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Its definitly getting harder to believe that an animal like bigfoot exists

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Not trying to be a smart A## but from your post you want everyone else to do the work and to show you the proof .

Why don't you go out on a BFRO expedition and meet some folks who are active . 


If you don't want to do that go out on your own but that is a lot harder without having some seasoned researchers showing you what signs to look for.


You could spend your life searching and never see one . Many researchers have spent years , almost life times and never had a visual .

Others have , it's up to you how much you want to get into this.


Excellent thread and a lot of interesting points brought up by you and the local proponents here 

I have pondered both sides of the spectrum. The creature is one of endless fascination. Legendary no doubt. 

I am a chemist that has spoken to other Scientists more related to this field of study 

We are inclined to believe the creature simply does not exist in the here and now. No doubt similar hominids did roam the earth in our distant pass.


17 hours ago, prob2236 said:
I’m not looking for you guys to convince me that bigfoot exists and like, I said, I would love to be and hope that I’m wrong about everything I’ve said.  I just don’t see how all roads aren’t pointing to this creature being a total legend.  I guess what I’d like to know is what reason you guys have optimism when it comes to believing in this creature?  Despite all the information we have that I’ve talked about, why do you continue to be convinced that this animal is waiting to be found?  Maybe you just have to have experience this animal face to face to know that it exists…  



Many of us have either had a sighting, know and trust someone who has,  or had things that happened that can't be explained.  Include me in that group.


I'd also suggest getting out and spending time in the woods (or is that investing time in the woods).  It's easy to look at markers on maps or stories recalled and published but in the end there is nothing comparable to physically experiencing a swamp, mountainside, secluded pond, or other "reported hotspot".  It can make all the difference in the world. I think many of us have a "honey hole" just alike a fisherman does.  You know the area like the back of your hand and return there whenever you can to hopefully experience things. Footfalls in the dark of night, wood knocks, footprints, howls, eyeshine, and more. 


When you do experience any, some, or all of those you began to arrange the pieces of the puzzle and at some point they snap together with an audible click. That's when the real fun begins!






Unfortunately the students in this classroom pretty much represent a good percentage of non believers in Bigfoot's in America. I give the brave young man a standing ovation for his bravery in giving a speech on Bigfoot in front of his classmates who sit there and laugh at him. It is exactly why I go out searching for evidence for Bigfoot because of the students laughing at that young man, to find that really good undeniable proof and stick it right in front of their faces to keep them from laughing at anyone ever again who has seen a Bigfoot and gets laughed at for talking about their experience. I know exactly how that young man feels as I was laughed at myself. In a way I don't want Bigfoot to be discovered as I feel it will benefit their survival, but yet I want to shut the laughing non believers up once and for all.


8 hours ago, prob2236 said:


I agree and my mind is open.  I certainly cant come up with an arguement as to why this creature couldnt exist.  Sometimes it just seems like a lot of peoples belief in bigfoot is fueled more by the heart and their hope that its there and they end up grasping at straws to reach the conclusion they want.


I know hes a tv personality but for you guys who ever watched Finding Bigfoot, Bobo is a perfect example of what im talking about.  He believes so strongly in bigfoot that he investigates every report as if its a forgone conclusion that Sasquatch was involved.  He'll find an area of matted grass and go on a rant about how "this is typical bigfoot behavior" and yada yada.  Completely ignoring the fact that are probably 20 animals in the room all around him more likely to have made that area of matted grass.


Im reaching for examples but my point was that I think this is a common thing with bigfoot hunters.  You want so badly for it to be there that you almost convince your mind to see and believe things that just arent true.

You've got to remember that Finding Bigfoot is a show produced purely for entertainment.   The four main characters are intentionally turned into one dimensional stereotypes.  I've argued before, and still maintain that Finding Bigfoot is a live action remake of Scooby Doo.  My point is that what you see in the 40-odd minutes of an episode certainly doesn't represent the complete individual or how they do research.   Bobo comes from the California surfer scene and spent some years as a rock band roadie, so he can come across as a 50 year old Jeff Spicoli.  But he's no idiot, and I know he has more firsthand knowledge of the phenomenon than I'll ever have.  


