Terry Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 (edited) 34 years in the industry and ends up here. Yep I'd say it is interesting. And not only that, all those years my antenna was up regarding bf due to my interest since I was a kid. I'd ask trappers, loggers, biologists, etc. if they'd ever heard anything (when it was comfortable to ask). I'd watch for sign during the summer and for tracks when flying wildlife surveys in the winter. Nothing. I did help pioneer the cougar sighting data base though which finally confirmed the eastern cougar's existence in Ontario. I think there is a good likelihood of the existence of sasquatch in the pacific north west but I'm hesitant to believe there is such a thing east of that. Once again though, on my moose and deer hunting trips this fall, I'll have my bf glasses on. t. Footnote: I did hear knocking once in the spring of the year while in the field. I'm pretty good on local bird and wildlife calls, etc. and I knew it wasn't a sound that could be identified as being from any wildlife I'm aware of so we headed in to the bush to try and see what it was. It was a hardwood stand with a lot of mature hard maple and the snow was off the ground. We finally came upon an old guy hammering spiles into maple trees for collecting sap. My partner (boss) that day had worked in Alberta and he had an interest in bf as well but not to the extent I did so we were hopeful we were on to something. We felt disappointed and a bit foolish I've gotta admit. Edited August 19, 2015 by Terry
LeafTalker Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 Guess you're not one of the 9,000 reports, then. Nor have you had anything to do with the 647 separate individual accounts of law enforcement, or the 626 separate individual accounts of other governmental agencies being involved in some form or fashion with BF. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe you'll have some luck then.
Guest WesT Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 That's awesome Terry, I didn't realize you were on the lookout and had an interest in the subject while you worked in the industry. And if you say you heard nor found notta in 34 years I believe you. I quizzed a young logger once (middle Appalachia) who immediately went into Santa Clause and mushrooms. My only advice is, take a closer look this time around. But I do know it helps to be where they are if you want to see sign.
PhloydPhan Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 wouldn't dragging in a real body be worth some serious jack? I think a lot of people assume that a body / substantial part of a body would be worth a pile of money, but I've never read or heard a good explanation of why that would be. The questions are, how much money, and would it be worth it? I doubt you'd be able to sell it to a zoo, university, or museum for much money until the species was confirmed and listed. You could probably make a bit of scratch going the Minnesota Iceman route, but you might well run into state and federal legal issues. You might also be able to sell the body to a rich Tom Slick / Wally Hersom type, but for how much? You'd probably also be able to make money selling your story in a book, TV, and/or movie deal, and you'd certainly be popular on the bigfoot conference circuit, but at the expense of your privacy. In addition, you'd be outing yourself to all of the no-kill folks, some of whom might be quite unhappy with you. I don't have a reference handy, but on an episode of The Bigfoot Show, Brian Brown mentioned that the NAWAC, in the event they succeed in securing a specimen, plan to try to keep the identity of the shooter/shooters private for that very reason. If you tried to cash in on it in a big way, dragging out that body would own you for the rest of your life. Personally, I don't know if it would be worth it.
Cotter Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 I was just thinking, I've never seen someone get hit by a car. Must not happen. Not sure why folks think that if they haven't seen something, it doesn't exist.
bipedalist Posted August 19, 2015 BFF Patron Posted August 19, 2015 Now before you start whining consider that whenever a non bigfoot interest contingency is in the field doing what they do the BF proponents cry that they don't find bigfoot because they're not looking for bigfoot. Well the mining industry isn't looking for bigfoot and neither is the forest industry or the oil and gas industry. They are looking at forests and geology not for a few silly apes. So the next time a scientist is in the field you better give them credit for being able to spot that thing since those dullard lumberjacks and their handlers sure have pegged it to the point they're keeping it hush hush. No, Oil and gas Co. workers do have encounters and they report them. Biologists encounter them and report them. When it's not hushed, then the argument becomes they are just anecdotes yada yada yada "show me a body" yada yada yada. You say you would give them credit, but........ aha gotcha.........., you don't. This is one of my favorites from oil/gas/geologist types: http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=12884 Hard to believe six people can't be some right.
Guest DWA Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 I was just thinking, I've never seen someone get hit by a car. Must not happen. Not sure why folks think that if they haven't seen something, it doesn't exist. I've never seen someone get shot, so stop pushing that silliness on me, and never seen a war neither. One might think common sense would step in, but noooooooooooo...
WSA Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 That is one of my all-time favorite accounts bipedalist, yes. To be fair though it was only ONE of the six men present who gave this account. For that reason, I also find this report wholly unsatisfactory, and crying out for some acknowledgment that the investigator at least tried to identify and reach out to the other five. Maybe the hope was that one or more would see the report and come forward, but that doesn't appear to be likely now, after 10 years. Half a loaf, at most, and a missed opportunity. .
Guest DWA Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 Gonna have to say. Doesn't tell me whoa he's *lying* or anything like that. But I always want everyone in a group encounter to check in. When that does happen, one sees why it helps so much.
WSA Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 Right. There are clearly two scenarios possible. Either somebody who obviously did O&G surveying work had an encounter, or he used the real experience as merely a backdrop to overlay a fabricated story. (And we should also probably add as an adjunct possibility: LOTS and LOTS of others also took their unique real life experiences and pasted on a made-up story for some unfathomable reason) We are not betting on the last two as the most probable. Neither is science.
Guest DWA Posted August 19, 2015 Posted August 19, 2015 Well, wait a minute. That's too far. You could make up one today. I could. ANYONE could. Some Belgian could. And it's a slippery slope, and people have been known to do that, and done. Because. How I look at it. When your story includes stuff like why you were at that girls' camp, or the reason you clip your toenails that way, or a job many of us would not want to admit to, or that you later divorced that guy because he beat your dogs and your kids; or the routine you went through six times a week involving a lake, a herd of sheep and a mailbox; and this is done over and over and over, and you've seen obvious fake video after obvious fake video where the whole backstory was, pick one: 1) I SAW BIGFOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE STANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE THREW BRANCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or 2) Hi, I saw this on the way to work the other day, wondering if you could tell me what it is. ...well, no, I'm not just gonna presume All Made Up neither.
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