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It Will Not Make Any Difference

Midnight Owl

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Hello MIB and DWA,

Points noted I assure you but neither of you, nor Bindernagel, has spoken to ALL scientists point blank. A scientist may not wish to publicly raise his/her head or hand regarding the subject but I guanrantee there's plenty of personal interest out there regardless of the "party line".

OK, Instead of hearing, "Good point hiflier. I'd forgotten; I'll contact someone today and get back to you" I get nothing but quotes. Is it because you don't want to know? Tell you what....I'll try to fit the emails to some different departments myself into my busy, busy schedule. I think the Forum deserves some response either way anyway. Don't you?

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You miss it completely RockApe...it is a position of humility that proposes that I don't know everything that goes on in this world, quite the opposite view of many here who claim to have all the answers. And let me beat you to that punch…DWA is not saying he has all the answers either. He isn’t and trust me on that one.


There is a fundamental misappreciation of what truly forms the true basis of knowledge in this world, and it begins with the thought, "Crap, I probably am not as smart as I think I am..." Go there. I am there. You resist the messenger to the point you have a knee-jerk to the message. The message won't change, because it never does...curiosity and exploration trump smug certainty about how things “are†any day.


 "We don't know, but I want to worry the question like a dog with a bone." Say it, and I promise you it won't sting but a little.


Obtuseness merely shuts down dialogue. You've got people on this board with hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of field research time and wildlife observation ...knowledge they could bring, but why bother? They are on the side of answering the outstanding issue we all care about, but what profit they by coming here and talking about it with the likes of some? The supreme irony is this attitude stifles the very conversation ALL of us could learn from. As I’ve said many times, it squanders a valuable resource for the sake of position statements. A simple shame, is all.

Yeah well I'm gonna worry this like a dog with a bone.  Beats talking to some people.


WSA and I pretty much exemplify humility [puffs out chest/shows medals/sneers at the sneerers/preens].  thankyouthankyou, I always get that.  You are, honestly?  HONESTLY?  telling me that you have the solution to this whole thing; you cooked it up just like Mozart, righthereinmynoodle!; you flat know you are right and that everyone else - including scientists, applying science the way it always and ever should be -  is wrong; and....come again?  ...you are chiding US for ARROGANCE?  You picked the wrong field, buddy.  Ever check out what Chris Rock makes?


STOP with that.


Here is humility, illustrated (he says proudly):


Wow.  Um, thousands of people appear to be seeing this.  What is the bet that one guy is writing all of these?  Or ten pranksters?  Or least likely of all, thousands of individual pranksters who are all channeling each other and their inner primatologist (and I'll keep saying that until somebody shows me how this Big Hoax Thing - bigger by far than D-Day!  And probably millions, at least, more expensive! - is actually happening)?  Then you have all these tracks.  Are the same people making the tracks?  Is this a whole separate set of people, somehow channeling - or in league with - the storytellers?  What is the bet that that is what's really going on?  Who are they getting to wear the most technically advanced clothing ever, clothing that can make a person appear to be an eight-foot tall ape that kills big game and runs 40 mph?  What is the bet that that's going on?  


And what is the bet that I would take any of the oh-this-is-crap people over ANY of these witnesses, interviewing both one-on-one?


And if you disagree with anything I put up there...I will just humbly point out that you are mis-or-uninformed; point to the reading and humble study of nature and life that got me here, and suggest the same to you...and wait for you to show me that I am wrong, the way I show you that I am thinking about this maybe a tad more than you.


And wait...and wait....


Humbly, of course.  Your humble servant.

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And if you disagree with anything I put up there...I will just humbly point out that you are mis-or-uninformed....


What more needs said? What more could be said?

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^^^^[NOT HUMBLE but knows it]


And sure something more need be said:  show me that I am wrong.


How many years now...?


But is this not typical, and did WSA not show it back there a ways.  Put something up and go, have at it skeptics, let's hear you actually reason this out for a change.


The response?


Pick one line...and say something like that.  We're sorry the truth hurts.  There's a pill for that.  It's called curiosity.  Humble curiosity.

