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Questions From A New Enthusiast!


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Finally got past my 25 posts so I have some questions for all of you who might want to chime in.


I find this topic of BF extremely interesting and the more I read about it and talk to people the more interesting it becomes.


I am having a hard time with this thing. I dont know what to believe! 


-No fossils found.  

-Not much in photographic evidence that is convincing other than the PGF. And that was 50 plus years ago

-No body.

-Lots of tracks

-thousands of eyewitnesses and reports (They cant all be hoaxes or misidentifications can they?)

-lots of hoaxers.

-some people think I am crazy when I talk about it

- I have talked to a few people with experiences and they are dead serious about it and have no doubt what they saw. (Could all of them being lying? No way and why would they?)


I heard a "whoop" within a few hundred yards of my ground blind that day in Feb of 14.  I guarantee there was not a single person within a few miles of me. I was a mile and a half from the nearest road and there are no hunters in that forest in February since deer season is over. I have never seen anyone ever so far in the non deer season in the 30 or more days I have hunted it. So what was it??????


What makes a "whoop" in the Sam Houston National forest? According the BF researcher I have been speaking to he has no doubt what it was and he thinks the "whoop" was a communication to me.That freaks me out!!  He has had a few sightings along with many reports he has done for the NAWAC in that area. he has been bluff charged also in this area and speaks of some very aggressive animals. he has been doing reports as a researcher for more than a decade.  I just dont see why he would lie about it? That doesnt make sense. 


This is my dilemma. Is it real or not? I guess I have to go back out to the forest and find out for myself is the only real answer


SO I guess I am like some of you. We are all here for different reasons. I am here to learn from others that know more than me. So here a re a few questions for the ones that have been studying this a lot longer than I have




1. The BF in the PGF  Lets call her "Patty".  The PGF is about the best photographic evidence that we have so I would think that this would be the one pic to compare others to. I am interested in what you guys and gals have seen as far as how your sighting of the creature compares to Patty. I see Patty as having a no neck coned head, black face, long arms, etc. I have also read and heard reports of a more neanderthal type look from the researcher I know. 


2.  If the PGF is the holy grail then why wouldnt BF researchers use Patty's Picture as a reference for others to compare to in their sightings? 


3. What are the numbers?  There has to be some good way to estimate based on population and number of reports. There are hundreds of reports for East Texas alone so they cant all be from the same animal.  there must be hundreds or possibly thousands of them.  What about the numbers needed to procreate and keep a species going without extinction? 


4. What is the best defense at night? A high beamed LED flashlight is what I have been told will stop a charging BF at night. They are incredibly blinding so I can see it.  Daytime is a different story. 


Sorry I am rambling but I have been wanting to ask some of these things for awhile and I finally have broken free.


More to come and thanks for your answers






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I'm new here, too.


I know what I saw, but I can't say what this Patty looks like in the face - so there's not much of a comparison for me personally to make.  The thing I saw was darker than black.  Like a total absence of light.  Face was black.  Eyes were large and dark - not like the white sclera we have.


Just a guess on my part, but in Scotland, you can find Scots that don't resemble each other.  Some are big, stocky men with red hair, others are of more moderate build, tall, and blonde.  I'd guess that there's a lot of variations in these critters as well.  We saw a reddish brown one as well.  So even within the same clan, there's variation - at least in my experience.


I'm not sure what the best defense at night is.  I do know from personal experience that in going from plumb dark to someone turning on bright overhead lights - that's downright painful.  I'd expect the same is true for them as well.  But I don't know if light would stop one for long if he were of a mind to trouble someone.  Too many stories of these things coming into lighted areas without much hesitation.


No way to believe anything for certain unless you experience it, but you can lean whichever way the evidence points.  And there's a boatload of evidence through the millennia.  I wasn't a believer, not really a skeptic - as I never gave these things a thought one way or another.  But when I got my cold water splashed in my face, it was a game changer.


There's some good people here, very open, very knowledgeable, very helpful, and very friendly.  Then there are a few others.  I came here to learn a few things myself. 


Contrary to the contrary nature of some, you can actually go back and get into threads from the past and glean some good discussion, find some good opinions, and likely find lots of things you never heard of, or things from folks who actually got the straight skinny.

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Like any forum there is the good the bad and the ugly.  I have been amazed at how many people on here are extremely serious. It seems like those are the ones with visuals and other encounters and that is how they were drawn here. I was expecting a bunch of naysayers but it seems the believers outweigh the non believers here. 


In the best films of the PGF Patty's face does look black also.


 How can there be so many people that have seen them and are in the know but yet to most it is a myth?


I have spoken to many like you that have no doubt what they saw.  That makes me believe because I try not to be too cynical of my fellow man. But then again the naysayers and the evidence points the other way in lack of physical evidence but tons of circumstantial evidence.


I can see why it becomes an obsession for some people.

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Finally got past my 25 posts so I have some questions for all of you who might want to chime in.


