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Bigfoot Cross Breeding?

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What happened to this place?  4 types?  Dogs mounting BFs?  Citing Melba K?  And barely getting called on any of this nonsense...



It must be true. I read it on the Internet. :)


Okay let me make a few things clear, as I a starting to feel a little misunderstood.

1) I am not saying in anyway shape or forum that there are for certain various types of Bigfoot/Sasquatch. What I am doing is asking a question based on observations of other posts, topics, media and what have you. In other places here on the forum and else where. I have seen that there are some people who believe that there are different types of Sasquatch/Bigfoot. Type 1) Being those that resemble more closely or exactly like the one scene in the Patterson Film hence "Patty type". Type 2) Being those that resemble a Neanderthal, or what we perceive a Neanderthal would look like. A cave man look to them, I put cave man in all truth as I have a very difficult time spelling I should have put "Neanderthal Type". Then finally type 3) The Dog-man or werewolf type. Ones that appear to resemble an up right walking Dog or wolf. Hence "Dogman". Though Jiggypotamas I do like your new turn on the phrase might I add.

2) I meant this to be a serious discussion and interaction. I am after all very curious in the subject of Monsters, and Cryptids in which Sasquatch falls. I was wanting to see the various views of other people about the subject. If these are indeed real. If they maybe real. If they are not real. If they may just be some sort of physical deformity or other variation within a gene pool. I am simply seeking to better understand an issue and look at the ideas and evidence put forward by others. 

Thank you.


Just wondering if there is a Dogman sightings database I can access?

Or do I need to lurk around on Facebook looking for ladies whose homes are coming under attack from these frightful beasts

Denialist is right. It's time to take out the trash.

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Mark, There is a Facebook forum for Dogmen Believers Only  and /or Dogman Encounters Believers only. 


About 2,500 years ago, Confucius said that "all men are cousins". Years ago, I worked for a company that had 38 ethnic groups under one roof. Quite a range of specialization/adaptions in the facial structures/physical builds for my cousins, of one species.

What is wrong with some of you people? Sasquatch interbreeding would be very painful/fatal. Gestational survival is questionable and then there is the question of death during birthing due to size.

On the flip side, ask yourself if Sasquatch think that there are more than one species of human? No, merely different flavors:

type 1 vegetarian

type 2 southern fried

type 3 tex-mex

type 4 sichuanese

Relax, they won't touch you. You are full of preservatives, cholesterol and something else.

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Sweetsusiq..could you clarify something for me? Did whatever you saw have paws or hands? Feet or paws? Maybe I'm confused as to what a dog man is... I certainly don't want to annoy folks here, but I don't understand the connection between a dog man and a Sasquatch, unless it's the appendages?


I'm going to have to say that it's exceedingly unlikely that Bigfoot and a large dog produced viable offspring...

I totally understand how you feel and why you feel that way,


I just cannot explain the impossible to myself, much less anyone else, and I saw the doggone thing, and it was not human, it looked like a Patty type of BF, but it had a *snout*.


My life has gone down hill since that event:(

The Dogman I saw had Patty's body, looked like Patty, except no breasts, and this creature had a snout.


Take a picture of Patty, take away her breasts, add a dog snout, and you will have the creature I managed to see.

I do not remember hands or feet at this moment. I'm sorry, I just remember the huge body, face, snout, hair color, that type of stuff. 


Critters tend to breed with what's available. In the canine world especially. I suppose in the world of human-types, it is probably true also. But, as a guy, a gal with a snout would probably be a deal-breaker.


......sooo, a date with Barbara Streisand would be a no go ? ;)


......sooo, a date with Barbara Streisand would be a no go ? ;)

Barbara has more of a schnoz. I'm thinking, a snout, like a female version of Patrick Ewing...

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Lol, now that's a mental image I hadn't considered.


What happened to this place? 4 types? Dogs mounting BFs? Citing Melba K? And barely getting called on any of this nonsense...


This shoud be discussed...


What happened to this place?  4 types?  Dogs mounting BFs?  Citing Melba K?  And barely getting called on any of this nonsense...


I watched a documentary last nite on something called a Sheepsqautch, That is have sheep and half Sasquatch crossbreed,  I thought the same thing, LOL Gees what will they come up next


Yesterday I was in "addict mode", and was reading/watching a variety of BF comments online. Somewhere-- I THINK it may have been an interview with "Melba"-- I heard an account of a *Dogman type creature having been seen on the family farm by her Father (her also, I believe), and she mentioned that it had raped a horse, leaving it in a pretty unhealthy condition. It was also mentioned, as I have read MANY times, that BF supposedly HATES Dogman. I thought, "well Hmmm... maybe one reason BF hates Dogman so much is because DM also *rapes/tries to rape BF females, and that could account for some of the creatures that resemble both... not as ferocious-looking as a DM, but still having a snout". The sightings accounts I've read certainly sound like DM would have no problem overpowering a BF female.


Just a thought, and I'm sure most of you more learned members know the story I'm talking about...



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