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Sasquatch As The Animal


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Hello All,


I have to be honest with everyone. If hunting Forums took this subject seriously that's where I would be- right now. All I've really ever wanted to discuss is Sasquatch the Animal; as in being just like any OTHER animal, Human or not. I don't need to know anymore if it's part Human, part Ape, neither, or both. Most if not all of my history has revolved around the physical aspects of Bigfoot. I've discussed methods of finding it- dead or alive should such a creature exist. And brought up situations in which to search, where and why such situations could result in success.


But it all has hinged on Sasquatch being no more of an animal than we Humans, or a Moose, or a bear, or an ape. There have been numerous qualities and abilities given this creature that are beyond animal. But one has to begin somewhere and so the basics are that it is a physical creature that has the advantages of having hominid characteristics like hands, thumbs, etc. and the only thing IMO that gives it a physical advantage is it's size.


This seems pretty basic but IMO it IS basic. Give me just the animal only as an animal to discuss. I'll take any science that comes out as long as it's good science. But other than the animal and any science involving the possibility of such a creature I really have no interest in much of anything else and never really had much interest beyond the Sasquatch as the Animal. And as I said, and I'm sorry to say it,  if hunting Forums took this subject seriously I'd be long gone on them, and maybe not even here at all.

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I know that you are looking at this as a animal and if it was a animal then there would be sign every where. we would be able to track it like  a animal. we would see heavily used trails, broken branches high up on trees food forage where some thing large was there. But nothing of that sort is around and leave us to believe that it does not exist. It is like you said if it is like any other animal that leaves sign like other animals it would be on hunting forums. Who would not like to hunt a Bigfoot, come on it is serious Big game. 

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Guest insanity42

I would agree with that Sasquatch, if they truly exist, it would be a flesh and blood creature and not paranormal or interdimensional.  I think the qualities most often underestimated or misconceived is the potential of their intelligence as well as how difficult a low population may be to quantify.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

I haven't seen anything credible that would suggest that Sasquatch are paranormal in any way. They do seem to have a lot of unlikely traits though.

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Hello ShadowBorn,


Big game indeed! And extremely rare big game. One of the qualities that I like about this Forum though is that even as a big game animal we delve into it's intelligence, physical abilities, reclusive nature, and have a respect for it an all creatures. This is not to say that hunting Forums don't have that same respect for the animals they hunt but if they accepted this creature as real then those element I listed would be well known and on the respect and hunting difficulty scale just might register a 10.


Another thing is all of learn more about habitat and the pressures it endures. As far as sign? I think we all pretty much know the score on that one. Rarity and intelligent reclusiveness seem to be the hallmarks of this creature. Those two elements alone have allowed many formerly unknown creatures to exist- but non quite so big. I'm generating a list of those things that I've presented over the past couple of years that bear directly on securing a specimen for science since, again over the years, that is what we all know will settle the issue. I'm thinking that in doing so a game plan will be more cohesive and not just a fractured buch of ideas and threads to locate and wade through.  


There's been good input on those threads and maybe this thread will be a place to break it down or add to it. The main idea will be to organize things seasonally so that a year plan can serve as an outline of sorts for approaching the endeavor. In the end perhaps a summary of all points and suggestions will become a body of knowledge covering many things say for different regions in the Spring and so forth. I just think it's time to gather information and ideas into one place as a basic blueprint for success. Of course like the other threads I will quantify this by saying that it's based on the premise of Sasquatch the Animal being out there so anyone saying that it isn't need not apply ;)


@ OntarioSquatch,


Yes, and those unlikely traits I attribute to it's physicality and intelligence- nothing else.

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Lieutenant Onoda, a Japanese soldier held out in the Philipines until 1974, and that's with folks who knew he was there, and were looking for him.


I hear the argument that the numbers are dwindling due to habitat pressure.  I shake my head in wonderment.  It's true that there are logging roads, switchbacks in remote areas up mountains, boaters traversing waterways - but there's so much territory, you could hide the entire Chinese and American armies in the wild, and they'd never be detected. 


Deer are hunted.  Yet deer have adapted and using dumb stealth, they've infiltrated up to and including suburban areas.  These beasts may be huge, but they can get small mighty quick.  And I mean small.  If the F-15 is a radar cross-sectional billboard, the F-22 is a dragonfly.  These things are large, true, but with tricks soldiers use, they can seemingly disappear very quickly - and there's no magic to it.  Just millennia of practiced skills.


We like to dress up in camoflage, gear up, and arm up, and think of ourselves as masters of the wild.  I've done that in arctic areas, tundra areas, alpine areas mountain areas, savannahs, swamps, mudflats, high desert, amd eastern woodlands - and for decades may have had a mystery or two, but certainly no indication of something large.  Until one day.


Now I know for a fact I'm not the master of the wild, and that whatever trick I can think of to move through a terrain stealthily, there's something that can do it better.  Something very intelligent.  A thinking critter that actually uses tactics that most people are unfamiliar with.  Much less how they work.


