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Bigfoot Tv Shows


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Guest OntarioSquatch

Is anyone actually entertained by this garbage that is produced today? 


I think a lot of people are. Based on reviews for Mountain Monsters, it seems a lot of people know it's fake, but they enjoy watching it anyway. 

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Guest ChasingRabbits

I think Mountain Monsters is hilarious. I root for the monsters whenever they throw stuff at the team or knock one of them down. And the traps they build look like they ordered them from the same ACME company that the Coyote ordered from.

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The reason all of these shoes are on the air is simple.

They generate revenue.


The creators of  these shows have found something that the viewing public seems to want to watch. They know that they must strike while the iron is hot to cash in, as there are few things as short as the attention span of todays' populace.

So we have everything you can imagine, and we will right up until the ratings tank and the viewers move on to the next shiny little bangle that comes along.

(I really don't include River Monsters in this genre, it is pretty much everything the rest of them are not.)

If while watching any of this other stuff  you remind yourself that the show must generate revenue to remain on the tube the picture, as it were, frequently becomes much clearer.

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I can't stand the way so many shows overuse BIG SCARY MUSIC, jumpy editing and the like. Compare today's drivel with shows like In Search Of (which probably got a lot of us hooked on it). I've only seen a few episodes of FB but it struck me how they'd be out in the woods asking each other "Did you hear that?!" with BIG SCARY MUSIC. Of all the cryptids, Bigfoot is by far the most likely to exist, yet these shows seem to want to lump them all in with chupacabras, haunted bridges, and other elements which are best described as folkloric. Until we actually get some adults making some shows (DWA, I love your idea of something similar to the BBC's approach to the Planet Earth series) we're going to be stuck with it. I've been waiting for "reality TV" to die for years now but it doesn't show any signs of stopping, more's the pity. Thank heaven for Netflix, TVO and PBS or there'd be no point in owning a TV at all.

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Ive thought about throwing the gopro into the saddle bags a time or two. Problem is I am a horrible camera guy. I go on vacation and take three pics in a week....... I enjoy looking at the BC crew's pictures though.

Edited by norseman
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Guest possessed

I watch them all. Right now, I'm very much enjoying Survivorman Bigfoot.

I love Mountain Monsters, it's fake, but I think its hilarious. By the way, those guys aren't stupid, they may be following script, but they are far from stupid.

I watch Finding Bigfoot but have gotten very bored with it. It seems always the same and very predictable.

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Guest Crowlogic

I watched a video documentary with Rick D@#r and Tom Biscardi and they're off (separately) on the hunt down in Texas.  Well there's Biscardi's group and a couple of other yokels all of whom had big bellies, bad teeth and could very well have been substance users.  Then there's D@#r's meanderings and he's in the woods with homeless chain smoking alkys and there's another guy who stops at a gal passed out drunk on a lawn with a bottle beside her.  He rouses her up and gives her $5 (good soul).  But here is the rub.  Each and every person in that video is either a derelict  Biscardi or Rick D@#r.  Now I've seen enough of this stuff to get a handle on the caliber of perhaps the bulk of the "research" community and I'm less than impressed that they're capable of finding the men's room let alone bigfoot.  Sure there are a few sharp people in the hunt but I have the impression that there are very few bright light bulbs in the field.  I suspect the cream of the crop has already been on Monsterquest or other network productions and there's a half dozen that seem competent and educated.  But the rest well it's no wonder that bigfoot culture is a cryptozoology dog and pony show.

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