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Now What?

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I've talked to 'high tech'' ("smart")people that think the moon landing was a hoax. Nothing is ever "solved" it seems.


But it is accepted as fact by the vast majority of the earth's population that we put men on the moon, just as it is accepted as fact that there are creatures such as lions, tigers and bears. Until it becomes accepted as fact by the vast majority of earth's population that BF does exist "what's next" doesn't matter.

Posted (edited)

With every passing day I believe more so that the existence of this animal will never be proven given the sheer abundance of problems it would create in all types of things, none more so than the logging industry that equates to $$.

And that's why I'm starting to think that this is never gong to be nailed.

I'd bet my life and have no doubt whatsoever that the powers that be already know that these things exist, and in fact I find it ridiculous to think they're unaware.

So with that in mind, and as absolutely horrific as it is, I think the OP question is nothing but something that will never happen.

My thoughts exactly .


One could also bet that less folks would be visiting the wilderness in all forms of activity , which would be a plus for guys like myself .


Gun and ammo sales would increase even worse then they are now , which is a bad thing for guys like myself ... lol


The label slapping of the bear spray is a good idea though , would be a money maker for a minute , until bigfoot took it away from some slappy and implanted it into his forehead .

Edited by WV FOOTER
edit quoted text

Yes, need some small print "No warranty express or implied, no liability especially if user loses control of can."


Bear spray does not have a warranty. The spray is 3 components: irritant, carrier and propellant. The carrier is vegetable oil which attracts bears and other animals once the irritant fades away.

BFF Patron

I've talked to 'high tech'' ("smart")people that think the moon landing was a hoax. Nothing is ever "solved" it seems.


Must not be truly, "high tech" then.   


I also have met folks who don't believe we landed on the moon. It was a staged tv show... And that the earth is only about 10,000 years old. Never on the east coast, only out here in Oklahoma.


If the scenario were to take place I would think it safe to say that the mainstream scientists would already have the next 4-5 steps in the works before ever coming forward with the presser.

This means that the .gov has "blessed" the press conference, and has supplied the verbiage to the people who are doing the talking.

So, the restrictions on habitat would be going in to place as the presser happens. The right palms would be greased, the players all aligned and everything pre-positioned to bamboozle the folks.

"This is just the very beginning of the discovery process. We cannot answer questions right now because we simply do not have enough information to do so. The purpose of this conference is simply to inform the American People, that there is a new mammal to be studied in our country. We've done this before, and while this is a bit different, we know how to proceed. We want the citizens to be aware of this of this discovery, and to also be confident in the knowledge that we are bringing all the resources of the government and Academia to bear to accelerate the learning process so that we can answer the questions we all have regarding range, population numbers, and the biology of the new mammal. We are opening a new .gov website where people can fill out a form if they see one.


The website is www. the new mammal.gov. The package available on the tables at the rear will have this info.


This website will be constantly monitored by skilled officials who will process and bring forward the relevant information reported to our crack team of government scientists, which we will be forming over the coming months via a selection process approved by the highest level of government experts. While we won't be able to respond to citizen reports, rest assured every single one is being carefully reviewed by our experts, who are being trained now by government experts. This entity will be known as American New Mammal Study Group, or ANMSG for short. Again, we won't respond to your reports, but we absolutely  thank you for your help."


We have the best scientists in the relevant fields now meeting in Washington DC to review the staffs of Universities all over the country and this group which will be an Official Subcommittee, to the new overseers of this process, your United States Senate. The Senete is in the process of forming the Senate Select Committee on the New Mammal, Or SSCON, will be aided  by the Esteemed Professor Dumb Asa Boxarocks, PhD., who has agreed to serve as Senior Advisor to the SSCON.

The Secretary of the Interior will be as Special Liaison to the Committee, and report to the Administration any findings of the ANMSG as they are identified and a Plan for Moving Forward is developed.

We are recommending that the states who want to be involved in this study form a similar chain of command, and Team at their level, and designate one individual to report, quarterly, to the Select Committee. This report will be used to make decisions for the allocation of any funding that we bring to the process, and provide an avenue for clear, precise and regular communication both ways.

The SSCON will, naturally, create several sub-committees, as needed, to develop individual drafts of the Moving Forward Plan. Initially, there will be a subcommittee created and staffed to identify sources for funding this matter. We don't plan for tax increases, but can see the need for several new user fees for those who are impacting the New Mammal. We see no reason whatsoever that The Moving Forward Plan cannot be drafted for review in 24 months, and then the new employees and departments necessary for implementation can be hired, trained, and staffed up within another year. The SSCON is firmly committed to bringing a working draft to the full senate within 48 months, naturally, there could be unforeseen challenges ahead that might impact this timeline, but the SSCON is committed to serving the American People, and The New Mammal.

Thank you for attending"


It would, as it always does, come down to money. Deciding from whom to take it, and how, and to whom to give it, and what strings shall be attached thereto.


Personally, and no offense intended, I don't see the premise given in the original post to be one that has much chance of taking place.

There is simply too much power at risk, and too many far-reaching possibilities to allow it.

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