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Early man in the Americas

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BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

For some time there have been indications that seemed to point to humans in South America prior to 20,000 years ago.    But proof of that was arguable.     In the last few days a paper was published and reported in the media that human footprints found in some sandstone in South America have been dated by organic inclusions in the sandstone to be dated at 50,000 years ago.    That is a huge leap backwards in time but very typical of recent trends in pushing back the human timeline all over the world.   


Not associated but also in the media the past few days was DNA findings that the people that built Stonehenge were not Northern European on origin but were from present day Turkey.    The Europeans at the time were not farmers but the builders of Stonehenge were.    If you are familiar with Gobekli Tepi, it is a 10,000 year old religious monolith structure built in SE Turkey that was found a few years ago.    It was very similar to Stonehenge and was apparently covered up intentionally before being abandoned.     That and the fact the builders disappeared were a big mystery.    Perhaps now we know the reason.     During the ice age Turkey was likely a fertile farming area.   When the ice age ended, farming became difficult,  perhaps the Gobekli Tepi builders covered their sacred site,   migrated to England, resumed farming, and built Stonehenge to continue their religious practices?    


I just love this stuff for some reason.    At the same time it makes me wonder why I spent all that time in college learning stuff that has since been proven completely wrong.   

Edited by SWWASAS
7 minutes ago, SWWASAS said:

For some time there have been indications that seemed to point to humans in South America prior to 20,000 years ago.    But proof of that was arguable.     In the last few days a paper was published and reported in the media that human footprints found in some sandstone in South America have been dated by organic inclusions in the sandstone to be dated at 50,000 years ago.........


I just saw something like that this morning on the broadcast news. I found the irony amusing. They'll fall over themselves over something like that, then purposefully ignore or viciously deny fresh footprints as fascinating as the crippled Bossburg prints or the PG footprints that came with movie footage of the creature actually putting the prints on the ground in real time.

11 minutes ago, SWWASAS said:

.........I just love this stuff for some reason.    At the same time it makes me wonder why I spent all that time in college learning stuff that has since been proven completely wrong.   


What was it that you learned that has since been proven wrong?


Your attraction to ancient footprints and current thought on them make me think you're still attracted to stuff that might be proven wrong in the future.

BFF Patron

The entire pre modern history of humanity that I was taught is wrong.   Think of how many protohuman species have been identified in the last 20 years and human ancestors existed many hundreds of thousands of years earlier than I was taught.        The History of North America taught then was wrong.    The precolumbian Norseman exploration was wrong.   Mankind arrived in NA about 10,000 years ago,   That is wrong.     Quantum theory was radical and not verified by experiment.    Now it is used to produce actual electronic devices.   They are working on Quantam computers.  


I think science being wrong is delightful.    Newton fell,   Einstein was only partly right,   That and the fact that Sasquatch is ignored just demonstrates that main stream science is full of itself and is as mired in dogma as it has been throughout the history of science.  

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