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N A W A C - Field Study Discussion (2)

See-Te-Cah NC

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We have to keep things in perspective......

Bipto's organization understands that a type specimen is the surest way to solve this issue. I don't think he is asking anyone to accept his anecdotal accounts as proof. You can accept them or call them false. Completely your call.

Hunting is observing and understanding your prey's movements and habits. Success depends on it.

I wish people would stop taking every observation and turning it into a debate over proof of existence.

Peace. Out.

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I'm on board with Bipto's group being among the best chance for scientific acceptance of the creature we know as bigfoot.



I'm fairly off board when tales of creatures rocking trees and causing them to break are spun. It diminishes much of their good, fine efforts.

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Stories are of no consequence, it bolsters and diminishes nothing......why?

Because stories have no currency in science.

Bipto could be wrong about his observation, bipto could be wrong about area x, proponents could be wrong about a cryptid ape existing...,.. This is just a fact of life. But we could be right too, and it's up to us proponents to offer up real evidence.

The time is ticking, that's the real enemy, not public opinion, the longer this goes on the less credibility we have. Which many have already written off to date or ever.

Many of us have seen things that cannot be explained by science and I suppose this is what drives us on.

Anyhow, there is a bigger picture here than what a large ape can or cannot do to a tree.

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I'm fairly off board when tales of creatures rocking trees and causing them to break are spun. It diminishes much of their good, fine efforts.

Like gorillas, orangs and chimps, all of which do it, you mean.  Just clarifying.

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Those apes do not live in North America, and doubt so much as to nearly guarantee their behavior could not produce the supposed  taking-down-trees-from-high-up-in-them wildly speculative tales brought forth in this thread of late.

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Moderator Statement


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Please keep forum rules in mind with future posts. Posts intended to get a rise out of another member are considered trolling and are subject to editing or removal with warning points assessed as needed. This matter of a tree does not seem like it rises to the level of sniping at each other; the staff does expect to see proper decorum ongoing.

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^^^I cannot tell you that oh, I know what is going on here.


But I know a number of NAWAC researchers (if you ever saw Alton Higgins all the way across a Wal-Mart parking lot, you'd think:  SCIENTIST.  I have no reason to doubt his having seen one).  They don't go off all crazy about stuff.  Anyone who has been in anything like X for any amount of time during the times of year that they are there [raises hand] knows that people like this don't go places like this chasing ghosts and imagination figments. 


I do think that anyone calling BS on them has to show me qualifications ...which would include being there.


FWIW, I have hunted near that area for several years and have observed no incidents, sign or other evidence to indicate UHS activity.

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It looks like the "anonymous" requirement for not giving weight to any BF narrative has now been ruled non-essential, you know that?  What next, I wonder?

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I don't know why this thread has descended into an intricate audit of every observation that is reported, it is disappointing and a distraction. They report their experiences in the field, that's all.


On the other hand, if these events are actually occurring, could not a picture or video be obtained?


It matters not, time will tell. If the events are occurring, eventually evidence will be produced. If they are not, claim upon claim upon claim will start to ring hollow and sort itself out over time. IMO, there is a clock (or count) running as far as public opinion goes.


Hope events are occurring as described, I'm rooting for the team and wish them good luck!

Edited by gigantor
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Like gorillas, orangs and chimps, all of which do it, you mean.  Just clarifying.


The apes listed above, are known to climb healthy 24" diameter hardwood trees, and shimmy enough to break one off at the trunk?


All of the above apes live 7000 miles from Area X, do you think the Wood ape is a case of divergent evolution, where the trait of climbing 45 feet into a large diameter tree, and shimmying until it falls over, and then making a last second leap to the ground below is selected-for? or do you think the Wood Ape evolved this trait whilst still in Southeast Asia, or Africa, and brought it with them on the 7000 mile journey to South east Oklahoma?

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Re: Anonymous reports


We hear a lot around here about how reports of strange occurrences cannot be credited, partially because they are from anonymous sources. That certainly is not the case here, and I didn't want it to go unremarked.


Reminds me of that scene from "The Limey."  "This is all getting way too close to me.....", he said.

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^^ WSA, if I follow you, you are saying that this report should be given more credit because it is not anonymous?  Is that your point?

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