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Bigfoot Is Nearly Everywhere Is An Untenable Pretense

Guest Crowlogic

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Don't forget the yeren, yowie, yeti, and orang pendek. Ape men are global

And what fossil evidence we do have? Supports that premise. We and our cousins got around, so then the question just becomes are they extinct or are they extant?

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BF are reported in every state at this point. Not sure what the premise is of this thread? BFRO reports in just about every state. Wherever there is a large deer and elk population, and forested areas you have BF reports.


Also, I can tell you, we aren't hearing about 1/100 of the public reports, just being in a couple of grapevines. Probably 1/1000 BF experiences gets reported. Im talking about BF seen ''in town'' by the cemetary, reported by 2 different people to 911 etc. Stuff like that you will never hear.

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Guest Crowlogic

BF are reported in every state at this point. Not sure what the premise is of this thread? BFRO reports in just about every state. Wherever there is a large deer and elk population, and forested areas you have BF reports.


Also, I can tell you, we aren't hearing about 1/100 of the public reports, just being in a couple of grapevines. Probably 1/1000 BF experiences gets reported. Im talking about BF seen ''in town'' by the cemetary, reported by 2 different people to 911 etc. Stuff like that you will never hear.

Bigfoot is reported in nearly every one of the lower 48 states.  Now given this plethora of places it resides in how does each and every researcher come up empty handed every time?  Forget about the tripe that passes for evidence.  If the evidence was genuinely strong there would be genuine proof coming from all over the country.  And if not from all over the country at least from the places that are the better hot spots.  The burden of proof is not on the non believer the burden of proof is on the proponents making claims and issuing forth evidence.  The evidence fly's in the bigfoot community but the bigfoot community is a largely mutual admiration society.  The evidence is seen in a less than stellar capacity in most other places.

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This is an accurate statement, IMO. Study of the BFRO reports (along with sat maps) alone indicates as much. They don't have to be rare and hidden away in the Rockies to elude our mostly clueless populace.

How do you elude something like population density?


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BF are reported in every state at this point.

There has been a report in Hawaii?


If not, that's another $20 you owe me.

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BFF Patron


A Denisovian finger bone would be great!


Have thought the same thoughts so many times over the last 6 months or so.........


That museum stash is probably all we really need.  

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There has been a report in Hawaii?


If not, that's another $20 you owe me.


Bigfoot is reported in nearly every one of the lower 48 states.  Now given this plethora of places it resides in how does each and every researcher come up empty handed every time?  Forget about the tripe that passes for evidence.  If the evidence was genuinely strong there would be genuine proof coming from all over the country.  And if not from all over the country at least from the places that are the better hot spots.  The burden of proof is not on the non believer the burden of proof is on the proponents making claims and issuing forth evidence.  The evidence fly's in the bigfoot community but the bigfoot community is a largely mutual admiration society.  The evidence is seen in a less than stellar capacity in most other places.

I've already told you. BF 'researchers'' are mainly clod-hopping clowns shows. And LOTS of people have some sort of interaction with them, only about 1/1000 incidents gets reported. Class 2 and 3s are most of which goes unreported, but its still some level of interaction. BF do not generally want to be seen, and are well camouflaged, and live in dense undergrowth, and know about human patterns of behavior to avoid us as much as possible.


There has been quite a few hair samples that come up ''primate'', but people ignore them. In terms of genuine proof, that would take a body, or bones, - but ''Giant'' bones seem to come up more than BF bones, I've only read of one person finding (seeing) a ''BF head'', possibly, great description, 30 years ago. Giant bones seem to disappear just as fast as BF DNA.


How many Chupacabra hairless dogs do you hear about? More than BF, but dogs are not nearly as smart or wiley as a BF. Those are pretty rare. And the ''Loch Ness Monster'' Greenland Shark, has only been just outed by Jeremy Wade of Monster Fish or whatever. But no ''body''.


BF are everywhere. They are all over Ohio. Grassman. Who'd have thunk?


Eventually the culture will reach a saturation point, and BF will go in the cultural trashbin, when the TV shows go off.

