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News Feed - 'petrified Bigfoot Head' Reportedly Found - Dnews - Seeker

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DNews - Seeker

'Petrified Bigfoot Head' Reportedly Found

DNews - Seeker

A hiker in Utah claims to have found a fossilized Bigfoot head—or at least something that looks a lot like it. According to a Salt Lake City Fox News affiliate, "A man says he has evidence of Bigfoot and proof the creature is dead… and he found it ...

Bigfoot FOUND? Man discovers skull he claims is PROOF of SasquatchExpress.co.uk

Bigfoot proof at last? Man claims he's found fossilised skull of mythical beastMirror.co.uk

Bigfoot Skull Found in Utah? Appearance, Size and Everything You Need to KnowChristian Post

BABW News -NH Voice

all 45 news articles Â»


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