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Sierra Shooting from A-Z


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I had a series of ?'s for Derek that got lost in the fray. If you can, please, will you touch on them if able? Mainly, I know you can't say what exactly a squatch is, but do we have fossils of it? As in, let's say for example it came back as half human and half Neanderthal. We have fossils of both and an image of what we think a Neanderthal looked like. When actually our perception had been wrong. See what I mean?

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Guest slimwitless

I think it's a big deal that the driver didn't take a weapon, considering they were looking for a wounded monster. Additionally, why would he feel comfortable enough to split up, a number of times, while searching for it?

I had originally understood that there was some hesitation because of fear of more monsters. Justin didn't give that impression during the interview. After a day full of curious scat, one would think that it could be more than a parent and two young siblings worth - yet there seemed to be NO hesitation or worry about other monsters. Interesting.

Actually, I don't think I've ever heard the driver describe what he saw as a "monster". He may have had an entirely different opinion. Maybe he did have a weapon but they're being less than truthful about it for some reason. I don't know. Maybe he'll address your question someday. That brings me to this:

In the final analysis, all that matters is the central premise of the story (these guys have provided DNA evidence for a previously undiscovered hominid). If that's true, everything else is just interesting window dressing. That's pretty much how I've viewed this event from the start.

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Guest poignant

Listened to the Team Tazer podcast last night where Smeja was the guest.

I like Merchant's cynicism and wit, but I think they ruined a great opportunity to ask pertinent questions to clarify the interview and ended up talking over each other and arguing about everything on the periphery and nothing about the crux of the matter. Pity.

So it seems that Ro and Smeja will be heading up to the site in August. I really hope to see an account of the lay of the land, where the truck was, where the adult scrambled into the bush, where Smeja was when he shot the baby, etc etc.

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In the final analysis, all that matters is the central premise of the story (these guys have provided DNA evidence for a previously undiscovered hominid). If that's true, everything else is just interesting window dressing. That's pretty much how I've viewed this event from the start.

+1 for that, my view too.

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Listened to the Team Tazer podcast last night where Smeja was the guest.

I like Merchant's cynicism and wit, but I think they ruined a great opportunity to ask pertinent questions to clarify the interview and ended up talking over each other and arguing about everything on the periphery and nothing about the crux of the matter. Pity.

So it seems that Ro and Smeja will be heading up to the site in August. I really hope to see an account of the lay of the land, where the truck was, where the adult scrambled into the bush, where Smeja was when he shot the baby, etc etc.

Is the podcast up somewhere so I can give it a listen?

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Guest peter
I really hope to see an account of the lay of the land, where the truck was, where the adult scrambled into the bush, where Smeja was when he shot the baby, etc etc

Maybe Justin should run tours, fill up the back of the truck at $25.00 a head and drive up there give a guided tour, way better than any video.

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Do myself favors? What are you even talking about? I'm not here to look like Mr. upstanding Bigfoot researcher. I am a researcher, and I have been for the last 27 years. You can't please everybody in this field. As a matter of fact it's hard to please anybody. I do this research because I love it, plain and simple. I'm not doing this to look good to the research community, or anyone for that matter. Myself and co-founder Rich Germeau hand picked the biologists and other top notch researchers for our organization. If they come to me and have a problem with the way I'm conducting myself, then I will cool my jets. Please understand, this is not a popularity contest. I know I've said that before, but it's true. We are in this to do the most comprehensive research we can do, and provide as much empirical evidence as we can. As far as that's concerned, we've knocked it out of the park. Everything we do is strictly voluntary, and we don't have major Hollywood studios lining up to make us all superstars. What we do is real research and field work. If the general public doesn't like how politically correct we are that's just to bad.

And yes Cervelo, you're hilarious.


Keep at it, D. Bigfootery is not an easy hobby for someone who has a hard time with ridicule. I appreciate someone who can keep their cool despite all the doubters and naysayers. If what you claim is true (and I have no reason to believe otherwise), then you have every reason to crow when you are proven right.

Keep fighting the good fight. Your day will come.


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@ derekfoot and @ general,

You guys have to be busting at the seems with all the stuff you guys know, pretty soon, your going to be like austin powers dealing with the guy with the mole. :-) Molely,molely,molely,

@General good interview sunday, LOL about the " I believe you " statement.

can't wait until it all starts flowing like a river.Snowwalker is more full of himself than he is of life. I can't believe they were bashing Melba so bad, not one of those guys even took a class in biology, nevermind having a clue about DNA sequencing.

They were saying that she doesn't know what she's doing, so how do they know that she's doing it wrong?

That would be like me telling a nuclear scientist, " hey buddy, your doin' that fusion formula wrong, your a hack" .

Edited by zigoapex
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Guest poignant

In the final analysis, all that matters is the central premise of the story (these guys have provided DNA evidence for a previously undiscovered hominid). If that's true, everything else is just interesting window dressing. That's pretty much how I've viewed this event from the start.

Agree with Corvus and great point by slimwitless. The crux of the matter is that they have dna currently being tested by two independent labs.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

@ derekfoot and @ general,

You guys have to be busting at the seems with all the stuff you guys know, pretty soon, your going to be like austin powers dealing with the guy with the mole. :-) Molely,molely,molely,

skeptics=the dude with a large mole?

Edited by OntarioSquatch
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LOL!!! Love it! I very much appreciate the words of encouragement. Moley moley moley! One of my personal favorites :D I'm not really sure what to make of " SNOW WALKER PRIME ". I think we need to recruit him into the Olympic Project. I think John B and John M would have a grand time with him.


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Guest ajciani

Not sure if this has been asked and answered (100+ pages, yuck!), but what was the total mass and volume of the recovered material, approximately (not just the sample you got, but all of the formerly living material collected)? My impression is this was just some material blown off (or out) by the bullet, so a few grams and a few cubic centimeters?

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Justin can surely answer this more accurately, but He's told me approx 2.5 lbs.


I'll give you my take. I think that the adult died on scene, and predators, possibly a cougar or bear got to the body before its own kind arrived. I think the flesh was torn to get to the protein rich organs. This is natural practice for predators in the wild. Soon after I think the body was recovered by other Sasquatch. I have no way of knowing this to be true., but I've been over it in my mind about 36,000,000 times. Best I can come up with.


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