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Hello Old Dog,


In truth, as far as I know, no other animal buries it's dead. But the real point here is not to say that Sasquatch uses tools at all even if they DO bury their dead. That's why I posted the talus beds in the OP and described the double dig method. Tossing a deceased animal into a hole in a pile of rocks and excavating an adjacent hole by throwing the rocks into the first one was the idea. So, no tools required which does keep the level of sophistication at a minimum, or at least unnecessary. But then it still leaves that other truly nagging question should SSQ exists: WHY would they do such a thing?


I'm also attempting to generate the idea of the "family" burial plot.


That would be great if there was an existing hole.  With this theory, the BF would have to only die where there was an existing place for burial, otherwise a grave would have to be excavated, and that is not a small task if they are as large as reported.  Also it would have to be quite deep to ward off scavengers.  I would imagine this would require some sort of tool.  I just can't see them doing it by hand.  Also, IF they buried the dead one, that would leave quite a burial mound unless the extra soil was dispersed over a wide area.  To do that would suggest a level of awareness that the site could be discovered.  I'm trying to understand how they can be sophisticated in some areas, yet totally lacking in others.  Why would they be cognoscente enough to bury their deal, yet have no knowledge of tool use or written language or building skills.  By building skills I don't mean leaning sticks together, I mean at least semi permanent shelters.   There is a myriad of skills and knowledges attributed to the big folk, yet when they come to others, they are blithering idiots.  How can they be brilliant in some areas, yet so lacking in what would be considered a rather linear level of knowledge in other areas?  See, this is what I find so baffling.

Posted (edited)

Hello Old Dog,

I'd be an idiot to not see your point. And it's a good one. So, one dies a mile or 20 from the rock pile....now what? Oh I hear you. Personally I don't attribute all that much in the way of anything other than the skills of being an animal living in the wild who just happens to have an opposable thumb. Other creatures have them too and don't show much in the way of advanced talents. Ever go walking and see what squirrels do? they jump onto a tree trunk and play hide and seek as you walk by. And move around the trunk with just enough exposure to keep an eye on you. SSQ? Same. Now about that burial thing. I still think it's a rock internment utilizing a depression whether it be in talus fields or forest. Maybe carrying/dragging a 600 pounder isn't in the mix but carrying 30 lb rocks just might be. Kinda like bringing the mountain to you-know-who.

Edited by hiflier


Do they really do funny things or do people just report funny things?

I realize that skeptics like to lump all reports together to erode the validity of the whole subject.

But logic tells us two things............either they do not exist or they are very rare. They cannot be rummaging the KFC dumpster on a weekly basis, and remain hidden. I concur with that observation.

That's my point

if they exist, it seems more likely they woud be extremely rare and not do things like burials to hide the dead.


Old dog-


I think the holes in question that hiflier is pointing to are in rock slides in a remote location. Of course an excavator with a thumb could move rocks around but there was no sign of a road or entry point into the terrain that would allow for an excavator.


So what are these giant holes in rock slides that were excavated one rock at a time?






If your strong enough to move rocks around? You don't need shovels or pick axes to excavate in a rock slide.

That's my point

if they exist, it seems more likely they woud be extremely rare and not do things like burials to hide the dead.


Then what is this giant hole found in a rock slide?



Posted (edited)

no idea

I'm not a geologist, so I don't know for sure if there is a natural non-Bigfoot phenomenon that can cause that.

What makes you think it's Bigfoot related?

Edited by mbh

Hello mbh,


Then the witness who said he saw Sasquatch excavating that very hole for rats must be lying. Either he is or he isn't. There's no middle ground on that one.

Posted (edited)

who cares?

Edited by mbh

If they bury their dead, it is likely that the behavior evolved because it provided some advantage.  The question is what would promote that behavior in the first place and what advantage would it convey that would result in its widespread adoption.

Posted (edited)

who cares?


We do.


The only other plausible explanation that I can think of is that Griz will work rock slides for army cutworm moth during the summer. And they can manipulate rocks. Unfortunately there are no Griz in the Cascades other than the north Cascades NP.


