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When Another Bf Group Invades Your Campsite - While Your Still In It!

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Guest uprightchimp

you can bet that with all that noise of this so-called birthday part planned, nobody will see any bigfoots around, I mean to say like GIVE ME A BREAK!!! with dogs & kids screaming!! :wacko:


Captain, If you have to resort to 'playback' mode on your visitors, whip out ABBA and BeeGees. They will leave, but you may feel ill.

SSR Team

Birthday party or not- if someone claims they are Bigfoot hunting and bring dogs and children they are STUPID FOOLS. Not gonna catch any Squatches with that kinda noise around.

I wholheartedly disagree where Kids are concerned..

Guest MidnightWalkerSE

That's why I rarely share my deep down core locations with anyone nor are my camping spots in standard spots. That would **** me off. It's worth going to the obscure crazy ass locations because it probably won't happen. I hear that happening all the time in the north where they go to those public campground sites and everybody knows of possible activity there. You were a patient fella to relinquish the spot.

Posted (edited)

Capt., It must have really sucked.. having to pack up your entire equipment and camp setup, and leave (goes.. without saying anymore). But IMHO, you most certainly made the right call.. not to escalate an unpleasant situation, with kids being involved. You have my respect, for what that's worth.

I will politely suggest, that some of the posters in this thread... do More homework, on the relationship regarding kids and BF incidents. I'm not at all convinced (from speaking to others..that I believe), that BF is detoured by dogs and other canines. I think it could be.. the other way around.

Edited by imonacan
Guest Tsalagi

Just because she said she was with BFRO doesn't mean she really was. I mean anyone can say that as the name is fairly well known thanks to recent tv shows. She could be a wannabee who BFRO has never even heard of.

Sorry I still don't think a group of kids will attract them. One kid, particularly the younger ones yes, but a whole group with dogs no. I never have kids or dogs with me and don't make much noise and though I have never looked for them they still find me. I think they are curious of individuals out in the woods alone in areas where people don't normally go. Go back and read old reports some of the best encounters are among those hiking, walking alone, camping quietly in small groups, berry picking or loggers working way out in forest. Sorry no great evidence has been brought forth not even a decent new photograph by all these heavy equipment toting city slickers.

Guest wudewasa
Posted (edited)

Capt., It must have really sucked.. having to pack up your entire equipment and camp setup, and leave (goes.. without saying anymore). But IMHO, you most certainly made the right call.. not to escalate an unpleasant situation, with kids being involved. You have my respect, for what that's worth.


The way that some parents use their offspring as pawns or shields is disgusting. This happens in custody battles with divorce, and is a horrible way to induct children into social interactions.

Just because there are kids present does not mean that everyone must back down and submit to the the whims of the self entitled parental unit. Children learn to bully others while watching their parents make passive aggressive ploys. I always try to be civil with the offending adult, to show the kids an alternative way to treat others, and sometimes, I resort to explaining to them that how their parent is treating me is wrong and hurtful. This embarasses the dysfunctional parent, and often enough, they back down. Several times, kids have approached me later and apologized for their parent's bad attitude.

The bottom line is that we are not physical/psychological punching bags for others.

Edited by wudewasa
Guest CaptainMorgan
Posted (edited)

"Bumping Lake" is a real lake, but for bigfooters refers to the dispersed camp sites located along the first 3 miles of FSR 1800.


You want to guess how many actual multi-fire-ring sites there are along both sides of the road?

DOZENS. Larger than the one I was in the BFRO calls "rock camp". It's in the little colon shaped area.

It's not a deep core location, it's an overly publicized location that everyone knows about, but pretends it's their little secret.


FSR 1800 goes about 1\5 past the camp I was in, and then the road splits.

FSR 1800 bears off to the right and closes 100yds down, and FSR 1808 goes forward and closes 1\2 mile down.

From the road closures you can walk in for miles towards Lily Lake, Granite Lake etc and it's at least as dark and squatchy as the previous camps are.

