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Bigfoot Tv Shows


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I like watching the shows because I have learned some things from them but honestly I don't see where they have done any better or worse than anything or anyone else.

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I like watching the shows because I have learned some things from them but honestly I don't see where they have done any better or worse than anything or anyone else.


Good point, the more time you place in this topic Victoria, the plainer things will become and clearer they get...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mountain monsters is a comedy. It's like Reno 911 in the woods with sasquatch.

The last time I watched an episode with my son, they caught 2 Chupa cabras and bigfoot came and set them free....they said bigfoot and Chupa cabra were working together lol.

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The latest Mountain Monsters bordered on being disgusting, yet we sat & endured most of it anyway. (Which demonstrates the depths to which the quality of TV programming in general has sunk.)


I don't think it can last much longer if "Wild Bill" isn't reined in & returned to the institution from which he escaped. His habit of running around, waving his arms, & screaming is bad enough, but the "corn eating scene" was just too much. I've seen hogs eat slop with more finesse. :thumbsd:

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Anyone ever watch "River Monsters"? The premise of the show is that this bloke travels the world and researches, investigates and attempts to capture fish and river creatures that are considered "mythical or legendary."  Through perseverance, and unlike the "Finding Bigfoots" etc... he always seems to "get a result." Just something to consider,,,,

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Anyone ever watch "River Monsters"? The premise of the show is that this bloke travels the world and researches, investigates and attempts to capture fish and river creatures that are considered "mythical or legendary."  Through perseverance, and unlike the "Finding Bigfoots" etc... he always seems to "get a result." Just something to consider,,,,


Yes, this is a good show, Jeremy Wade is very amenable and knowledgeable. He also did a show about the Loch Ness creature and ran through what the possibilities could be one by one................I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it, but someone like him could do a very good Sasquatch/Bigfoot show if given enough time I feel.


I always watch these types of shows and think out loud 'why don't you just take more time in the area, spend a few weeks or a month there and you'll exponentially improve your chances of turning up evidence or even proof'. Always seems to be some huge rush and then they turn up some ambiguous call or print or whistle or something on the very last day without having any more time to look into it further :rolleyes:


So long as you go in with realistic expectations that the show is just entertainment then some of these shows are quite good, Mountain Monsters is just too far over the line for me though.

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Yes! The Loch Ness episode was the best program that I have seen on this topic. And you are correct. If more researchers or TV producers employed Wade's method's perhaps, they too, would get the occasional result. But ultimately, it IS always about time and money...

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If you are serious about this topic, you don't waste time on those shows, and if you just HAVE to watch them, you do it with some awareness of what they are. Not science, not comprehensive information, not adding to the knowledge base (much). Sells a lot of soap though. Me, I don't need any soap. 


I should add as well: If you are using your impressions of those programs to extrapolate some greater commentary on the real issues that need examining, you are really yawing far wide of the mark, in my opinion.

Looking through the pile of posts:  not surprised to light on and quote this one.


Bigfoot TV is first and foremost - and last and hindmost - TV.  NAWAC has no interest in TV accompaniment because their first second third and 4543rd priority is:  staying the course; trying approaches; sticking with approaches that move them closer; and getting proof.  "Dancing With The Stars" is about as close to the mark as "FB," and not because Cliff and Bobo, but because:  TV.  See The Country, Hear The Stories, Inhale the Kulcha...and well, as we're afraid we *won't* FB, let's not even pretend to.


I was thinking Survivorman could get some funding, go somewhere with a lot of recent reports, hang out there for a year with resupply...and nnnnnnnnnnope.  He's doing "FB2:  The Sequel With Different Guy."


I keep hoping for BBC or PBS to do what they did for "Planet Earth":  unleash state of art people to do whatever is needed, for however long, and put *that* in front of our populace.  For now, pipe dream.

Edited by DWA
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I enjoy Finding Bigfoot, but that's purely due to the characters of the four researchers- definitely not out of any hope that they'll actually find anything. And I suppose their optimism can be a bit of a boost on those days when I despair of Sasquatch ever being found!


As for the publicity, I do think it helps to eliminate the stigma-- I'm sure there are thousands of encounters that go unreported for fear of being called crazy and so on. Even if it doesn't help advance our knowledge, at least these poor people who were genuinely frightened by- at least to their belief- a Bigfoot can get some peace of mind.


I think that's quite nice, even if the shows are useless in every other way!

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Watched the new Survivor Man Bigfoot show on Friday. Was disappointed.


He was acting like he was spooked being in an area of multiple sightings. He was doing tree knocks and if I remember right he said if he heard a return knock, he would probably pack up and leave. Whole thing seemed over the top and over dramatized, at least to me. I had hopes, because he's the one guy with the networks backing, and he should be able to produce a top notch show. I think there's more shows coming. Hopefully the next one is better...

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FB is coming to my area for an episode in the next month or so. I'm sure I'll try to make the "Town Hall" meeting. ;-)

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If I've said it once here it's a million times:  every time I open the recent reports on the BFRO database there are reports from the current or immediately prior calendar year.  That never happened before FB; and it's naïve and shows you haven't read them to think there's anything going on but people knowing where to report now.


The Town Hall may be the most worthwhile aspect of the show (he says and he has never watched the show).  To get one's first exposure to reports from seeing people reporting them might help some people consider another angle than "they're obviously making all of this up."

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are serious about this topic, you don't waste time on those shows, and if you just HAVE to watch them, you do it with some awareness of what they are. Not science, not comprehensive information, not adding to the knowledge base (much). Sells a lot of soap though. Me, I don't need any soap. 


I should add as well: If you are using your impressions of those programs to extrapolate some greater commentary on the real issues that need examining, you are really yawing far wide of the mark, in my opinion.

I believe your accessment is wrong. Its conditioning. There is a reason all these shows are on tv about bigfoot, all a sudden.........

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Guest OntarioSquatch

The only TV show on Bigfoot that I thought was good was Monster Quest. They were legit and made a lot of their episodes on Bigfoot.

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The only TV show on Bigfoot that I thought was good was Monster Quest. They were legit and made a lot of their episodes on Bigfoot.

I agree, I watch old episodes of Monster Quest and think to myself, "How far backwards TV has slid on the subject of BF & how can this be so?"  Is anyone actually entertained by this garbage that is produced today? 

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