Some skeptics say we must follow the scientific principles, that there is no physical evidence.  Well, our scientific community has had solid physical evident for over a century, but conveniently seems to have lost scores and scores of skeletons and skulls of these giants.  Why?  The very existence will require re-writing all anthropological books.  The history of man will have to be tossed. 


Others say, "surely the military would know of them."  Yeah, that's true.  I'd give my right arm for a company of these critters - and I'd keep it top secret - and I'd maintain them well.  Why?  Because in adverse terrain, I could take that company and destroy an entire enemy division - over a short period of time.  What a weapon.  Our unit had a documented kill ratio of 150:1, but we couldn't do half the things these critters can do, carry a fourth of what they can carry, nor go over impossible terrain like they can.  Not one of us could run straight up a mountain, but they can.


I was a skeptic, so I can understand a reluctance to embrace the existence of these things, and all that the acceptance would entail.  It is a shock, I guarantee it. 


Nothing is all knowing and all powerful, and even these things have a couple chinks in their armor as I discovered.  Thus my energies are oriented toward returning to a clan, and using those chinks in their armor to get good, high resolution video and fingerprints of these things.  Like everyone else, funding is always the problem.  The difference in me is - I don't have to go look for anything.  I can go right to them.  Sure saves a lot of time and even money.


A friend told me something an "expert" from the BFRO told him, and I laughed.  These guys want to paint everything Bigfoot with a broad brush, and then ignore other bits of physical evidence to the contrary.  I'm starting to think the BFRO has lots of enthusiasts, and few manhunters.  Which is what it's likely going to take to bring this thing home.

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Welcome to the Forum FarArcher.

Care to share the details of your experiences? I for one am always wanting to know what others have learned, and I know I speak for others here as well. Whatever you can share would most likely be on topic or this thread, but feel free to PM me if not, or start a thread topic of your own. 



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Hello All,


The NAWAC Update video with Bob Strain had something in it that really gave me the shivers. When Bob went toward the base of the hill behind the cabin he stopped at a cut that had three logs in it. One large one and two smaller ones. When he went back with another person two of the longs were gone. Anyone connecting those dots will get an idea of what Sasquatch hunters are up against. An extremely intelligent, stealthy animal well versed on how to virtually disappear while still being close by. It uses every trick in the book that any SpecOps would know- and more- in it's stealth.


It reinforces the importance of the "Sasquatch and Fire" thread on many levels.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

^That one incident changed my perspective on Sasquatch. I always knew they were cunning, but what happened there proved to me that they have like an entirely different level of awareness. 

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Hello OntarioSquatch,,

Indeed. That awareness has an intelligence to it too. Let's face it, Sasquatch KNOWS what tactics will hide it if it chooses to be hidden. It apparently uses everything Nature has to offer and, more to the point of Bob Strain's narrative, can imitate objects that we would see as normal. Think about that one and how far one could take that idea. Do the Grey ones then hide in rocks? Is it really that aware of itself?

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Assuming the NAWAC's experiences are true, then it would appear that Sasquatch can not only accurately assess how well we can see things, but also how we perceive them. That takes a lot of intelligence. 

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Hello OntarioSquatch,

Yes. But I don't think it really knows how we see. I think it comes from them hiding from each other both as "games" growing up and as something learned in adulthood as well. My thought is that if they are successful in hiding from each other then the stakes are through the roof by default when it comes to US spotting them.

We need smell meters set to the odors witnesses say they smell before or during an encounter. Dogs do not seem to be good through either their fear or their unfamiliararity with those odors.

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hilifier - I've wondered if Bigfoot is self-aware, too. Everyone knows of the giant genetic leap between apes and humans, the idea that we are self-aware and have insight into our existence. Apes do not. On which side of this line does Bigfoot fall? Do they seem themselves as conscious beings who recognize their own uniques reflections in the water? If Bigfoot is self-aware, most of the BF community has been underestimating the creatures as being more apelike than manlike, and if people continue to do that, he'll always have the tactical advantage. "Know thy enemy"...and maybe we need to stop assuming our "enemy" thinks like a gorilla.

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Hello CertainSum1,

I have a true story for you. My dog. As a young Golden Retriever something became apparent to me. At night he would facing the sliding door at night. At first I was thinking he was just keeping an eye on the outside (which was probably true) but when I got up or moved around he would watch me by looking at my reflection in the door glass. No doubt he saw his own reflection. At night (I live in a condo building) I would take him out for his last stroll. At the end of the hall where the elevators are he would look at the full view door at the end of the hall that goes out to a balcony. He would see his and my reflection in the glass there too.

I think he was fully aware that he was a dog and that I wasn't. Pets look at mirrors and reflected images off of glass at night. I first became aware if his "awareness" when I watched his head more in the direction I was moving even though he had his back to the room. What you say is more than likely the case then. One has to wonder if the creature approaches buildings and automobiles in the daytime because of the reflections on the various glass surfaces. I therefore see them as very intelligent but not that complicated. Not simple.....but nearly so as I don't think they ponder their own existence but do see that they are different; or that we are..

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