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Is Sasquatch In Your Back Yard?


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Thanks Crowlogic.  You are thoughtful and kind.


All I can say is that I believe what George Harrison does.  I just listened to this clip again from him on his last interview alive.  He also picked up the guitar unexpectedly and played.  His philosophy on life is just rich.  You have to search for that bliss.  And if along the way you experience something, all you have to do is ask someone about it.  Knock and the door will be opened.  He has a transcendental view of life which is interesting.  He fully believes that connecting to nature, that which is within, brings you into harmony with what is around you.  It's not always easy, but sometimes you just have to relax, turn off your mind and float down stream.




On youtube search VH1 George Harrison and click the first thing that comes up.  I'm digging deeper in that interview right now to hear, "Any Road," "All Things must pass," and a few others.  Plus, "Tomorrow Never Knows."  My apologies to that poster who I sometimes irritate with my music injections to posts.  If it fits, I wear it. 


That's cool about the PG film connection Crow.  Did you know that Bob Gimlin is speaking at the OH BF Conference at Salt Fork State Park at the end of April?  We're going, me and the doubter in the house.  He loves me though, and he's looking forward to drinking a few beers hearing everyone talk about this phenomenon which he has yet to experience. 


You were at the beginning of this research.  I am a newbie.  Thank you for keeping the ball rolling forward!  I am a beneficiary of that and very grateful. 

Speaking of that, time to listen to Grateful Dead from Egypt 1978.  Another time before lots and lots of people were tuned into them.  But how cool is it that they could play at the base of the Pyramids during an eclipse, in Egypt!? 


Thanks again to all who have posted about this SSQ backyard thing.  I really appreciate your thoughts and time. 



P.S.  It's 2342 and the big winter storm has not showed itself yet thankfully.  Maybe another hour out here and we'll call it a night.  Things are quiet here except for a few critters running around.  I'll let you know if I hear anything inbetween my musical selections.


Thanks everyone! 

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Guest Crowlogic

Storm?  Where?  If there's snow cover tracks may happen.  Storms are no fun but can have benefit.  

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What you said is that if you can't convince people you consider them closed-minded.  Are you going to retract this and say that if they won't listen you consider them closed minded, whereas if they listen and then tell you you're wrong, they are not?


No retraction required, I think. I didn't say that they were closed-minded if I couldn't convince them, only that they fit that description if they refuse to even listen to possible evidence, dismissing the idea outright, with no room for argument. I don't care if they are  convinced or not, they can tell me I'm wrong once they have some basis on which to make a decision, but to refuse to listen at all IS closed-minded. I hope that's clear enough, I don't really want to argue the fine points of semantics.

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Guest Llawgoch

No retraction required, I think. I didn't say that they were closed-minded if I couldn't convince them, only that they fit that description if they refuse to even listen to possible evidence, dismissing the idea outright, with no room for argument. I don't care if they are  convinced or not, they can tell me I'm wrong once they have some basis on which to make a decision, but to refuse to listen at all IS closed-minded. I hope that's clear enough, I don't really want to argue the fine points of semantics.


To refuse to listen is indeed closed minded.  To listen and then say that they dismiss your evidence and do not accept a possibility of Bigfoot above the infinitesimal and not worth worrying about, is not.  This is not what you said, but I am glad you now agree.

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Depends.  What is "listening?"   If it is merely keeping your mouth shut waiting for your turn to talk but not considering what the person is saying, then you remain closed minded, but more politely so.   If you hear, ask an intelligent question or two, and **truly consider** the possibility you are hearing truth, then that sounds open minded.  


There are 3 groups of people with some variations within them.   There are knowers, there are believers, and there are disbelievers.  


Believers and disbelievers are assessing evidence presented by some third party and calculating a position ... they should keep an open mind to facts and evidence both pro and con because new evidence can come along which changes the balance.


The knower is separate from that discussion.  (1) There is nothing anyone has to offer that contradicts first hand experience.  The person having the experience may have something happen that changes context, but that's an internal process you have no influence on. (2) To paraphrase, "that which has been seen cannot be unseen."   Expecting your assessment of a situation to count as heavily, or more so, than someone else's first hand experience is both foolish and arrogant.   That isn't how it works, never has, never will.  Get used to it.



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Guest Llawgoch

Expecting your reported first hand experience to have any influence whatever over people who haven't had that experience and to whom all normal standards of evidence suggest that you almost certainly couldn't have had that experience  is also foolish and arrogant though.  They are going to believe you are lying or mistaken.  You need to get used to that too.


