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My Philosophy Regarding Bigfoot ? What's Your's ?

Guest Lesmore

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Guest Lesmore

I wonder how many subscribe to my philosophy about Bigfoot.....which is:

I don't think it's very likely that Bigfoot exists, but I do think it would be fascinating if indeed Bigfoot did exist. It's also a lot of fun being out in the wilderness, keeping an eye open for Bigfoot.

Well that's my philosophy regarding Bigfoot ?

What's your's ?

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BFF Patron

My philosophy about BF is "don't sweat the small stuff" especially once you have had a sighting. Just focus on those elements of your sighting that are fun or that you are particularly interested in. My interest in sounds and sound recording keeps me engaged. Now if I had yodeling yahoos around like Sasfooty I might have to get another dog though..... it's bad enough having a local marimba band around.

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I went with the Oxford Dictionary's defination. In line with Lensmore's question, I enjoy looking for patterns in Bigfoot population movements & Bigfoot's observed/experienced behaviors. In addition I find it facinating that reports globally seem to all contain such simularities. I prefer to focus on what all the reports have in common rather than "self-proclaimed Bigfoot Researchers" percieved differences.

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Guest fenris

I wonder how many subscribe to my philosophy about Bigfoot.....which is:

I don't think it's very likely that Bigfoot exists, but I do think it would be fascinating if indeed Bigfoot did exist. It's also a lot of fun being out in the wilderness, keeping an eye open for Bigfoot.

Well that's my philosophy regarding Bigfoot ?

What's your's ?

I believe Ive seen one and that gives one something to compare evidence against, if folks want to solve this, the evidence needs to be better, and with the kind of things that knuck brings, one might just listen.....

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I believe that they are very real. People that I trust have seen them. I also don't believe that thousands of people are lying about what they saw or are mistaken. Once when I was eleven, I was lost in the mountins in Utah and ran almost right into the side of a large bear that was licking sap off of a tree. The bear and I were seperated by a thick tree and I was able to creep away unnoticed. I knew without a doubt what I had seen. When my dad found me thirty minutes later, he wondered if I had actually seen a bear and only believed me after I stressed the fact that I was right there next to it and it was almost as tall as my head. My dad also knows I have perfect vision and I don't lie to him. Later on we both saw the bear again from a distance, confirming what I had seen. My whole point is, many people see bigfoot as clearly as I saw that bear and have no doubt in their mind of what they have seen because it was as plain as day. They have no reason to lie and they stand to gain nothing from doing so. Im not saying that people don't see bears all the time, im saying that people are quick to question something they havent seen even if it's something as common as a bear. It doesn't matter how honest and credible you are, most people will not believe you if you see a bigfoot because not only is it uncommon, it's believed to be a myth. I believe many people who see these animals are honest and deserve to be trusted.

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I believe sasquatches exist or existed recently, and it would be the most rewarding outdoors experience to observe one or more in it's natural habitat.

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My philosophy regarding Bigfoot is.... Respect for the creatures I'm studying and respect for my fellow searchers.

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I am in it for the pancakes. :P

And even though I haven't seen one myself, I'm like Kraig....people that I trust have.

I've had enough "What the Heck?!" moments in the woods to make me think that "something" is going on. I just try in my own small way to document those. Don't have a website, don't have a blog. Just trying to make it right in my own head.

So I just listen to people and what they have to say. Most of America really doesn't give much of a hoot either way about this topic. It's like not real to them and it plays out like entertainment TV. We seem to tend to forget that. Lot's of em think "outside" is paved.

But in Oregon, it's pretty easy to find someone who's had an experience or sighting. You just gotta be open about your interest in the big guy and not look mad. :lol:

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Guest TooRisky

Hmmm Interesting topic and answers... I guess I am in it to observe from a distance, see how they act in groups and interact as individuals...I guess it is the whole social thing that I want to find out and unravel... I am just starting my own sound project just out of curiosity and will spend a lot of my summer over looking valley's to see if I can pick up vocals, record them and plot where they are coming from for down the road research...

LOL of course there is that one huge problem of them allowing me to observe them, but hey there is always some hoop one has to jump threw...

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After reading many books on the subject and experiencing some first hand things there is no doubt in my mind that BigFoot really exists. Granted they vary in body type around the world but when so many common folk say "I saw what I saw And it was no bear or other known animal" there leaves little doubt they are there.

I have found 4 Stick Structures near my home in MI in the past 2 years and I put the chances of them being made by man at less than 10%.

I have done about 15 public presentations about BF and most of the time someone comes up to me after the presentation and say they have seen one or more and thay have never reported the incident to anyone. But they know I will not laugh at them so they tell me their story.

If you really study the BF on a worldwide basis they are a well hidden specie but it is like the last book I read the author said "If you don't believe you won't look and if you don't look you will never find". Unfortunately that is where most of our scientists and public are at.

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SSR Team

What's your's ?

I believe Sasquatches are the World's best kept secret & are right under the nose of North America, yet 99.9% of people there don't even know it's real which i personally find quite funny..

I also believe that they are the absolute Masters of their domain & have mental capablities that in certain area's, are more advamced to ours & as a Species as ignorant, arrogant & selfish as we are, we find that incredibly tough to take on board.

I also believe that there is far more known about these Creatures than what is currently in the public domain, by both Private & Public Researcher's aswell as Goverment Agencies in North America.

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Guest fenris

I believe Sasquatches are the World's best kept secret & are right under the nose of North America, yet 99.9% of people there don't even know it's real which i personally find quite funny..

I also believe that they are the absolute Masters of their domain & have mental capablities that in certain area's, are more advamced to ours & as a Species as ignorant, arrogant & selfish as we are, we find that incredibly tough to take on board.

I also believe that there is far more known about these Creatures than what is currently in the public domain, by both Private & Public Researcher's aswell as Goverment Agencies in North America.

You may well have a point there, the vast majority of the population isn't even open minded to squatch being out there, so there may well be that ignorance factor.

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Guest Knuck

I believe Sasquatches are the World's best kept secret & are right under the nose of North America, yet 99.9% of people there don't even know it's real which i personally find quite funny..

I also believe that they are the absolute Masters of their domain & have mental capablities that in certain area's, are more advamced to ours & as a Species as ignorant, arrogant & selfish as we are, we find that incredibly tough to take on board.

I also believe that there is far more known about these Creatures than what is currently in the public domain, by both Private & Public Researcher's aswell as Goverment Agencies in North America.

I agree 110% with about 95% of what you just said. And definately about the infrastructure knowing very well about the real existence of Sasses.-Knuck

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I believe Sasquatches are the World's best kept secret & are right under the nose of North America, yet 99.9% of people there don't even know it's real which i personally find quite funny..

I also believe that they are the absolute Masters of their domain & have mental capablities that in certain area's, are more advamced to ours & as a Species as ignorant, arrogant & selfish as we are, we find that incredibly tough to take on board.

I also believe that there is far more known about these Creatures than what is currently in the public domain, by both Private & Public Researcher's aswell as Goverment Agencies in North America.

I couldn't have summed it up, any better than this.

Personally, I will continue to try and debate less,..and listen more. There is much more to learn.. through continuing efforts in the field, as well as listening to the experiences of others, as well as (most importantly) .. keeping an open mind.

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