As for your statement that Bobo "believes" too strongly, and that makes him think everything is Bigfoot.  Well, Bobo has had his own personal sighting(s), and with that, he doesn't "believe", he knows they exist.  And again remember that the many times the show's four stars dismiss a sound, a track, or other evidence, that ends up on the cutting room floor. 

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Posted (edited)

when I was in 9th  grade I gave a speech on  bigfoot, complete with homemade 18" plaster footprint cast. While not so tongue in cheek, it was the late 70's, so the topic was not so "well known" nor thoroughly mocked, it wasn't met by such laughter, though it did earn me the moniker"sasquatch" for the next three years, but then I was a big kid with long hair, so it did kinda fit....at the time, I'd had no confirmable encounters, or ones I attributed to as possibly BF related,but I still felt they could easily exist. 

Later through my life I've had experiences that I couldn't explain any other way, or where sasquatch was the most "rational" interpretation (sure, could have been aliens, shapeshifters, etc)still no direct sightings.

I don't jump to "it's got to be a bigfoot!" Conclusions, but I do consider the possibility if it fits. I'm not certain of their existence, but I certainly entertain the potentials of such creatures surviving in the considerable viable habitats we've yet to render unsuitable. And when you take into account our elimination of a vast majority of the other apex predators(bears, wolves, mountain lions) in these habitats, we may have inadvertently expanded their territory and numbers.

Edited by guyzonthropus

The video of the student giving his speech in front of the class does a good job of what some people have gone through when talking about their sightings and why some are too afraid to talk about it, they don't want to be laughed at. One of the person's who laughed at me with some others when talking to them about my sighting, was dumbfounded when I'd produced a photo of a Bigfoot from the area of my sighting months later, he wasn't laughing any longer. It also made me feel relieved that I was able to sway a non believer who once laughed at me, felt good! But also, it was that same person that seriously motivated me to search hard even though it wasn't what started my first initial Bigfoot outing, Missing 411 did that.  Good job on your speech guyzonthropus, if I was in that class of yours on that day, I would have been intrigued. Bigfoot wasn't even on my mind back in the 70s, and that's when I was in the 9th grade also. 

15 hours ago, prob2236 said:


I agree and my mind is open.  I certainly cant come up with an arguement as to why this creature couldnt exist.  Sometimes it just seems like a lot of peoples belief in bigfoot is fueled more by the heart and their hope that its there and they end up grasping at straws to reach the conclusion they want.


I know hes a tv personality but for you guys who ever watched Finding Bigfoot, Bobo is a perfect example of what im talking about.  He believes so strongly in bigfoot that he investigates every report as if its a forgone conclusion that Sasquatch was involved.  He'll find an area of matted grass and go on a rant about how "this is typical bigfoot behavior" and yada yada.  Completely ignoring the fact that are probably 20 animals in the room all around him more likely to have made that area of matted grass.


Im reaching for examples but my point was that I think this is a common thing with bigfoot hunters.  You want so badly for it to be there that you almost convince your mind to see and believe things that just arent true.


You need to wrap your head around the fact that it did exist.... So the question then becomes extinct or extant? There are plenty of extinct hominids that would fit the bill for Sasquatch.


With Bobo? Your simply scratching the surface. Im sure he is a nice guy. But Bobo isnt common, nor is he the guy I would look to for producing results. He is a big loveable tv character that loves all things Bigfoot.


I can only give myself as an example. But my background is hunting and mule packing in the Rocky mountains. I know the difference between the mundane and the bizarre. And have experienced a bizarre thing and some curious things. But I go armed and if I was to have an encounter? I would harvest it in the name of science. 