For the record, there may be people who actually have seen Bigfoot, if Bigfoot exists.  I have no argument with those who claim to have seen it.  They either have or they haven't.  My argument here is with the idea that anyone else who has not seen a Bigfoot ought to believe them.

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OHZ - I re-read your post and looked at your picture again.  I plussed your report.  I think they were saying, "Keep out Fool!"

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The knower is separate from that discussion.  (1) There is nothing anyone has to offer that contradicts first hand experience.  The person having the experience may have something happen that changes context, but that's an internal process you have no influence on. (2) To paraphrase, "that which has been seen cannot be unseen."   Expecting your assessment of a situation to count as heavily, or more so, than someone else's first hand experience is both foolish and arrogant.   That isn't how it works, never has, never will.  Get used to it.



So the "knower" is beyond making mistakes?

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MIB - I got a second plus thankfully and hit you on it.  Loved how you said that. 


Llawgoch - I hear what you are saying, but look at it from my perspective having seen one.  I want to tell people about my experience.  I don't require them to believe like I do, because they haven't experienced what I have.  But at least give me some slack and keep an open mind about it.  Otherwise I take it personally like they think I'm crazy, delusional or making up stories to get attention.   Even my husband thinks that I saw something, although he doesn't know what I saw. 


It's like my signature line from the GD, "Doctor calls me crazy, some say I am, some say I aint."  I don't expect perfect strangers to believe what I say, but if I have known your for years and all of the sudden come up with this story out of the blue, then at least LISTEN to me.  I can't expect you to believe like I do because you weren't there.  I get that.  But if you are going to look me in the face and say that I am wrong or whatever, when you weren't there, then I think that that is close minded.  And sometimes insulting to be honest.  Just because it doesn't fit within some people's realm of reality, doesn't mean that it isn't true. 


I am happy to hear other people's explanations about what it could be but...if I can't prove it was real, then you can't prove that it isn't.  Let's just have a little mutual respect and move on.  As Bob Dobbs would say, "Give me slack or give me food."  (reference to 80s Cleveland foolery). 


I'm at the city home tonight.  No SSQ in this backyard, that much I can promise.  Kind of good to be away from it a bit. 


Good conversation though, thanks for all the posts. 

roguefooter - Hell yeah, the knower can make mistakes.  How many times have I gone over and over this in my head.  That's why I love the BFRO.  Have someone that has experience investigating these things give their scientific research perspective.  If you go on their website and look at how they classify sightings, they talk about the importance of witness statements.  Look at what witnesses do in our justice system.


I looked for all kinds of other explanations and with this SsQ phenomenon, we do not have "proof" but we have lots and lots of people seeing similar things all over the world.  For someone to say that it doesn't exist at all with no basis for that thought except for it just doesn't seem possible, then what can you do?  You can't convince someone, and I'm not trying to do that.  All I'm trying to do is to find out answers to questions I have about what I saw and experienced.


Help me find another answer, because I'm looking for them.  Thank you for offering other possibilities I say to people who hear me.  Just don't call me crazy if you haven't experienced what I have.  Maybe I am crazy but if you put everything together logically, I ain't crazy and but I saw some crazy stuff!  lol 


Jimmy Buffet said that if we weren't all crazy, we'd go insane. 

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And by the way, I'm still trying to figure out what I saw walking up the road from the river near our house on Tuesday afternoon.  I am looking for explanations.  It was 20 feet from me, all black, girth to it, looked to be hunched over, moved quickly, half obscured I the bushes. 


If I didn't know about SSQ in the area, I would say that I saw a fast moving juvenile black bear.  I have gone through all the other explanations and it wasn't a dog, unless it was a black St. Bernard, it wasn't a coyote, they are scrawny, it wasn't huge though.  It looked to be waist high.  I couldn't see the head or any definition except for the body mass.  It moved quickly but hid or whatever because I couldn't see where it went.


Why didn't I stop and go looking for it or look for prints?  Another duh moment.  Just wonder about it and keep walking.  I kept looking back and whatever it was, was hiding again.  After I walked a bit, I heard some more branches break, looked back, but couldn't see anything. 


I reached out for help and someone suggested that it was a very young one, like a 4 year old SSQ.  THAT made sense to me.  It was the same black color as the big one that I saw last May.


Husband says that sometimes he thinks that I have BF Fever and that I think everything is a SSQ.  So I have to take him at his word and if there are a million other things it could be, lets here it.  I'm all ears.  I'm not looking for this stuff, seriously, but you can bet your bottom dollar that now that I KNOW they are around not only because of my experiences, there are class A independently verified sightings by people that saw it very close to me that I didn't even know about. 


