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Sept 17Th Bf Reported In Va.

Old Dog

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The article is clearly misleading in that the author quoted two dates that the woman supposedly made the call.  If we go by the second date then she did wait two days.  You are correct on that point.  Since it was so late when she had her sighting she would have had a very difficult time seeing footprints at 11:40 pm.  If the deputy did not want to fill out a report describing large footprints then a quick drive-by would be a form of checking out the area. You are also correct on that point.


I do not take articles like this very seriously, especially when so many details are missing or mistakes are made by the author.  The fact that the person reporting the sighting wanted to remain anonymous has no bearing on whether I would believe her or not.  After all, most here on this board are anonymous. 



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Guest ChasingRabbits

^^Hmmm, that is not how our resident scientist describes proper science. He discards paranormal bigfoot reports as separating the wheat from the chaff and signal from noise, etc. Every bigfoot report must be investigated, no matter how ridiculous?


Depends on the how thorough and meticulous your standards are. 


Anyhow, as I posted earlier, the Virginia Big Foot Researcher Organization has several reports of BF in Bedford County. So, it's not as though this woman's report was the first and/or only BF report in that locale.

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Here, once more, is the approach that makes sense to a scientist:  Look for that normal curve, and search around its peak.


The normal curve in this case is describing a bipedal hominoid primate with numerous very consistently reported characteristics.  Search on those.  Worked for Patterson; working for NAWAC; and if anyone with serious pull in the mainstream community had been around either, we'd either have proof or be on a well-funded 24/7/365 effort to get it.


How it works.  How it always has.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The one I saw was not far from that...


I waited over 10 years before I told anyone about my encounter. I don't blame her for wanting to be anonymous either!!


While law enforcement usually does look for things like tracks, they are notorious amongst the tracking community for walking on tracks they are looking for and things like that. IOW they are not trained trackers. OTOH, a person knowing exactly where a creature was might find the tracks pretty easily.


There are no red flags here, nor is there anything remotely conclusive.

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Somebody want to educate Dmaker on the basics of Sasquatch limb proportions?  I'm just not up to the effort today (Well, O.K., "never")

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By all means, could someone please educate me on the anatomy of a creature that has no type specimen and has never been proven to exist. 

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The normal curve in this case is describing a bipedal hominoid primate with numerous very consistently reported characteristics.  Search on those.  Worked for Patterson; working for NAWAC; and if anyone with serious pull in the mainstream community had been around either, we'd either have proof or be on a well-funded 24/7/365 effort to get it.




Why does it have to be with some one who has some pull in the main stream community DWA why can it not be some one like me or or others like me . Who have been in the field searching for their own proof , finding it and just pretty much letting it go. Reason of letting go cause main stream to busy letting their ego's get stroke. Yet here we are no further then when it all started with the video of Patty and how it was investigated.


Same here where this lady had seen this creature a total unknown yet she was unsure what she saw . So she went back to check and sure enough there were tracks. Now what has me is that she was focused on the child and not the adult . Now I did not read the whole article  so I am not sure of the rest. But what she describes of the child looking like chewbeca discribes the adult that I seen standing straight side ways. Now I am not sure if she does describes the adult but for my self personally I find it motherly that she focused on the child and how it was being held.


Now was it a profound event for her, arparently it was since she called the sherifs. I am sure that if the word did get out that there might have been a curious officer who might have taken a look.Finding tracks where you would think that there would not be tracks is a eventfull event. Having  a sighting and going the next day or poping out of a tent and finding tracks is a joyfull moment. It is when you know your mind was not playing tricks on you. An event like this is either real or not and the only ones who knows are the ones who expieranced the event.But evidence left at a scene is evidence and should not be discounted.All evidence is showing that an event did take place but leave further investigation.

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They're sorta tall and sorta hairy and sorta blurry.

OMG! The consistency!  Only primatologists could describe something with that uncanny accuracy!  Behold, bigfoot is real because people on the Internet can describe a giant monkey.

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They're sorta tall and sorta hairy and sorta blurry.

You forgot stinky too. So Dmaker there is no consistancy,Ha ha.. you know I am just kiddin

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Forgot four toed, three toed, glowing eyes, mind speak, infrasound, teleporting, ...you know, all the things good primatologists look for. 

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Forgot four toed, three toed, glowing eyes, mind speak, infrasound, teleporting, ...you know, all the things good primatologists look for. 

Hey dmaker,


You forgot the flying (or at least being able to jump over a thousand feet from a standing position). It's all so reasonable....

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