Is there a way to set it up in the brush that is 50 yards away - or deeper into the marsh land?

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