Im not here to perpetuate a myth, Im here to end it. And I cannot follow every Bear track and Deer bed in the forest. I have to seperate the wheat from the chaff. Many here like me, and many here that are serious researchers looking for DNA evidence. We even have a researcher that studies bite marks on bones of Elk and Deer.

Guest prob2236
12 hours ago, 7.62 said:

Not trying to be a smart A## but from your post you want everyone else to do the work and to show you the proof .

Why don't you go out on a BFRO expedition and meet some folks who are active . 


If you don't want to do that go out on your own but that is a lot harder without having some seasoned researchers showing you what signs to look for.


You could spend your life searching and never see one . Many researchers have spent years , almost life times and never had a visual .

Others have , it's up to you how much you want to get into this.


I totally think thats the case.  I think thats also the stance that science takes, which seems to be whats so frustrating to people in the bigfoot community.  Its not my job or sciences job to find bigfoot and prove that it exists because at this point the evidence is "lacking" at best.  Theres no solid, indisputable evidence to think that we should be paying scientists to walk through the woods looking for this thing.


MindSquatch,  I watched the video of the student presentation.  It came across as a project for a 'speech class'. Only about 2 minutes long is way too short for sasquatch but a time slot  in a speech class.  Published Feb. 2013 and not too popular.

49 minutes ago, Catmandoo said:

MindSquatch,  I watched the video of the student presentation.  It came across as a project for a 'speech class'. Only about 2 minutes long is way too short for sasquatch but a time slot  in a speech class.  Published Feb. 2013 and not too popular.

Yes, I know! It was to show the MINDSET that is out there with a good majority of people about Bigfoot.

3 hours ago, prob2236 said:

I totally think thats the case.  I think thats also the stance that science takes, which seems to be whats so frustrating to people in the bigfoot community.  Its not my job or sciences job to find bigfoot and prove that it exists because at this point the evidence is "lacking" at best.  Theres no solid, indisputable evidence to think that we should be paying scientists to walk through the woods looking for this thing


I really do not think that is our job to be paying scientists to go out looking and researching for this creature. After all they are the scientist that want to make a name for themselves and show that a living new ancient hominid is surviving in our National Forests through out the United States and the World. Besides scientist pick their careers to look for these unknowns that are out in our world. We as amateurs  are only out there to full fill our own curiosity. What we find in the field we try to bring it to the intention of the scientist but it is really up to them to except it. You might think that there is no solid indisputable evidence and you might be right. But the fact remains that there is evidence that these creatures have existed just by witnesses testimony alone through out the years. They cannot all be lying and this includes my self since I also have had sightings of them. In my life they are real in flesh and blood.

22 minutes ago, ShadowBorn said:

They cannot all be lying and this includes my self since I also have had sightings of them. 


Not true.


You could be lying. Absolutely.


You could have misidentified what you saw. Absolutely.


You could have been hoaxed. Absolutely.





On 11/16/2018 at 2:38 PM, prob2236 said:

I’m a new member of the site so I’m sorry if this conversation has been beat to death in past discussions.


I’ve been a bigfoot enthusiast for a long time and have really enjoyed reading some of the discussions posted on this site, in just the short time I’ve been around.  Like a lot of you, my interest in bigfoot goes all the way back to childhood and has stuck with me through much of my adult life.  While a younger me was, without a doubt, convinced that Sasquatch existed and that it was only a matter of time before science revealed them as fact.  As I’ve gotten older I’ve become much more of a skeptic.  At this point in my life, I’m still hopeful that somehow this animal might be found, however, I find the lack of supporting evidence and logic against bigfoot to be so over powering. 


