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What About The Bones? Research Paper Now Available.


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BFF Patron

Live feed 24/7 means wifi and internet access.    Somehow I don't think a remote canyon in Idaho is going to have that without satellite Dish internet or something of that nature.        Then as things go, put in dishes and other gadgets and the BF avoid the place.    Things like that are possible but at what cost?    A hidden Plotwatcher or interval camera is lower tech but might be effective if hidden well enough.  

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The ones passing through Lemmon Valley each summer seemed to be traveling toward Idaho on a line from Lake Tahoe, over Peavine Mountain, through Lemmon Valley, West of Pyramid Lake, on to the Pah Rum Mountain cluster, and probably further North into Idaho.

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I would get the coordinates on your GPS and head up there and see for your self if you live in the area. I am looking for a kill site that is full of deer this shot gun deer season . When I find it I will photograph it .


DNA does prove that the Kennewick man is Native American but science argues that there is still much to learn from him before being handed over for a proper tribal burial.  He had 3 ribs fractured and a spearhead and lived 20 years before he passed away. Being that he was 200 hundred miles away from his own tribe made him a wonder. He lived 20yrs past his injury's from where he was found. This make him some very early man who must have seen things that we can only imagine.


Native Americans call him the Ancient one  so to be given a name like that must mean a lot to them. If our ancestry started in Africa then why is DNA not lining up with that. 

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BFF Patron

The ones passing through Lemmon Valley each summer seemed to be traveling toward Idaho on a line from Lake Tahoe, over Peavine Mountain, through Lemmon Valley, West of Pyramid Lake, on to the Pah Rum Mountain cluster, and probably further North into Idaho.

Could that be the great fall gathering the habers talk about?     If you think about it a conclave like that would spread genetic diversity if mates from other areas are selected in the process.  


Shadow I don't think they mention African Origins for Kennewick man because we supposedly all have them if you go back far enough.       In my case 67,000 years on my  mothers side and 100,000 years on my fathers side.      My paternal markers show his ancestors out of Africa by 67,000 years ago when they moved into Asia.    Kennewick man would have been similar I would guess.      These genetic markers are a work in progress.    Only a small percentage of the humans on the planet have had the tests done.    When they find interesting markers and can tie it to a locality,   then they can date the genetic departures using archeological methods.      It is a long and tedious process.    And probably not something the government encourages for First Nations people.      Those findings could blow open the great North American history lie. 

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Could that be the great fall gathering the habers talk about?     If you think about it a conclave like that would spread genetic diversity if mates from other areas are selected in the process.


If this was so that would mean that they know about blood line. How else could there be selective breeding with out knowing something about blood line?  We all know that we breed with the best chance of having a offspring that will be better. So what is outlandish to think that these creature think like this ? right ! What I understand from them is that they wish to hide from us.



This is why networking is important and can verify important sites like this. We all have to stay with in the law which is the first rule in this game. You may be 500 miles away but having some one close by and being to dispatch is a key in finding the truth to this creature. If you get the coordinates to that area  and trust a group then feel free to offer it.  For me chances are the animals died on their own there own.

Edited by ShadowBorn
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Also google "ice age columbus", our history books are wrong.


This is interesting.   I found Ice Age Columbus: Who were the First Americans?  Is this a real documentary or "mock-umentary"?  


If accurate, it seemingly supports some of Melba Ketchum's claims which I'd written off.   You recall she said bigfoot was a hybrid between modern human and something else.   She cited, perhaps without actually naming it, the Solutrean Hypothesis as explanation for apparent European haplogroups in the "bigfoot" mito DNA which, if Native American of Asian ancestry, shouldn't have been there. 



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It seems to be a real documentary.  Don't think it necessarily relates to bigfoot, but the scenario is entirely plausible and would explain the European DNA in 1/4 of native Americans and the Solutrean artifacts.

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Also google "ice age columbus", our history books are wrong.


This is interesting.   I found Ice Age Columbus: Who were the First Americans?  Is this a real documentary or "mock-umentary"?  


If accurate, it seemingly supports some of Melba Ketchum's claims which I'd written off.   You recall she said bigfoot was a hybrid between modern human and something else.   She cited, perhaps without actually naming it, the Solutrean Hypothesis as explanation for apparent European haplogroups in the "bigfoot" mito DNA which, if Native American of Asian ancestry, shouldn't have been there. 





No it's real and supported by DNA and distinct stone tool manufacture.




Not that I believe anything Ketchum has to say :)

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  • 3 months later...

 I have some ideas for Plotwatcher type cams (no sensors or flashes, daytime only) to place them at around 16' high overlooking some of the springs in the area. If nothing else, I should get a good idea about what other animals frequent the area. Who knows, maybe I can get some pictures of a bigfoot sitting down to a side of elk ribs. ;-)


Big Tree Walker, I was curious if you were able to attempt that, and what you used to trigger the camera, or did it continuously run?

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I have some ideas for Plotwatcher type cams (no sensors or flashes, daytime only) to place them at around 16' high overlooking some of the springs in the area. If nothing else, I should get a good idea about what other animals frequent the area. Who knows, maybe I can get some pictures of a bigfoot sitting down to a side of elk ribs. ;-)


Big Tree Walker, I was curious if you were able to attempt that, and what you used to trigger the camera, or did it continuously run?

Last summer got way to busy for me so I wasn't able to get it done. But it's still on for this summer.

The Plotwatcher is a very simple time lapse camera. You set it to take pictures every 5 or 10 seconds or custom time. It comes on at 1st light and runs until sunset. There are no flashes or triggers. Biggest drawback is daytime only. But that's not so bad since it's a pretty even split for nighttime and daytime sightings.

Right now as I mentioned in the other bones thread, it's in an active audio area where we have found quite a bit of feeding evidence. I just wish I had more of them.

Here's that setup. There's a square of camo burlap over it just to break up the outline.


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BFF Patron

I have a plot watcher.     It will take pictures in very low light.    5 lux.    While the default is dawn to dusk you can override that and it will take pictures day and night.    My gut feeling is that the higher the camera is placed, the less likely it is to be seen and avoided.      I have been brainstorming how to get cameras high in trees.   When I come up with something I will let people know.     I saw something on a Science channel show.    Guy used a battery electric drill to drive a winch that he had attached to him.    It pulled him right up a wall.   That and a rope high in a tree would pull you up.  

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Is yours a Plotwatcher Pro or some other brand? Just wondering because I wouldn't want to override the settings on mine. By the time the camera stops recording at dusk it's definitely to dark to make anything out in the photos. Same in the morning, the 1st few frames are almost to dark to make out anything.

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BFF Patron

I have two interval cameras.    The Plotwatcher being one.     I have never had mine out on a full moon night so have no idea what it can do at night.     So you are probably right.     Night photography is hard.   I suppose in some sort of habituation situation with porch or interior lights it might get images.    Don't have that going so no idea there.   If it did get images they would not be very good because the lens is not that big.    Big lens = better light gathering.    

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