I find this topic of BF extremely interesting and the more I read about it and talk to people the more interesting it becomes.


I am having a hard time with this thing. I dont know what to believe! 


-No fossils found.  

-Not much in photographic evidence that is convincing other than the PGF. And that was 50 plus years ago

-No body.

-Lots of tracks

-thousands of eyewitnesses and reports (They cant all be hoaxes or misidentifications can they?)

-lots of hoaxers.

-some people think I am crazy when I talk about it

- I have talked to a few people with experiences and they are dead serious about it and have no doubt what they saw. (Could all of them being lying? No way and why would they?)


I heard a "whoop" within a few hundred yards of my ground blind that day in Feb of 14.  I guarantee there was not a single person within a few miles of me. I was a mile and a half from the nearest road and there are no hunters in that forest in February since deer season is over. I have never seen anyone ever so far in the non deer season in the 30 or more days I have hunted it. So what was it??????


What makes a "whoop" in the Sam Houston National forest? According the BF researcher I have been speaking to he has no doubt what it was and he thinks the "whoop" was a communication to me.That freaks me out!!  He has had a few sightings along with many reports he has done for the NAWAC in that area. he has been bluff charged also in this area and speaks of some very aggressive animals. he has been doing reports as a researcher for more than a decade.  I just dont see why he would lie about it? That doesnt make sense. 


This is my dilemma. Is it real or not? I guess I have to go back out to the forest and find out for myself is the only real answer


SO I guess I am like some of you. We are all here for different reasons. I am here to learn from others that know more than me. So here a re a few questions for the ones that have been studying this a lot longer than I have




1. The BF in the PGF  Lets call her "Patty".  The PGF is about the best photographic evidence that we have so I would think that this would be the one pic to compare others to. I am interested in what you guys and gals have seen as far as how your sighting of the creature compares to Patty. I see Patty as having a no neck coned head, black face, long arms, etc. I have also read and heard reports of a more neanderthal type look from the researcher I know. 


2.  If the PGF is the holy grail then why wouldnt BF researchers use Patty's Picture as a reference for others to compare to in their sightings? 


3. What are the numbers?  There has to be some good way to estimate based on population and number of reports. There are hundreds of reports for East Texas alone so they cant all be from the same animal.  there must be hundreds or possibly thousands of them.  What about the numbers needed to procreate and keep a species going without extinction? 


4. What is the best defense at night? A high beamed LED flashlight is what I have been told will stop a charging BF at night. They are incredibly blinding so I can see it.  Daytime is a different story. 


Sorry I am rambling but I have been wanting to ask some of these things for awhile and I finally have broken free.


More to come and thanks for your answers

Some times the best way to learn is to go out and learn. It might be your life but if you come back from it imagine the knowledge you just gained. There is no way that no one will ever take that from you. That is knowledge that will stay with you until you die.


Have you ever wooped back just to see what the response would be? cause there are two things that can happen, one they will respond and that will freak the crap out of you or they will just leave.  The response is the best cause it gets your heart pumping and really puts you on edge. For me is the never knowing what will happen next response. But you want more and more of that rush of what ever it is that they are giving off. 


Your best defense is dealing with them and going straight at them. Get to understand them so that you do not have to fear them no more. If they wooped you it is due to that they scent you or you have been followed. They might have mistaken you for some one else who might have been researching that area. Did you feel you like you were singled out when the whoops occurred? Any sense of being followed on the day of the whoops? was the forest silent before the whoops? I am sorry if I ask these question but to understand more I need too.


Have you ever went back to find tracks ?   

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BFF Patron

Well as a new enthusiast how many BFRO reports have you read online?


If you haven't read this one,  you are missing something:




Yes, I checked the weather records and it was at least -37 below F in one of the local reporting stations about this date.

Edited by bipedalist
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Size 16- You came to the right place here and you will find many knowledgeable people with real experiences to them that will help. Read around in old threads and check out the different sightings and explanations. You seem to have an open mind and that is a good thing .In the field and on your own you are already off to a good start. You have great questions. I myself do not believe in the creature, but I love a mystery and wish they were real.

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1) yes...... Patty is the best single piece of evidence. Reports vary to the point that some claim multiple species.

2) Not necessarily..... see answer 1

3) completely unknown. Must be heaps if you believe all of the reports.

4) a camera

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Well as a new enthusiast how many BFRO reports have you read online?


If you haven't read this one,  you are missing something:




Yes, I checked the weather records and it was at least -37 below F in one of the local reporting stations about this date.

Thank you for sharing that. That was a great read. Also thank you again for your kind generosity.

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Shadowborn, you got a bigger pair than me.  To go toward them.  Ho Li Moses. 


I once in elephant grass saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and could see nothing as the only thing sticking up was an old stob of a small tree or something.  I proceeded and saw a flicker of movement a couple more times, each time narrowing the location.  That last time I stopped and waited.