I do not believe that a geologic event causes these "rock wells".

Edited by norseman

If (big if) sasquatch (not "ssq") bury their dead in rock slides, wouldn't subsequent rock slides/movement in the slope then reveal buried bodies?


It's my experience with rock slides, that they would further bury them deeper.


I personally think that IF Squatch is moving rocks around and creating holes? It has more to do with food procurement, than any sort of organized burying ritual.


But hilfier brings up a good point, we don't find dead Squatch.........is this hypothesis a sound one? I think it may have some merit.


Unlike many reports we do seem to have some unexplained holes in rock slides as trace evidence. And am open to suggestions as to what causes them.......natural or otherwise.


We do.

The only other plausible explanation that I can think of is that Griz will work rock slides for army cutworm moth during the summer. And they can manipulate rocks. Unfortunately there are no Griz in the Cascades other than the north Cascades NP.

I do not believe that a geologic event causes these "rock wells".


who cares if I think a total stranger is lying


Griz are not going to dig a 4 ft hole and move 50-100lb boulders. Strange.

There is the one report of the BF head in the middle of a stream bank, (it was in the 80's, I was going to go 'look' for the skull, I could get a general location from the description, but too long ago.) near Castle Rock Co area. It was a good description, square teeth etc. So sometimes they die and no-body knows. Issue is, there are lots more people out there, so it could be a matter of time before someone does find one, but how they deal with it is another issue. How many stories about 'shot' BFs out there now?


The black bear population is in the hundreds of thousands - and many of us spend a lot of time outdoors.  How many here have seen black bear remains in the woods?  I have ran across one black bear and one cougar carcass in my time, and I would imagine that is more than most have.  I think the cougar was shot and left, I do not know what killed the bear.  Yet, as good as forested areas are at reclaiming bodies, complete lack of bones is a little concerning. 


As far as the rock formations in the pictures, I do not think that is natural.  That is to say I think those holes were created by something.  Interesting.

Guest JiggyPotamus

First of all I would like to make the argument that we do not NEED to account for the lack of sasquatch bodies by concluding that they bury them. Nature alone is a sufficient explanation to account for the lack of sasquatch remains. But coupled with the possibilities of them burying their dead, eating their dead, hiding their dead, living in areas where there are few if any humans, etc., I do not believe the lack of remains supports the idea that sasquatch do not exist. 


Sasquatch would not need shovels or other digging implements, first of all. Their hands are sufficient tools in that respect, especially considering their strength. They can out-dig any human by hand, and I imagine they can scoop more dirt since their hands are probably larger, if dealing with an adult. I would hypothesize that using a stick or something would only slow them down. 


I think that the soil in many forested regions of North America could be dug, as it would not be all that hard. Things to consider however are the time of year and thus the hardness of the ground, the number of trees and thus roots under the ground, the amount of rainfall, etc...If they do bury their dead, first of all, yet they couldn't dig a hole for one of these reasons, maybe then they would resort to covering them with rocks, putting them in a cave, or something like that. 


A point that is very important to remember is that the lack of sasquatch remains does NOT mean they bury their dead. We actually don't have enough data to know what they do. Of course there are some reports of them burying their dead, but there are not enough of these to statistically rule out the possibility that they are hoaxes. I suspect that at least one person has witnessed a sasquatch burying a dead loved one, but I need more than that to conclude that this is a widespread behavior. I have often said that the lack of tool use by sasquatch, coupled with their lack of any structured society or settling into communities, means that they are not as advanced or intelligent as some people claim.


I believe that their increased abilities and affinity for woodland things translates into what only appears to be intelligence from our perspective. Their intelligence is limited to their environment, more or less. Although I am positive that one could be trained just like a dog can be trained, and they are likely smarter than dogs as well. But their intelligence is not comparable to ours in most categories. Their logical abilities probably stop fairly short of that of a human. I also think that by our very nature, seeing something that looks so human doing things it normally does, we would automatically attribute some intelligence to it because of how it looks. If it looked nothing like us, and therefore didn't perform tasks similar to the way we do, I doubt there would be as many researchers claiming they possess higher intelligence.

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