Ha ha, song playing now, "Down by the river."  That's where I saw it, but I'm not going to shoot it dead.  I don't need proof like that. 


I never would have paid attention to that sort of thing before this past summer, but man oh man, stuff just keeps happening here.  Maybe I saw an owl for the eye shine, maybe I saw a bear, maybe I saw a baby bear, maybe a birds hit the windows and the house, maybe the big heavy breathing above my right shoulder on the porch behind me was a deer that was out of breath that had such big hooves that it sounded like steps, maybe they weren't reacting with me, maybe the neighbors were howling that night.


Could I be wrong about all this, sure, there's no way to know for sure.  But something is going on here and I think it's a family of SSQ here that are feasting off of the multitude of deer, game, crops and water.  There is plenty of uninhabited forests here that they can roam, and stay covered. 


After 14 years of living here, something was different, or a noticed something different last spring, summer, fall, and winter.  Stuff just keeps happening over and over again.  Some things are bigger than others.  When the BFRO researchers come back for a promised visit to camp out, I really want to work out the physical logistics of that eye spark and glow. 


The bottom line is, (sorry for all the rambling), that no one can prove my SSQ experiences, however, no one can prove that they didn't happen either.


So there we are.  


And the mystery continues. 


But as my room-mate in college used to say, "You know when you know."  That's all I got.

The song playing now by Hubert Sumlin sings, "People can be wrong, but they can't be wrong all the time.  I just play it cool, because that's all I know how to do."


Thank you all. 

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"There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear.  Stop hey, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down." (Buffalo Springfield playing now). 

Edited by Hammer102492
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Guest lightheart


One thing is that you spend a lot of time in nature at all times of the day and night. So being curious beings they probably do take advantage of all that "face time" to check you out. You are fascinating to them!!!!!! Take it as a compliment. LOL

I think sometimes that just living in the mystery of it can be enjoyable. I am keeping a journal this spring to record everything about what I am experiencing. This is just for me to be able to look for patterns and process what I am finding.

Well I am going out this morning. Can't wait to get to the woods --true peace and beauty.

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Bigfoot is not in my backyard.  Never has been and never will be!  In 1965 we didn't look for bigfoot behind every tree, heck we didn't look for bigfoot at all.  I am always vexed at how this thing has been groomed to include just about every niche we humans are in.  Keeping in mind  if humans are there nothing else is.


If I were a psychology grad student going for a phd I think I'd do it on the rise and fall of bigfoot belief.   It would be interesting to interview a habituated believer who goes full circle into non belief.  It would be interesting to seek out the reasoning why  this PNW/BC phenomenon grew to  include virtually all 50 states while the hard evidence of this wide spread population of beings remained as vaporous as the simple contained PNW/BC origination.  Why such a need for such belief made it spread so wide and why the belief ultimately might get  left aside.  That is a bigger mystery than the mystery at hand.

Crow....guess it largely depends on where my backyard is, doesn't it? I also have to say...your statement that human presence precludes all else is just flat contradicted by everything we know about the habituation to humans of a wide variety of species.  If BF lives, it is an animal. The sighting database describes their consistent behaviors and those are not exotic at all. Really, they are quite mundane and you could have predicted them with a high degree of accuracy if you didn't know about them already.


Animals are where they are consistently spotted, to just state the obvious. We all have to peg our own particular threshold for credulity, yes. But, to say any animal couldn't be anywhere only because we believe they shouldn't be is a recipe for underestimating creatures who don't ever consult us to get our expectations, don't you agree?  


Myself, I believe if there is prey, there are predators. Thus it always has been.    

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WSA - I believe you are 100% correct.  It is a fact that where an animal has prey, there they will be. 


In my area there are so many deer and other animals it's not even funny.  That's one of the main reasons why I think SSQ is here.  Our area is like the Golden Corral buffet here.  The local farmer took out a nuisance permit a few years ago because the deer were eating 6 rows into his crop.  He shot them and let them lay.  Hmmm, thinking about all the animals I see  or hear on a daily basis:














wild turkey


barn cats












Because I saw one down the road last May.  And my friend saw one in our backyard last August.  And I may have seen a baby one last week down the road I was hiking on to the river.  And I heard it, and heard knocks, and had rocks thrown and eye shine last month. 


Presently, something has been knocking down our trash cans in the barn about 200 feet from me now.  Dang pests, will have to clean that up tomorrow no doubt.

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