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Searching For Witness Stories For New Cable TV Series


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Dear BFF Members,


@JanineRSP is the cable television producer for a new series focusing on Bigfoot research. She is searching for witnesses who want to share their story and has asked the BFF for help. The BFF is not involved with the series in any way, we are simply providing interested parties access to our awesome community.


This thread is to help Janine with her search. Please be respectful and do not hijack the thread. Feel free to ask any questions you might have.


Thank You!


p.s.  You can also send her a PM if you prefer.


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Is she a researcher herself ? , a skeptic ?  Maybe she should post a little about herself and background .

That seems reasonable if she wants people to talk to her .

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Ooops, I accidentally unlocked the thread...   I was supposed to wait until she could introduce herself...



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  • gigantor locked and unlocked this topic

Hi Friends!

Thanks for checking out the thread. I totally understand the hesitation and I'd be glad to answer any questions I can. As I'm sure you can understand, there's only so much I can legally say right this second to protect the production. My goal here is just to respectfully listen to your stories and learn.


The show we're making is very serious and professional and in no way a joke. As you all know better than anyone the BF community is very small and as things finalize I have to respect parties involved and can't yet share that info but I'd be happy to talk to anyone personally in a DM if you'd rather not post it on the thread. I'd eventually also chat with you folks on the phone to maybe see if your encounter could be a great fit for the series! 


Please let me know what else I can try to answer for you.



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Hello, is this thing on?


It seems a great opportunity to share one's witness encounter has been offered. Time to step up to the plate, "knowers."

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In what form and manner will this show help the community of Bigfooter's?  I have only told my story once in public  about my encounters and believe me it was not easy then.I have told of  my encounters here on this very forum since 2000 when it was BFF 1.0 and encountered resistance. Since my encounters did not fit there so called Bigfoot should be or fit what the so called researchers wanted it to be. 


I have no problem expressing my self of what I actually encountered. The problem comes in the form of bringing proof. When I set out to find the truth it was for my self and that was it. But at the same time I wanted to have proof for others. This never turned out the way wants it to turn out. My proof came when I left everything to bring proof to others behind.


Now I  have been asked to go on news channels but refused.But maybe it might be time for me to tell my story but with out my name or who I am. The thing that has me is that i am not for fame nor for money. It is not about glory or non of that cr*p. It is all about getting to the truth.

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Janine, I think members may have a lot of questions about the show and that's why there is some reluctance to come forward. A few come to mind:


1) Can I remain anonymous when the story is presented in the show?


2) What is the format of the show?  Is it a "reality" show like Finding Bigfoot?  A documentary? 


3) Will the location be visited / investigated?  if so, will the people be competent or just some TV personality?


4) Will the story be recreated?


5) What is the goal of the show?  to convince the audience? to capture a BF? to acquire evidence?




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Also, what channel is planning to air this show (if you can reveal that info)?

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Hi Everyone!


Unfortunately as of now I can't reveal the network it will air on. There will be no recreations and no acting in the show at all. It's a purely scientific research documentary series that is taking the subject 100% seriously. The goal for us is to basically find any evidence we can of a creature existing. I'd be happy to chat with anyone in private/on the phone and anonymity is definitely not out of the question. We won't be investigating anybody's location or specifically which is a bit different than most existing shows. We'd just like to hear them and possibly use them as inspiration for investigation techniques, theories, etc. Because of the journalistic and documentarian nature we're taking with the show, we technically can't offer any monetary compensation in case it affects the integrity of the story. That being said, though, we will reimburse for any travel or expenses that may happen if we'd like to have you telling your story in the show. I just want great stories and can work out all other details so everybody is happy/feels safe sharing!


Please keep asking any questions you have!


Thanks everyone



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What exactly are  you looking for ? Are looking for an encounter ?or just grasping for answers like the rest of us?All I can say is that cameras are not going to give you the answers that you are looking for. Every encounter that I have had was done with out a camera and audio. I had even gotten closer when I was told by elders that I was to burn photo's I had of them in the forest so that they could see I was for real to them.


Now I am being open on a public forum about this and I am sure I have said this before. I am not sure how other hunters must have thought about me and my pittbull  out in the middle of the woods doing these strange things. But I gained more knowledge then I thought I would ever dream off. Before I started it was all theory and needed to be tested but I was scared of the out come.But I had to grab my guts and just do it and wait for the out come.


I kept hearing people about their encounters so I had to prove it to myself. So  I started my search in 2001 on a report on the BFRO report # 2953 Washtenaw county, Mi  Class A. It was this report that started it all for me. This report was the biggining for me.But it was not where I had my encounters or my sightings. Those events took place later after I had met other researchers in my state of Michigan.


Those encounters are the ones that have brought to the Bff and have kept me loyal to this forum. What I can say is that this forum was not like it was back then like it is now. To post your encounter on this forum back then was like going through a gauntlet. There was no safe zone on this forum and you were on your own. You either had an encounter or you did not and no in between.


If you are going to make a show then also show how these creatures effect people and how they are effected by others who have never seen these creatures.

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A series  , interesting .


It's a tough road  to do something like this  with only having interviews of encounters  .  Youtube has 1000's of those . 


Can I ask what made you interested in this subject to begin with? Do you have people on your team that do research , spend time in the woods looking for evidence ?



"The goal for us is to basically find any evidence we can of a creature existing"


You wrote this so this why  I'm asking  do you or anyone on your team have any ?





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@ShadowBorn I'd love to hear about your encounters/sightings if you're willing to share. Feel free to DM me privately. We will also be exploring how they affect people during/after an interaction and I'd love to hear how it affected you.


@7.62 Yes there are researchers with many years of experience on the team!

@salubrious I'm going to DM you to chat more and not flood the thread!

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That's nice to hear and you're not just doing it from a  computer screen .  I'm looking very forward to watch the end result . I wish I had a solid encounter to share with you but 

we won't say what we saw was a bigfoot because we are not sure what it was . 

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