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IMO it's not so much what Silverfox reports. It's like many others styles of writing here it comes off as condescending, arrogant, and very much as everything that he writes is a fact! He has no problem reminding us that he's a journalist as if that's some sort of cloak of credibility, then when challenged repeatedly says well I just read it on the web, or that's what someone said to me or some other lame answer ect ect. Its a public fourm if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen and if you sling enough BS long enough it will come back to hit you in the face IMO!

I see your point and it's as valid as anything else that's written in this forum. You, Silver Fox and anybody else has the right to post what you want and it's up to the readers to digest information and form their own opinions. Nobody says we have to believe it, agree with it or even like it.

I don't get the feeling that Silver Fox is condescending but I do get the feeling that he's a bit defensive. Considering the tone of this thread and the subject matter at hand, I don't blame him.

He has recently posted some very "hot" information that, he made very clear, was received from outside sources. As it turns out, that information was a mix of truth, rumor and opinions with a bit of his interpretation to top it all off. However, the fact remains that it was enough info to stimulate some rather interesting discussion as well as causing other people involved to step in and clarify. Otherwise would Derekfoot and others have volunteered their recent posts?

I think that we can all agree that the information was not flawless but I, personally, think it was very exciting and has helped shed some light on a lot of questions that we all had. If people or parties involved with this study want to add facts or make corrections, I'm confident that the readers of this forum would welcome that information.

If not, then we all have to work with what has been presented. If some feel that it's not appropriate or that some information should be kept secret then I understand that as well. However, speaking for myself only, it sucks being the one that's not in on the secret. Most especially when I have been told that there's some great and incredible information that's earth shattering but I will just have to wait, patiently for some undetermined date when all will be revealed. If it was supposed to be secret then publishing a website with the intention of creating hype, is not the best way to keep it quiet.


Guest Cervelo
Posted (edited)


IMO this is how its going to turn out. The DNA is going to show human or some mumbo jumbo near human that won't mean jack squat to anybody other than us on this fourm. If the bear hunter shot a human with no biggie body and only his version of the story he might best keep his identiy secret. If they don't have a body or the best film, photos every the general public is most likley going to go yawn whatever! The existence of a new species is not going to

be proven with DNA alone, I challenge anyone to provide

the precedent for acceptance of a new species with only DNA. A sub species of a known animal sure no problem. A sub species of human/or other roaming the US with no body, just some spit.some fur, and a piece of some possible unlucky other hunter its never going to happen. I hope I'm wrong! But I'll take odds we will all be disappointed.

Edited by Cervelo


IMO this is how its going to turn out. The DNA is going to show human or some mumbo jumbo near human that won't mean jack squat to anybody other than us on this fourm. If the bear hunter shot a human with no biggie body and only his version of the story he might best keep his identiy secret. If they don't have a body or the best film, photos every the general public is most likley going to go yawn whatever! The existence of a new species is not going to

be proven with DNA alone, I challenge anyone to provide

the precedent for acceptance of a new species with only DNA. A sub species of a known animal sure no problem. A sub species of human/or other roaming the US with no body, just some spit.some fur, and a piece of some possible unlucky other hunter its never going to happen. I hope I'm wrong! But I'll take odds we will all be disappointed.

Yes, thats what usually comes out of such stories. Than, on the other hand, I personally always believed that money and a longterm concept is whats missing. BF reseach mostly ever was made by very small groups on a weekend basis. Discoveries are mostly coincidence or big research. I dont know of any major discovery in biology done by "weekend researchers".


I agree with this post. Silver Fox reported a story that he was told, verbally. He made that very clear in his post. It's to be expected that he would make some mistakes in transcribing and relating a telephone conversation.

The fact is that he reported it to us and, as a result, we have been given some highly interesting and revealing information about this ongoing DNA investigation.

Quite frankly, if it were not for Silver Fox's posts, we would still be speculating on when and if this paper will ever be released. I would rather have some information, even if there are errors, rather than NO information at all.

Furthermore, neither Ketchum, Erickson or anybody else involved with this project has room to complain if the info is incorrect. After all, they have released just enough information to get us excited and then have clammed up. They don't even bother to give periodic updates on their respective website. How hard would it be to add an update tab and once a week let us know where they are in the process?

The troops are getting restless and, as a result, we're all starting to dig around because there has been NOTHING coming from any of the camps! This is what happens when you peak interest and then shut down the flow of information.

If you're the kind of person that only wants 100% of the facts and no fluff; then don't read these posts. You can wait patiently for the report and video. In the mean time, the leaks will continue, as well as all sorts of rumors and speculation. This is a Bigfoot forum and that's what we all do. We research, speculate, share ideas, opinions and information with each other. If being right is a prerequisite for posting, then this forum might as well shut down.

Just my opinion...

Completely agree.

It would be cool if someone could verify that the tissue samples from this incident are really in a lab?

It would also help if someone can call the shooter to find out what really happened.post-447-050356800 1309477155_thumb.jpgpost-447-012240800 1309477168_thumb.jpgpost-447-012240800 1309477168_thumb.jpg


IMO it's not so much what Silverfox reports. It's like many others styles of writing here it comes off as condescending, arrogant, and very much as everything that he writes is a fact! He has no problem reminding us that he's a journalist as if that's some sort of cloak of credibility, then when challenged repeatedly says well I just read it on the web, or that's what someone said to me or some other lame answer ect ect. Its a public fourm if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen and if you sling enough BS long enough it will come back to hit you in the face IMO!


