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Guest kjaaleks

One of the fascinating ideas that I have heard is that they hunt & kill skunks in order to remove the scent gland to use as a deterrent. 


This would explain some of the classic skunky smell which seems to vary and would work quite well to get predators/man to steer clear of the young.


Tasty snack + olfactory camouflage = win. 





  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I will defer to others as to your opinion on whether this is interesting or not.  Out of 985 Bigfoot encounters in the northeast and eastern Canada, 42 involve encounters with a juvenile either alone or accompanied.  


There is a single encounter with what may have been a pregnant Bigfoot (shortest of three, belly visibly distended) which occurred in January.  Beyond that, no juvenile Bigfoot has ever been encountered in the winter months (Dec - Feb).  


There are no credible reports of an infant Bigfoot being seen at any time.  


In the spring (Mar - May), juveniles are more likely to be encountered w/an adult (8 encounters) than on their own (4 encounters).


In the summer (Jun - Aug), juveniles were accompanied by adults 7 times, and encountered on their own 11 times. 


In the fall (Sep - Nov), juveniles are again more likely to be encountered with an adult (9 encounters) than on their own (7 encounters).


This strikes me as having a relatively straightforward biological explanation.


(Edited to add paragraph breaks for clarity)

Edited by Trogluddite
On 3/28/2017 at 10:59 AM, BobbyO said:

Been thinking about this recently, what do you think/know they do to conceal them, their noises and all round stimulation, and keep them safe ?


Not interested in non knower/believer comments, they'll offer nothing constructive to the topic of this thread.


Fire at will.


No fire.


Maybe they know an old trick to keep a baby happy and stop crying.  You simply put a cantankerous baby lengthwise on your arm, kind of like you were going to let the little feller "fly" like Superman.  They'll shut up immediately - and start taking in everything in front of them.  Spread your hand across their chest, angle them up about 15-30 degrees, and that's how you can keep one quiet.


Amazed at the number of parents who don't know that trick.

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