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N A W A C - Field Study Discussion (2)

See-Te-Cah NC

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Yes, I don't think people can visualize what is being described sometimes, without a graphic.

Also, Look at my graphic, and tell me how an ape is going to leap to safety, whilst surrounded by a surrounding canopy of branches and leaves, all falling down around the ape at the same time?  The canopy and trunk are free falling, and the ape manages to leap free of the branches, leaves and alight safely on a pile of soft brush.

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We could be drawn ever increasingly into the "what didn't" analysis, which is what most prefer to do here, always. Me? Not so much. I always prefer to come at it from the "what did" p.o.v. So far, on that question: Nothing much.


Only when you hit that wall of uncertainty are you really ready to get dirty, in my opinion.

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Yes, I don't think people can visualize what is being described sometimes, without a graphic.

Also, Look at my graphic, and tell me how an ape is going to leap to safety, whilst surrounded by a surrounding canopy of branches and leaves, all falling down around the ape at the same time?  The canopy and trunk are free falling, and the ape manages to leap free of the branches, leaves and alight safely on a pile of soft brush.



"WSA, why do you refuse to accept as a response, " I don't know what did it, but I know what could not have done it?"  Really, just because the only science proposed is a nice hand drawn illustration (really Drew, nice work there) and disbelief. That, and no alternate explanation, at all.


Mechanical vibration is a complex thing, as anyone knows who has seen the Tacoma Narrows Bridge self-destruct. Oscillation, amplitude and dampening all must be accounted for. A large object oscillating the top of a tree is as different from a periodic wind gust as night is from day. A child exerting momentum at the apex of the arc of a swing generates an incredible amount of force that doesn't result if the child pumps at random, like wind shaking a tree. That is why your average playground swing has a steel chain to withstand the centrifugal force a 60 lb. child can exert. Any child who has ever gotten off on swaying the tip/top of a tree (guilty!) can tell you just how scary it gets, and how fast it gets there if your timing is good.


Has any of this been noted here, so far?   


No, I haven't seen any childhood anecdotes yet I don't think.



So what do YOU think did it, WSA?  Or do you prefer to criticize everyone else while offering no explanation yourself?

Edited by dmaker
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Yes, I don't think people can visualize what is being described sometimes, without a graphic.


I live it, and its just not possible. I bet the tree had some issues which helped the BF bring it down. When Bip looked at it close up, it may have looked healthy.


Cue the dmaker. :)


Bipto all I need is a picture to clear up this confusion.

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So will, let's say bipto returns and shows you a picture of an unmistakably healthy 2 foot diameter tree broken at the base?


What will you say then?  How will that picture clear up this confusion? If biptos claim is accurate then that is exactly what he is going to show you, if he shows any picture at all.

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So will, let's say bipto returns and shows you a picture of an unmistakably healthy 2 foot diameter tree broken at the base?


What will you say then?  How will that picture clear up this confusion? If biptos claim is accurate then that is exactly what he is going to show you, if he shows any picture at all.

A tree does not break that way if it is healthy, they shatter. White Oak especially will get a rot that can cause them to break somewhat clean. You see it mostly in the upper root system right below ground level, the roots will break off. It must have been a diseased or rotten tree for the BF to bring it over. Don't you agree?

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I don't think an animal broke a healthy tree as described. But bipto insists the tree was healthy. Whatever happened, I am sure there was no BF involved. 

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He may not have know the tree wasn't healthy, but a BF surely jumped. It may have been fleeing your Foghorn Leghorn chicken stalker avatar. :)

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I would like to present a roughly scaled image I created, to show the absurdity of this situation.


The mass of a 24" diameter tree DWARFS the mass of a 700 lb Ape.


Does anyone honestly think that a 24" hardwood tree would be snapped off by such a minuscule dynamic force?





Ya forgot the second BF at the base, pushing in coordination with the second one. Seems like an honest mistake to me though.

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He may not have know the tree wasn't healthy, but a BF surely jumped. It may have been fleeing your Foghorn Leghorn chicken stalker avatar. :)


How do you know that?

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^I'm fully prepared to be wrong. Mostly just teasing you a bit, I knew you wouldn't like me being so confident with it.


Can we do something with the stalker avatar? Its starting to scare me.

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