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Hiflier:     "In the 'eyes' of a very watchful and obsessed surveillance-saturated society bent on protecting its trillion dollar resource industry a Sasquatch disclosure would be disastrous. And that's only on the wood side of things. That trillion dollars doesn't even touch mining or oil and gas extraction. In light of that one has to ask oneself is finding Sasquatch remains and getting the creature verified WORTH it in light of the economic damage it may cause? Is enacting laws that reach further into protecting Sasquatch habitat WORTH the effort? It's a very personal, philosophical question that must look far ahead into the our own environmental future as well."


Your statement could very well be the reason for a cover up.    Perhaps the powers at be have already figured out that the best thing for BF is to just let it alone and not protect it.     That satisfies the government forest management types who have a leave nature alone philosophy and certainly the forest products industry has no objection to just ignoring what they know about BF and continuing to cut trees.     The reclusive nature of BF plays into both of their hands.    

33 minutes ago, SWWASAS said:

Your statement could very well be the reason for a cover up.    Perhaps the powers at be have already figured out that the best thing for BF is to just let it alone and not protect it.


This would also have to encompass habituators, too. Meddling with, and feeding, wildlife is generally a no-no. One would think that habituators would be the most watched group of any if the activity or interaction they are claiming is anywhere near true. Think about it: A 7-8 ft. tall hairy biped along with its family visiting ANYBODY on a regular basis? In an place with no Grizzlies it would be the biggest creature in the region. And no one in government knows about it? Habituators have been engaging on this Forum for years, This Forum would have to comply to any official request for email and other information about any member here. What am I to think when it comes to something like that regarding a creature so important to the economic welfare of the resource industry as a who and the revenues it generates? Am I to think nothing? Not on your life!


The entire Sasquatch subject and its picture is being called into question here because I doubt that habituators who are adamant about keeping the locations a secret know that their locations are anything but? I think it's time for everyone to stop any old thinking that the Sasquatch is an unknown quantity. There is a truth about it that logically can be brought to the surface. And it has always been my goal ever since I came to this Forum to do just that. It is the purpose behind every thread I start. Without logical argument, circular dialogue is all that is left to us.      


Hiflier, I get what you're saying: the potential economic consequences of species recognition are so great that it's hard to fathom how far some might go to prevent a specimen from making it to the light of day. 


So, with that thought in mind, how much do you think those same interests are involved in an ongoing campaign to delegitimize the Bigfoot community, essentially laying the groundwork so that 70% of the population will dismiss any legitimate specimen offhand?  Do the timber and energy interests employ trolls to disrupt and slowly kill off Bigfoot blogs and sites and make them seem like circuses and cesspools to the casual observer?  Could the timber and energy interests even be the puppet masters behind guys like Biscardi and Dyer? 


Obviously, if truly such interests are trying to prevent species recognition, they know they can't prevent the average Joe from killing one with his car, or from finding one under a fallen tree.  But they can set the general population up dismiss everything, no matter how legitimate, as a hoax.


Carry at least a hack-saw blade, take ten minutes to procure the hand.



Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Bluegrassfoot said:

Hiflier, I get what you're saying: the potential economic consequences of species recognition are so great that it's hard to fathom how far some might go to prevent a specimen from making it to the light of day. 


So, with that thought in mind, how much do you think those same interests are involved in an ongoing campaign to delegitimize the Bigfoot community, essentially laying the groundwork so that 70% of the population will dismiss any legitimate specimen offhand?  Do the timber and energy interests employ trolls to disrupt and slowly kill off Bigfoot blogs and sites and make them seem like circuses and cesspools to the casual observer?  Could the timber and energy interests even be the puppet masters behind guys like Biscardi and Dyer? 


Obviously, if truly such interests are trying to prevent species recognition, they know they can't prevent the average Joe from killing one with his car, or from finding one under a fallen tree.  But they can set the general population up dismiss everything, no matter how legitimate, as a hoax.


^^ Pretty darned good post and questions BGF. All I can say is that any campaign to delegitimize the BF community or the existence of the Sasquatch itself would be dependent on how real the creature is. I find it difficult to understand why the media has such an across the board public posture amounting to nothing short of derision whenever someone comes forward with a claim. As far as disrupting dialogue and discussions on Forums? Yes, there are efforts made to do that. I've posted this publicly available info before but look up PRISM and GCHQ in Wikipedia- it's a real eye opener in that regard.


Truth is, I worry about the Sasquatch. Some people downplay any concern (which to me is a red flag) for their well being but personally I think the creature is in trouble for many reasons. But I also think the recent arguments in the lawsuits brought against, first a Canadian province, and then the state of California, should be stronger than they are. It's a start yes, but if the days in court are cut short then someone isn't doing their homework. Or council has rolled over from either a payoff, pressure from losing their careers, OR they fully realize the damage a ruling against a province or state would mean and honestly understand just how dangerous it might be to be representing these plaintiffs. Any of those things could happen UNLESS council is firmly convinced THEMSELVES that the existence of Sasquatch is the truth. Then there would be no doubt council will KNOW what a favorable ruling, at all cost, would mean for the Sasquatch. The two people bringing these lawsuits to court are essentially suing for proof. Because ultimately that province and state will HAVE to satisfy the courts by either producing a Sasquatch, thereby admitting they knew about it all this time, or flat out deny it's existence.


Problem is, if they deny existence in the face of the reports, and the witnesses claimed experiences, there will more than likely be an enormous uproar followed by appeals. I'll bet folks are scrambling like no one's business right now trying to figure out just how to play this maybe all the way up to the DOI. Potentially, it could be a real quagmire- and I hope it is- that lasts long enough to get the truth out. Even if the mainstream public doesn't believe the creature exists they need to at least be somehow aware of just how far something like this reaches. It's pretty danged serious if you want my opinion.


I just wish Ackley wouldn't say publicly that she leaves children's picture books out for Bigfoot though. But then if the media was on her side they wouldn't print such things either- it's a slanted editor's choice (MAYBE!) as far as I can see


I'm actually quite amazed the people who claim to have been abducted by Aliens don't do what would amount to the same thing?


@Inc1- Agreed, still need a place to safely take it to though- WITHOUT making a phone call. And without the scientist calling the police. 'taint so easy.      

Edited by hiflier

Update on lawsuit: The copy of the court papers that were on the Scribd website as shown in the Gizmodo website's article has been removed from Scribd.


A radio station was making fun of this very lawsuit this morning.   Even as a BF proponent it was pretty funny.  

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Get it in the public domain ASAP. Establish a relationship with local media individuals and confirm they will do a live shot if you "bring them something interesting" even if it's oh dark hundred outside. Have secondary participants to video the live shot so that it can be placed in the social media sphere (FB, YouTube, et al) immediately afterwards. Any samples taken must have a clear chain of custody established to avoid the contamination talking points. In the case of skeletal remains, our plan is to shuttle the media into the site (it's private land) so they can document the entire location. Bone samples will be taken and CoC documented as mentioned earlier, since we've pretty much concluded some type of intervention/interdiction from some authority will shortly ensue. Most importantly, we have made the written agreement this is a "Jonas Salk" type effort in that any personal gain is contractually waived in the interests of society as a whole.

Edited by Yuchi1
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