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what is a "scientist" ?


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Bless your little heart, sir.


If...your opinion of me (or that of anyone else) truly mattered, I'd be offended instead of vindicated.


Drugstore BF hunter.

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18 hours ago, norseman said:

Kathy flat caught you in a lie, your credibility is zilch.


Really? Do tell.

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IMO, perhaps if the legions of non-knowers hereabouts got out into the forests and experienced an encounter with whatever these beings are, they'd be less inclined to worry about carrying water for each other.  Until then, many of you are reduced to holding hands and singing your campfire songs.

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In lieu of popcorn, you might consider a funeral wreath for this site.


When someone with actual experiences shows up here, the first thing that often happens is they're immediately pounced upon by the usual suspects (home guard) and duly castigated with demands for "proof", et al.


A common denominator with the overwhelming majority of the resident critics is they have no standing in that no FTF encounter has occurred with them. BTW, am not saying that is a fatal flaw rather, they should proceed with caution and respect instead of pretending to be any sort of authority on the subject.


Otherwise, this place risks becoming more of an echo chamber for the self-edification of bliss for the ignorant.


Like a pack of dogs, those barking the loudest are the ones never having been on a hunt.


In this respect, how is this place any different than that palace of pomposity and arrogance, ISF?


Bottom line, with having two ears and one mouth, perhaps listening twice and speaking once is in order?

Edited by Yuchi1
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38 minutes ago, Yuchi1 said:



In lieu of popcorn, you might consider a funeral wreath for this site.


When someone with actual experiences shows up here, the first thing that often happens is they're immediately pounced upon by the usual suspects (home guard) and duly castigated with demands for "proof", et al.

This is not true. There are plenty of people here with experiences that don't get the same treatment. It may have a lot to do with your delivery,


A common denominator with the overwhelming majority of the resident critics is they have no standing in that no FTF encounter has occurred with them. BTW, am not saying that is a fatal flaw rather, they should proceed with caution and respect instead of pretending to be any sort of authority on the subject.

Pot, meet kettle...


Otherwise, this place risks becoming more of an echo chamber for the self-edification of bliss for the ignorant.

It is becoming an echo chamber, with some people spouting the same stuff, over and over and over. It's becoming a train wreck but I still have to watch.


Like a pack of dogs, those barking the loudest are the ones never having been on a hunt.


In this respect, how is this place any different than that palace of pomposity and arrogance, ISF?

Sometimes the pack recognizes the members of the herd that need to be culled. (I'm not necessarily referring specifically to you. There are others who have brought this upon themselves)


Bottom line, with having two ears and one mouth, perhaps listening twice and speaking once is in order?

In America, even those who you disagree with have a right to speak... Carry on!


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My belief, and it may be wrong, is that this site promotes civilized debate.  Naturally that is going to cause angst and side taking.  That's the nature of the beast.  Personal insults, backhanded or not get thrown around by both sides.  Welcome to the Internet!  We all choose to participate willingly.

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I did want to say something about this:


"A common denominator with the overwhelming majority of the resident critics is they have no standing in that no FTF encounter has occurred with them. BTW, am not saying that is a fatal flaw rather, they should proceed with caution and respect instead of pretending to be any sort of authority on the subject."


This is perfect for scoftics.  But definitely not for proponents.  Almost without exception, the major scientific proponents have not seen one.  But they know how human perception and evidence work, and know based on their relevant expertise that it is virtually impossible for anything that is not a biological entity to be producing the volume and consistency they see.  I got where I am the same way they did; my evidence finds make no difference to my stance on the matter.


As to those who have had an encounter, cool.  But I know of the experience of thousands, and I will factor yours against that.  If you tell me "it is human, I know, it is Homo sapiens, the eyes were sentient," I am gonna wonder, first, why humans are the only animal that can make googoo eyes; second, what else you saw that makes it that to you that thousands of others did not see; and third, why people don't know that observations are not taxonomy. What you saw and what you think are, great, on the record.  But many others who saw what you did disagree with you.  Although, yes, it is possible they saw a different species from the one you did, and the evidence says that more than one species of these things is likely.  And to be expected, given our general knowledge of animals.

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1 hour ago, Yuchi1 said:



In lieu of popcorn, you might consider a funeral wreath for this site.


When someone with actual experiences shows up here, the first thing that often happens is they're immediately pounced upon by the usual suspects (home guard) and duly castigated with demands for "proof", et al.


A common denominator with the overwhelming majority of the resident critics is they have no standing in that no FTF encounter has occurred with them. BTW, am not saying that is a fatal flaw rather, they should proceed with caution and respect instead of pretending to be any sort of authority on the subject.


Otherwise, this place risks becoming more of an echo chamber for the self-edification of bliss for the ignorant.


Like a pack of dogs, those barking the loudest are the ones never having been on a hunt.


In this respect, how is this place any different than that palace of pomposity and arrogance, ISF?


Bottom line, with having two ears and one mouth, perhaps listening twice and speaking once is in order?

Bravo, Yuchi1. And I am so sorry it's taken me a while to chime in. Sometimes the ugliness pops up with such force here that it knocks the wind out of me, and I can't speak. And then when I try to speak, I find the ugliness has triggered a matching ugliness in me. It took at least a day to find a better response. 


So now that I've recovered a little, I just want to say that I have loved hearing your story and learning about your journey. You have chosen a path that, clearly, few people here (or anywhere) are able to follow. (Most cave to the barking of those dogs you mentioned.) I am in awe of your strength and clarity, as I am of Far Archer's and Branco's.


Thanks for shining the light for the rest of us.  



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Twist & DWA,


Good points made and there's no disagreement from this quarter with your observations, in general.  Like Redbone stated, it's a right to speak unless you're trying to do so with a certain viewpoint at many colleges nowadays.


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7 hours ago, Yuchi1 said:

When someone with actual experiences shows up here, the first thing that often happens is they're immediately pounced upon by the usual suspects (home guard) and duly castigated with demands for "proof", et al


I experienced this recently on here but I was already aware of how these things happen. I also made it plainly clear I feel no need to provide proof of anything to a public forum even though I did provide proof. It bothers me to see grown people cry so I gave them a piece of candy. And after I did provide proof of what I spoke of, the discussion went silent. It's the main reason I rarely post anything of the stuff our group does. It's fine with me though, I've been doing this for a long time and expect it before it happens. The only way to see my evidence and our groups evidence is to join our group as a fellow physical evidence researcher. I enjoy the posts from pretty much everyone on this forum I've seen so far, including the skeptics. Whether I agree with them or not, knower's and skeptics, I read their posts and sometimes get a different angle on something. But I don't cater to whims and call outs.





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Do you have a link to this thread Triton.  I'm guessing I read it before but I'd like to revisit it if possible.

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