That "stob" of a tree wasn't a tree.  It was a King Cobra, up looking at me, and when he then lowered himself out of sight, you can believe I fogged it out of there a whole lot faster than I went in.  I was young and thought the term King Cobra was a marketing word - and only later did I realize they get close to eighteen feet long.  So, yes, that would explain why he was just as tall as me above that grass, and maybe six inches in diameter.


I've happened up real close on brown bears by accident - same reaction - I left so fast you couldn't see me for dust.  Killed a tiger at night that had been stalking us for three days and nights, because he didn't leave me any choice. 


All those run-ins made me concerned, but when I looked into the eyes of my critter - I realized he had the physique to rip me apart - and the intelligence to make that happen if he so wished.  Worse, he was a whole lot faster than anything that big could possibly be - and he wasn't even in a hurry.


When I go back, everything will be stacked in MY favor. 


Oh.  Enjoy your posts.


Yours too, bipedalist.

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No Bones? How do you know?


There is one theory that Neanderthal is BF. A Neanderthal juvenile would have been powerful enough to easily lift an adult human and throw him a substantial distance.


Allegedly there are bones of a 'tribe of giant Indians' that are in storage in various museums in the US. One poster on this forum claimed to have seen some on display back in the early 1980s in a museum in Nevada. FWIW, the Indian cultures in the US often refer to BF as another tribe.

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Guest insanity42

Concerning fossils, new hominid fossils are still being found and seemingly at an increased frequency.  Additionally, few modern primate species are actually represented in the fossil record, so if another extant primate species was found that did not have a corresponding fossil specimen, it would not be unusual.


The first chimpanzee fossils were found in 2005 in Kenya, though the species was first described in 1775 as Simia troglodytes.  Pan did not become the genus name until the late 1800s.

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I heard a "whoop" within a few hundred yards of my ground blind that day in Feb of 14.  I guarantee there was not a single person within a few miles of me. I was a mile and a half from the nearest road and there are no hunters in that forest in February since deer season is over. I have never seen anyone ever so far in the non deer season in the 30 or more days I have hunted it. So what was it??????


What makes a "whoop" in the Sam Houston National forest? According the BF researcher I have been speaking to he has no doubt what it was and he thinks the "whoop" was a communication to me.That freaks me out!!  He has had a few sightings along with many reports he has done for the NAWAC in that area. he has been bluff charged also in this area and speaks of some very aggressive animals. he has been doing reports as a researcher for more than a decade.  I just dont see why he would lie about it? That doesnt make sense. 




I think they exist, but haven't seen one with my own eyes. As part of my research, I work with recorded sounds, and am especially interested in the whoops you heard.  If you get the chance, have a listen to recordings #4 and #5 at the link below and let me know if it is similar.



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SSR Team


Just a guess on my part, but in Scotland, you can find Scots that don't resemble each other.  Some are big, stocky men with red hair, others are of more moderate build, tall, and blonde.  I'd guess that there's a lot of variations in these critters as well.  We saw a reddish brown one as well.  So even within the same clan, there's variation - at least in my experience.


That's made me laugh, a lot..;)

Thank you.

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No Bones? How do you know?


There is one theory that Neanderthal is BF. A Neanderthal juvenile would have been powerful enough to easily lift an adult human and throw him a substantial distance.


Allegedly there are bones of a 'tribe of giant Indians' that are in storage in various museums in the US. One poster on this forum claimed to have seen some on display back in the early 1980s in a museum in Nevada. FWIW, the Indian cultures in the US often refer to BF as another tribe.


There were three skeletons on display at the Mark Twain Museum in Virginia City, Nevada from before '69 through the early '80's.  They got policed up by BLM after that.  Most folks don't know that BLM is responsible for collecting such artifacts, has a vast collection, and shows a small fraction of it in a few museums that it maintains.  It has partnerships with other Museums as well, but always has full control over which artifacts are shown.  They appear to operate under the Powell Doctrine established by the Smithsonian's Bureau of Ethnology in the late 1800's.


These were not bigfoot skeletons, however.  They were Si-The-Cah skeletons like those found in Lovelock Cave in the early 1900's.  These had also been found in a cave, but near Walker Lake.  Male and Female over 7' and over 6 1/2' respectively, along with a juvenile.  They had long reddish hair on their mummified skin and were wearing coarse woven clothing.  There were other artifacts on display that one might consider common but for their large proportions.


I visited that museum several times over the years and was always fascinated by the display (kept in a pit excavated in the floor).


My father's a geologist who got his degree from the School of Mines at UNR and knew quite a bit about the early mineral exploration of Nevada and the other interesting things found during that time.

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What makes a "whoop" in the Sam Houston National forest?

Hey Size16, welcome to the forums BTW. This caught my eye. A few years ago I Googled "what makes a whoop sound in the forest". The first thing listed was a link to a Missouri hunting forum and a hunter there was asking the same thing. He said he heard it in the morning around 4am. I'm sure if you Googled it now you'll get some interesting results.

I'm here because a friend had an encounter and I decided to have a look for myself. It's true, you have to go see for yourself.

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