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Hello DWA,

In all you just said can you humbly ;) concur that within what you so humbly ;) iterated there is nowhere said there is proof of this Creature existing? A humble yes or no will suffice although one word answers may be too frustrating for you.

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WSA have you, as an attorney, ever evaluated a bigfoot witness?


Have you ever discussed Bigfoot in a court of law?


Of course not.

Okaaaaaay....wondering what this has to do with anything, but no, it doesn't typically come up in the course of a personal injury defense. Now, the cross-examination of witnesses to try and objectively ascertain truth? Oh yeah. See where my training and experience might intersect here? Good.

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Hello DWA,

In all you just said can you humbly ;) concur that within what you so humbly ;) iterated there is nowhere said there is proof of this Creature existing? A humble yes or no will suffice although one word answers may be too frustrating for you.


People who are too impatient to deal with the evidence need proof now.  The rest of us can wait.  It's really irrelevant to us.  Proof is one of two things:  societal acceptance or personal experience.  Neither have to do with the existence of the thing other than certifying that it does...something the evidence comes more than close enough to do.  For us.  Personally.  That's the power of evidence.

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What ever happened to Branco's bigfoot wearing the orange tracking collar?

Flippant dismissal? OK, got it. Thanks. Here's the version of the home game for you. Please exit through the gift shop and thanks for playing.

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Okaaaaaay....wondering what this has to do with anything, but no, it doesn't typically come up in the course of a personal injury defense. Now, the cross-examination of witnesses to try and objectively ascertain truth? Oh yeah. See where my training and experience might intersect here? Good.

No, but answer the question.  Have you ever cross-examined a bigfoot witness?  HAHA!  IT'S NOT REAL, IS IT...?


Some things one has to get used to.

So!  Summarizing:


Going back to the OP (anyone remember what this thread is about?  Right, that's why you have me), it really isn't going to make any difference when a body is produced.  


How could it?  Given that we have seen, right here on the BFF, that there is nothing - including facts staring one straight in the face - that a bigfoot skeptic will accept if it disagrees with what he has sworn on the altar of I Know to think?

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Look, the thing that I have the big problem with is people braying and whoo-hawing and this-isn't-real and ...and somehow expecting me to have some sort of responsibility to help them out.


I don't see that.  I'm where I want to be through thinking about this; reading about it; thinking some more...OK, seeing two things I don't have another convenient explanation for...and being all over the country and seeing how much room something like this has to exist.


(Compare to the amount of room for gorillas:  large social primates needing huge quantities of low-grade food...and being accepted as real, and thus hunted by an ever-growing human population for bushmeat and shot when they raid crops and etc.)


The evidence just says to me they're real, and that the people who say they aren't aren't paying attention.


I kinda get the habituators.  With all the denial and laughter and no-way, I can see how I might not only offer nothing to satisfy the skeptics, but keep dangling it out there and taunting them with it.  Oh, I get it.

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Hello DWA,


Well, it wasn't exactly a one-word post but I give you credit: It was after all a one word answer. Thank you.

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BFF Patron

I so wish I had a dozen skeptics with me the day of my first encounter.    Myths do not sound like the T-rex  in Jurassic Park when they are headed straight for you stomping through the woods,   myths do not make the ground shake when they lurch into a crouch,  they don't get up and tree knock to warn the other BF they have been whooping back and forth to for several minutes as they approached, and they don't raise up to peek at you through the underbrush.     I know, all of that is nothing without DNA or a body to prove it happened.   During that experience the only body I thought would result was mine.   I was convinced that I was about to get run over or killed.   Guess what skeptics,  DNA would not prove it happened either.    With proof of existence, someone still has to believe me a credible witness to accept my account.   There are those in BF research that refuse to believe my experience because it does not fit their theories about tree knocking.    So not only are you challenged or disbelieved by skeptics but you get the same treatment from proponents that do not hold the same beliefs.    This whole BF research  thing can be very frustrating and I am not sure this forum makes things any better.   Perhaps that is why researchers at some point no longer post.   That seems a great shame to me.      

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