We've both been here for a while, and you are also one of the posters whom I respect and read each post you make.

In this case regarding Silver Fox I think that we need to accept what he says, and use our knowledge to sort thru the facts to seperate the wheat from the chaff..

One huge problem that Journalists encounter is a lying or deceiving informant, or someone who tells and then wishes they had not done so.

Silver Fox, from what I can see, is working his butt off to collect BF encounter stories, and he is dealing with humans who can be the best people ever, or first class lying jerks.

However, Silver Fox has brought a lot of info onto the forum, and instead of everybody gaining up on him, try to understand where he is coming from and who informed him of the facts he's sharing.

Personally, once again,I'm thankful for Silver Fox and for all of the info he *digs* up to share with us.

Let's not kill the messenger.He's working for Us!!.. :D

Love and hugs to all...Susi..



IMO this is how its going to turn out. The DNA is going to show human or some mumbo jumbo near human that won't mean jack squat to anybody other than us on this fourm. If the bear hunter shot a human with no biggie body and only his version of the story he might best keep his identiy secret. If they don't have a body or the best film, photos every the general public is most likley going to go yawn whatever! The existence of a new species is not going to

be proven with DNA alone, I challenge anyone to provide

the precedent for acceptance of a new species with only DNA. A sub species of a known animal sure no problem. A sub species of human/or other roaming the US with no body, just some spit.some fur, and a piece of some possible unlucky other hunter its never going to happen. I hope I'm wrong! But I'll take odds we will all be disappointed.

I have to agree with this scenario. However, I hope that we're both wrong. As Georgerm and others have pointed out, our best bet is that the result of all this work and research, are enough to generate interest from the scientific community and perhaps even generate some funding.

It's got to start someplace and this research is the best deal on the table.


Does anyone know if these samples will be compared to the previous "unknown" samples like the hair and blood from the cabin the Canada or the hair from the Skookum cast? They seem to be big on being thorough.


There was no hair from the Skookum Cast other then elk, coyote, and possibly one of the team.


There was no hair from the Skookum Cast other then elk, coyote, and possibly one of the team.

Not true. At least one hair was collected that upon initial examination appeared to be a non-human primate hair matching the characteristics of other potential sasquatch hairs.


Not true. At least one hair was collected that upon initial examination appeared to be a non-human primate hair matching the characteristics of other potential sasquatch hairs.

To be honest with you I wrote Skookum cast because I had the idea in my mind that it was the cabin in the woods and one other source, but I couldn't quite remember what the second one was. Skookum cast was a guess. I didn't feel good about it, so if anyone can tell me what it was I might have been thinking about please let me know.


Hardly so Mulder. That was wishful thinking at the time and eventually acknowledged as possibly being from the team.

My link

Guest Woodenbong

Hardly so Mulder. That was wishful thinking at the time and eventually acknowledged as possibly being from the team.

My link

That is correct there were NO sas hairs in the cast, I asked Dr Fahrenbach about hairs in the cast and he stated that there were NO hair samples present

Guest Tyler H
Posted (edited)

The fight to prove Sasquatch existence and obtain species recognition is a war of attrition. It will not (and has not) been won in any one battle. Patty didn't convince enough people; hair samples have not convinced enough people; upcoming DNA samples will not convince enough people, and neither will upcoming footage... but each piece of evidence is another straw on the camel's back. The resistance from the mainstream scientific field, aka "the camel's back" is breaking little by little. At some point this primate will be in textbooks for school and tourist books that list the local fauna of Banff or Yellowstone. It will gain more and more acceptance, but it will be hard to say that one piece of research changed everything.

The only thing that would break the camel's back all at once would be a body.

Edited by Tyler H
Posted (edited)

Can those familiar with this story correct and answer the questions below?

So Silver Fox interviews bear hunter 1 who knows of bear hunter 2 who shoots two BFs last winter. Do we know Bear Hunter 2's name? If so can someone call him? Why not? Bear Hunter 2 drove around a corner on a dirt road in his hunting area and saw what he thought was a extremely large strange looking bear standing in the distance with it's front paws above its head. He shoots it, then shoots a juvenile BF. The big female BF runs off into the brush and the juvenile rolls down the hill dead but Bear Hunter 2 drives off and leaves an important zoological discovery. Why? Mulder says, "If it is not EXPLICITLY permitted to hunt it, you may not hunt it, take it's corpse, or any part thereof."

It was near the Dixie Mountain Game Refuge west of Frenchman Lake on the Plumas National Forest. The refuge is located in Plumas County, CA, near Frenchman Lake. Dekefoot says, "Silverfox, would it be too much to ask that you not divulge any more about the area please." Why? What is Dekefoot's role in this story?

Later someone goes back to the area and finds a chunk of flesh buried in the snow but can't find the BFs. The flesh is mailed to a DNA expert. Who? Can somone call the DNA expert to verify this? If this is true, then the story has a ring of truth.

Some one dug up a thread from May 2010 that Ken Walker participated in as "skywalker". Is this Bear Hunter 1, the taxidermist?

post-447-059366800 1309620529_thumb.jpg

Edited by georgerm
Guest Cervelo

The part I love the most is when the little Bigfoot dies in your arms...... in your friggin arms and he does what high tails it to his truck and leaves. No no don't pick it up and and dump it into your truck sitting right there on the road!!!! Com'on really you've got to be kidding me there are so many issues with this story it's beyond comprehension. Then to basically have it confirmed that this is going to be the back up to the DNA evidence! It will be fun to watch :)

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