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Guest ChasingRabbits

A comment about the population map. I live in one of the blue areas of that map. And I can tell you that within that area, the population is concentrated around the metropolitan area. It's so concentrated that our state wide elections (US senator, state governor, comptroller, attorney general) are determined by the voters of 1 city and 2 counties because the populations of those 3 areas combined are greater than the remainder of the state. While  it's unlikely that BF would live in the inner city or the suburbs, there are less populated, forested and under developed areas that could support BF.

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How do you elude something like population density?

I live in one of the deepredbluest parts of that map; and I can tell you that it's a mistake indeed to use them to judge what might live there.  While I would be surprised indeed to find a sasquatch or three using the area within a ten-mile radius of my home as a year-round abode, should they use many places within that radius as a travel corridor they would be little noted, if seen at all, and likely not reported if they were.

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If anything, it would make sense that Sasquatch have increased in population. Simply because their "presumed" food supply, mainly deer, have greatly increased in number over the past 100 years. Not to mention, a wide ranging, stable and controlled habitat. It would also make sense they would live in most areas of the country, that supported their food source and provided adequate cover.


I agree with Wags comment in there's never been a well organized and sustained search effort for these creatures.


Imagine that we have a breeding population of 100,000 creatures. Given the vast habitat that's available, of roughly 110,000,000 acres, this would result in one adult Sasquatch per every 1,100 acres. You can also do an average of roughly 2000 creatures per state, not discounting Hawaii, which has no reported sightings. Once you consider how few of them, there could be, per every acre of wilderness, then you get an idea of the challenge in finding one.


A few years ago, I read an article about the difficulty of finding downed aircraft, in a national forest, especially mountainous terrain. I can't remember the numbers so please forgive any inaccuracy, but something like only one out of five, downed, private aircraft, are ever found. Most especially if the pilot does not file a flight plan. If we can't find a downed airplane, with modern technology at our disposal; how difficult is it to find a constantly moving animal that's trying to remain hidden?


The popularity and interest in Sasquatch has grown exponentially. As has been mentioned, there are dozens and dozens of Sasquatch groups and research teams. Sounds like a lot but, again, compare the quantity of interested individuals, to the quantity of purported Sasquatch and available wilderness habitat. How many people are consistently looking for Sasquatch full time? Are there 1,000, a 100, 50, 25....etc?


All of the people interested in Sasquatch do not equate to people actually looking for Sasquatch. Unless a creature decides to make an appearance on one of the many Bigfoot TV shows, it's unlikely we'll find one in the near future.


The increased public interest and subsequent awareness of Sasquatch, over the past 20 years, is only a factor of the media. The efforts to find this creature have also increased but not to the point that it makes any significant difference. It's much like buying two lottery tickets, instead of one, it helps, but statistically, it makes no difference.

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Actually, there should be more road-crossing video's of squatches. I think that yet again, most of these videos do NOT get released. There are a handful of cell-phone? videos out there, Christmas Oregon, Estes Park Colorado, maybe a few more, not too many though.

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I was doing some figuring, at any one time, just in Washington State, there's at least a couple of dozen planes unfound, this is about 10 times the number of "visibly a sasquatch" corpses that should statistically be lying around given quite high population estimates. That makes the assumption that it's 2 weeks before corpse degraded, scavenged, rotted or scattered enough that casual  observer would realise it wasn't a bear or something. Then for a few weeks after you get a period of the chance that a one in 10,000 hiker comes across this one in 100,000 skeletal remains and realises it's "different". That's just comparing fixed objects that should be found.... and the plane wreckage should be somewhat more "fixed" in time than the corpses. Though with plane occupants, missing hikers, etc, it's seeming to me that on average you'll find a dozen grisly sites with modern human remains before you find a sas corpse..... annnd as far as I can remember, only a couple of people on here have mentioned finding potential human remains.  



More road crossing vids would be nice, we are seeing increasing adoption of dash cams, BUT, they suck for detail, as do cell cams (wide angle lenses) so it's really only going to add to the blobsquatches. GoPros also suck due to the extreme wide angle.


Edit: Yah, this is about what you get, fascinating, but not a new "PGF" http://www.kavkazvideo.com/47-of-82-georgia-police-dash-cam-bigfoot-video_606223d93.html 

Edited by Flashman2.0
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