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Trail Cam gone - new strategy

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Mid-80s, driving long, lonely highway Albuquerque to El Paso, gonna spend the day touristing in Juarez (hey, it was a helluva long time ago.)

Girlfriend sleeping in passenger seat, me nodding off from featureless, monotonous terrain. Suddenly, only a few hundred feet above us, an F16 overshooting our car and making high-speed pirouette turn!

Woke me right the hell up, I hope to tell you. Saw his wingman above and behind him, too.

Saw a pair of oryx on the trip, too. Didn't know what they were, until I mentioned them to my bro-in-law. They were pretty rare, he was impressed with the sighting.

Edited by Incorrigible1
  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, SWWASAS said:

.......In the military we had a low level route that left Nevada and went straight North into SE Oregon.    I think it was along 395 or 397.   .     Anyway I have seen semis drive off the road when we went roaring over the top of them at 700 feet in a B-52.     We were not buzzing them but just flying our route.    


LOL........I had just gotten out of a railcar on post (a few hundred yards east of the east-west runway on EAFB) and was in the process of throwing a switch when a shadow streaked by me. I looked up to see where the shadow came from in time to see an F-4 Phantom just disappearing over the treetops to the north at @ 500' AGL with his burners lit, and just beginning a slight, sharp turn to his starboard. Just as he disappeared the sound hit me like a banshee standing behind me screaming at a few hundred decibels. 


I musta' jumped 5' off the ground.


Often when we were working with heavy equipment on post we'd have A-10's making what were obviously mock attack passes at us as if we were enemy tanks. That always made me nervous. I knew they were pulling their triggers, and I also know that it's very possible they were loaded up by mistake. 


My Daddy, a career Navy civilian, told me of a time he was driving on a lonely Nevada highway somewhere north of Vegas with Mom in the car. A very strange looking aircraft that he didn't recognize passed right over the car going in the same direction he was going, and at very low altitude. Not only did it look strange, but he said that it was completely silent. He never heard a thing, even after it had passed over him so low.



BFF Patron

You remember if the silent craft was doing a normal speed for an aircraft or was it abnormally slow too?        One signature of the UFO phenomena is that they can fly very slow.     That to me shows they operate using some sort of anti-gravity systems.     If you can disengage a craft from gravity in the earths atmosphere,  at the latitude of Florida,   the craft would be moving at 700 MPH with the earth.    That is why we launch spacecraft headed East out of Florida.     The further South the more speed the earths surface has as it rotates so it takes less fuel to achieve orbital speed.   It has a 700 MPH head start launching to the East out of Florida.  

31 minutes ago, SWWASAS said:

You remember if the silent craft was doing a normal speed for an aircraft or was it abnormally slow too?..........


Daddy didn't say it went abnormally slow, but he did indicate that it wasn't going fast. 


........If you can disengage a craft from gravity in the earths atmosphere,  at the latitude of Florida,   the craft would be moving at 700 MPH with the earth.    That is why we launch spacecraft headed East out of Florida.     The further South the more speed the earths surface has as it rotates so it takes less fuel to achieve orbital speed.   It has a 700 MPH head start launching to the East out of Florida.


Good point. 


The state of Alaska and the University of Alaska have a couple of launch facilities, one in the interior and the other on Kodiak Island. They specialize in several things that set them apart from the facilities in Florida and California. Both are growing in use by DoD and private industry. Obviously, different orbital latitudes and postures and winter research are among those specialties.



BFF Patron

Vandenburg  AFB launches things into polar orbit.     Alaska would be used for that too.     You have to launch to the North and avoid populated areas to get stuff into polar orbits.    Cannot do that out of Cape Kennedy because of all the populated areas along the East Coast.     Polar orbits are handy for spy satellites in that they cover the entire earth as the earth rotates under the satellite orbit that goes over the North and South Poles.  

2 hours ago, SWWASAS said:

.........Polar orbits are handy for spy satellites in that they cover the entire earth as the earth rotates under the satellite orbit that goes over the North and South Poles.  


Alaska is a huge military spy facility working the Russian Far East, North Korea, and China. If it isn't based here, we support floating and flying assets from Hawaii or the West Coast or shoot it into orbit. 


Although it looks like we're starting to re-establish in the Philippines again. I'm sure the Chinese are pissed off over that. 


Hell, I can see Russia from my back yard.......... 😯

BFF Patron

I yeah?  Is Misses Huntster's name Sarah?   


No, and neither she or I are acquainted with Sarah, but we are with her parents, and both of Mrs. Huntster's brothers are well acquainted with Sarah. But everybody in Wasilla can see Russia from their front lawn. 🙄


Im not getting it. How is it possible to see Russia from Wasilla?



As Huntster knows,  Russia can be seen from Big Diomede Island.


Palin never claimed, nor said, she could see Russia from Wasilla but the Tina Fey spoof on Saturday Night Live did originate the statement.



  • Upvote 2

I once saw a post by a person that hollowed out small logs or hunks of wood and hid cams in them.  He made them look like they belonged in the forest and 'hid' them in plain site.  He also used some of those fake rocks you can get at the garden department of many stores.  After adding a little moss and some dirt, they were nearly invisible.

I would think that a piece of bark off a nearby stump and some rocks could go a long way towards making a cam unnoticeable.



  • Upvote 1
BFF Patron

I bought one of those fake rocks intending to do just that.    However the fake rocks are so different than the natural basalt in this area, it stands out like sore thumb.    It might be of use in the Sierras or Colorado where there is a lot of granite.   I would offer it to someone in those areas but the shipping would cost more than the rock did.  

6 hours ago, 17x7 said:

I once saw a post by a person that hollowed out small logs or hunks of wood and hid cams in them.  He made them look like they belonged in the forest and 'hid' them in plain site.  He also used some of those fake rocks you can get at the garden department of many stores.  After adding a little moss and some dirt, they were nearly invisible.

I would think that a piece of bark off a nearby stump and some rocks could go a long way towards making a cam unnoticeable.



Did you find the cam in the post I made above? 

It's in that small stump. Since it's a Plotwatcher there is only one hole, which is facing off to the right. It just looks like a stump with a woodpecker hole in it. In fact one of the things I got on it was a Flicker checking it out. Glad it didn't try to peck the lens. 

14 hours ago, BigTreeWalker said:

Did you find the cam in the post I made above? 

It's in that small stump. Since it's a Plotwatcher there is only one hole, which is facing off to the right. It just looks like a stump with a woodpecker hole in it. In fact one of the things I got on it was a Flicker checking it out. Glad it didn't try to peck the lens. 

I didn't actually see it, but assumed that it must be in that post.  Good camo.



Posted (edited)

There's only so much of a trail cam that you can hide especially if you want night-time photos/videos.  The IR lights take up a large part of the exposed face. If I wanted daytime only, I could reduce the exposed area substantially.




Edited by wiiawiwb
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