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The Birth Of Bigfoot ?


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Glimpse an unexpected shape in the sky = UFO


 Because Bigfoot is a subjective culturally-defined experience (like ghosts and UFOs) rather than an objective biological reality...

If you see something in the sky that you don't know what it is, even if it is a weather balloon, by definition that is a UFO. Just because it isn't something piloted by an alien life form doesn't change that. Regardless of what they really are, UFO's are a reality. Just wanna point that out.

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What’s the difference?


Bump in the night in the woods = Bigfoot

Bump in the nights in a house = ghost

Glimpse an unexpected shape in the mountains = Bigfoot

Glimpse an unexpected shape in the sky = UFO

Glimpse an unexpected shape in the water = lake monster


The human mind fills in the blanks – the context determines how the anomalous experience is perceived/interpreted and that is largely determined by one’s culture. If more people think about ghosts and UFOs than Bigfoot and generally don’t venture to the woods/mountains then when anomalous events are experienced they are interpreted and reported as ghosts/UFOs more often than as Bigfoot. That is to be expected. It should be noted that some Bigfoot-enthusiasts also sometimes experience Bigfoot in their urban/suburban environments just as spirits are can be sometimes experienced in the woods by those so-inclined...


If more people ventured out into the woods there would be more anomalous experiences interpreted and reported as Bigfoot yet the quality of the objective would remain the same as what we have now. Why? Because Bigfoot is a subjective culturally-defined experience (like ghosts and UFOs) rather than an objective biological reality...

When I was a kid with my .22 rifle and my army blanket camped up in the mountains I got over that real quick.

Its 2 am and the fire has died and something is tromping around in the brush 50 ft from camp, your mind tries to fill in the blanks and they usually are not nice thoughts. My demon was a Grizzly bear in my mind. It was always a blood thirsty bear bent on making me a quick snack.

I was raised in the Selkirk Mtns of Washington, Idaho and BC. So yes they were out there.

So I had to train my mind to accept the most plausible scenario if I was to ever get any sleep in the woods. And that it was probably a deer or moose and not a blood thirst bear. When your 12 or 13 with nobody around for miles? Its not an easy thing to do.

And maybe it was a bear, but freaking out over things beyond your control does nothing to help the situation.

I got over those demons early on. And this has served me well through a lifetime of hunting and mule packing in some of the most drop dead spectacular country on the face of this earth...... wouldnt have missed it for nothing.

BTW, I have replenished my string with two new mules last week Im very stoked!!!

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Cheer up, Neanderfoot, it's not that bad. You got to read that for free. Pretty soon, you'll be paying for the privilege of being bombarded by information-free, agenda-laden posts like the one you were responding to.   ;)

Edited by LeafTalker
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Cheer up, Neanderfoot, it's not that bad. You got to read that for free. Pretty soon, you'll be paying for the privilege of being bombarded by information-free, agenda-laden posts like the one you were responding to.   ;)

How about instead of making smart-eleck snipes you come up with some ideas and post them in the poll thread.



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How about instead of making smart-eleck snipes you come up with some ideas and post them in the poll thread.



Why would I do that? All the good ideas have been laid out already and have been shot down in the grossest, most offensive way possible.


Thank you, but no thank you, Rockape, for that kind invitation. 


Neanderfoot, I thought you might like that. :) I have admired your posts for a while now. Rock on.   :)

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Why would I do that? All the good ideas have been laid out already and have been shot down in the grossest, most offensive way possible.

They have? Exactly where and when did this happen because nothing has been brought to a vote before the Steering Committee and nothing brought to the Steering Committee get's "shot down in the grossest, most offensive way possible".


If you mean you made mention of something in a thread and it received snarky comments, that isn't the way to get things done.

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What are you talking about? Weren't you pointing me to the poll thread? Have you been reading the poll thread? THAT'S "exactly where" there's lots of shooting down, in very offensive terms. 


I didn't make any comments. Other very smart people did, and were treated incredibly shabbily -- by the administration. Those comments were solicited by the administration -- you know, the only "doer of things". So just what do you think is the "way to get things done"?


We've all been asked to treat that poll -- and the comments there -- as "the way to get things done".


Please, let us know this mysterious "other way" of "getting things done".  

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<Please, let us know this mysterious "other way" of "getting things done". >


It's not mysterious. Just contact a Steering Committee member and ask then to submit your suggestion to the panel for a vote.


If your idea is the same as DWA's, ban everyone you don't agree with, don't bother.

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I believe meldrum and halfpenny have not been working together for long. But regardless Im not sure by just tracking the beast means your going to immediately come upon good evidence. Tracking here is a race against time, rain and snow can obliterate tracks and during the summer months tracking isnt good enough generally for someone to even alert Meldrum or halfpenny. If the lay man doesnt notice it then its a lost opportunity.


Halfpenny has been working with Meldrum since the Skookum incident (2000) or at least since the publication of Meldrum’s book (2006) – so that’s 9-15 years minimum. According to this interview (credit: norseman) prior to that Halfpenny also worked extensively with Krantz – that’s approximately a quarter of a century of co-operation so he is no newb when it comes to Bigfoot claims and evidence, yet:


Halfpenny (14:08): “I certainly have seen and hear things that perplex me but none that, I’m afraid, that I could attribute to evidence to the existence of Bigfoot.†I share Halfpenny’s sentiments on this…


I appreciate the difficulties in getting a skilled tracker like Halfpenny promptly to the site of alleged fresh Bigfoot tracks but aren’t there habituation sites and research areas supposedly experiencing regular Bigfoot activity – like NAWAC’s Ouachita mountains area. Has Halfpenny been invited to those areas? If not, why not? Are these sites of research (systematic investigation) or are they sites of “research†(nudge, nudge)?

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