I admit, I’m mostly an amateur when it comes to bigfoot info and breaking news.  What I know about sasquatch is what I read and what I’ve watch on shows, that I’ve grown to despise, like Finding Bigfoot.  For 30 years it seems like it’s been the same old same in terms of evidence for this creature, grainy photos, vocalizations, footprints and eye witness accounts.  Science as a whole seems to find no reason to entertain the possibility of finding this animal and even in cases where science has stepped out and tried to give its two cents, results have not been favorable.   Take for example the DNA testing of reported “bigfoot hairs” done by Oxford geneticist Bryan Sykes in 2014.   Doors where opened for samples to be sent in for testing from around the world and while I believe the results did find evidence of a hybrid polar bear, all other samples were identified as being common, well known animals like bear, raccoon, horse and I think even human.  We seem to think that science should be taking the wheel in our attempt to find bigfoot but science seems to be waiting for us to give them a good reason as to why something like that would be worth their time.


Beyond the limited data; time, logic and reasoning just seem to lead right down the same road, to the same unfortunate conclusion.   Really, how is it possible that with 500 million people living in North America, most of whom now have instant access to a high def. camera with their cell phones, we can’t get more convincing images of this animal a live.  Trail cameras can pick up hundreds of thousands of clear images of every other form of wildlife but not one single photo is out there that isn’t highly debatable.  Anyone off the street can now purchase drones with cameras on them that can be flown miles into the woods, documenting the whole time.  People claim that they’ve had these animals run across roads right in front of them but no one has ever accidently hit on of these things?  Statistically isn’t that just so unlikely?  Thousands of hunters in North America everyday but no one has ever shot one of these things, even on accident?  People go hiking, hunting and trekking through the woods all over the place and year round but no one has accidently happened upon a dead body? 


I think the moment where all this really cemented for me and the real odds of all those coincidences coming together at the same time sunk in was when I was ready about the re-discovery of the Coelacanth in 1938.  This fish that was presumed extinct for 65 million years being caught in a fishing net by chance.  Now you can log on to youtube and watch multiple videos of divers swimming up to these things and interacting with them.  We found a 5 foot extinct fish in the largest, most unexplored location on our planet but we can’t find an 8 foot tall humanoid walking around the continent of North America.  Doesn’t that just scream impossible?


I’m not looking for you guys to convince me that bigfoot exists and like, I said, I would love to be and hope that I’m wrong about everything I’ve said.  I just don’t see how all roads aren’t pointing to this creature being a total legend.  I guess what I’d like to know is what reason you guys have optimism when it comes to believing in this creature?  Despite all the information we have that I’ve talked about, why do you continue to be convinced that this animal is waiting to be found?  Maybe you just have to have experience this animal face to face to know that it exists… 


Sorry again if this is a redundant post.  I’m looking for a jumping off point for discussion on this forum and decided to start with my own personal observations.  I’d love to have this become a fruitful discussion.


Respectfully, Patrick in New Hampshire


Welcome to the forum.

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21 hours ago, prob2236 said:

m reaching for examples but my point was that I think this is a common thing with bigfoot hunters.  You want so badly for it to be there that you almost convince your mind to see and believe things that just arent true.


I believe most people here that have encountered a bigfoot come at it from the opposite direction.  They are not BF hunters, but instead hikers, hunters, fisherman,  bikers, and/or folks just driving down the road when they experience the WTF was that moment.  When you add up a few thousand similar experiences you eventually come to the conclusion that yes BFs exist and like many of those here, want to learn more.  It is not about the millions that have not experienced a BF, but instead the thousands that have.



52 minutes ago, Squatchy McSquatch said:


Not true.


You could be lying. Absolutely.


You could have misidentified what you saw. Absolutely.


You could have been hoaxed. Absolutely.........


I believe that the laws of probability are against you. First of all, we know without doubt that both bipedal apes and large hominids have existed in the past. Secondly, we also know without question that oral, written, and glyphic human history worldwide record such creatures in our recent past. Thirdly, we have decent moving photographic evidence that they exist at least as recently as 1967. Fourthly, we have good trace evidence of their current e istence. Finally we have lots and lots of testimony of their sightings.


The evidence really exceeds a reasonable doubt. Of course, it doesn’t exceed denial, but that’s okay. Frankly, I don’t care if you accept their existence or not. :tease:

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