In fact, just a few feet past where the road is closed on 1800, there is a mineral spring with salt that the Elk visit every evening.

The point is, there is just a huge swath to squatch in along this canyon and there's no reason for anyone or any group to have to be right up on each other, or to take over someone's established campsite.

I know this woman is "in" with the WA BFRO folks, because I saw her at the OSS a couple of week ago and I know who she is involved with.

While I spent my afternoon sweating my arse off packing up camp, she went down to the other guys camp to borrow some matches, came back and had a nice little cookout while watching me pack up.

When I surveyed the now empty spot, wondering "have I grabbed all my cameras from the area?", I also wanted to call her over to tell her what I really thought of her.

It's puzzling to try and understand what sense of entitlement one must have to be that audacious. Or why she was there and woke me up, AT SEVEN A.M.!

I think someone commissioned her to scout ahead and secure the camp for them.


Edited by CaptainMorgan
Posted (edited)

I find that very disappointing that you were treated that way. I am especially disappointed since you were actively trying to document something valid there (with equipment, etc.) That's no way to treat anyone; let alone a fellow researcher. Like I said before, PM me and I'll see what I can find out. I apologize for the trouble.

Edited to correct spelling (I'm replying my my phone; the autocorrect isn't always cooperative).

Edited by Matt Pruitt
Guest Bigfoot Hunter

Well, I have never had that happen to me, but I can assure you that in our upcoming expedition the "crashers" would most likely crap themselves if they tried. With all the ex military, special ops and private military contractors on the site They would not get even close to the camp, and if they did it would only be because we allowed them to. Maybe a good scare would teach some people to respect others camp sites a bit more huh?


If someone tried to pitch camp in the middle of mine, they would be very uncomfortable for their entire stay.

Guest CaptainMorgan

Thanks Matt, I appreciate the offer.

I'm reminded of the saying "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch" and other isms.

Admittedly, I don't know these people. I don't hang out with them, I'm not on their buddy list and I don't know how to contact them.

I'm an independent researcher that's spent a lot of study and time and effort and money to move from being an enthusiast to a researcher.

And when I say independent, it's not that I set out to be, but because everyone else is so blinkin clickish and exclusive that there isn't any other choice.

My aim is to know a few like-minded folks that I can trust to corroborate with and learn more from.

I bet none of the other folks there know that the USFS has trail cams all over and are baiting just up the road from there.

How do I know? I asked them and want to stay on good terms with them. They showed me the "stinky bag" of scent that they have to put out to bait with. They aren't keen on BF folks affecting their study areas and the USFS officer was so pissed off by this lady, he said that if he heard them hooping it up after the 10:pm forest curfew he would ticket them. ouch.

Not to mention that the road construction crew fellow that's camped on that road till October has to get up as 5:am every day.

That last thing I said to this lady at 7:15 was "is this how you want to go on record as representing the BFRO?" as she gave me the "talk to the hand" sign and stomped away.

Sorry but in my mind, the way to do effective research is not to alienate other researchers and the forestry service and park depts.

Matt I'll send you a PM when I get it worded right. I don't want to appear to be railing on the whole of the BFRO, I'm not. I have no beef with a lot of BFRO folks an see no reason to burn any bridges with fellow researchers.



Thanks for the reply, Captain. PM me when you can; I'll be happy to talk with you. I can also put you in touch with some very good WA field researchers who are great to spend time in the field with; very good friends of mine.



It's a f'n shame. I'd suggest watchin' all those CSI programs on the telly, pretty soon you'd be able to make'm disappear, only to have it look like a left hooved unicorn with a limp an a eyepatch was responsable. ;) Just kiddin' of course.

A shame like I said.


Guest tracker

Dealing with poachers and site bullies will only get worse after projects like the Erickson & Olympic release their findings. Just go off the grid during the summer Bf's don't like crowds anyways IMO.

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