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Sierra Shooting from A-Z


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^ I did not listen to the interview but your point d) indicates that Fish & Game officers took this matter seriously enough to investigate Mr. Smeja's home. If I remember correctly it was first reported that Fish & Game had no interest and laughed things off. Do we know if this was something more recent and could it have been linked to the possible DNA paper or the interest stirred by it?

I remembered from a early account that it was stated they they did come to his house to ask questions. I want to say JS said that but Im not positive but I am positive it was said in the earlier accounts.

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@Chad Triplett

A lot of your questions js answered on this thread, I think some of the other questions your just going to have to wait until

it's out in the open. If you go back and read js and Derek's post, and read between the lines to the answers they gave to

the questions, you'll get an idea what's going on.

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@Chad Triplett

A lot of your questions js answered on this thread, I think some of the other questions your just going to have to wait until

it's out in the open. If you go back and read js and Derek's post, and read between the lines to the answers they gave to

the questions, you'll get an idea what's going on.

Yes I know some of those questions have been, and I know for some answers one has to read between the lines. I suppose in my mind thats what I would have been asking Justin had I interviewed him. I dont care how many piles of poop he saw or what the weight or grain of bullet he used. Way to much time was spent on the latter. Like Detective friday in dragnet use to say...Just the facts please LOL I know we will have to play the wait and see game for the full story though I dont think JS will force us to wait AN WAIT like Adrian Erickson, or Ketchum have.

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Guest Transformer

Thank you for clearing things up. I guess the only question to ask now is which Fish & Game office the officers were from because we could confirm that part of the story at least. So here is a very easy and straight forward question: Which Fish & Game office did the officers come from that went to Mr. Smeja's house?

Edit to add this very straightforward and easy to answer question: Did the officers enter the house? If they did was a search warrant used?

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Guest MikeG

Wouldn't it be realistic to expect a professional hunter to have regular Fish & Game visits as a matter of course? Is there anything to connect a F&G visit with the BF story, therefore?


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SSR Team

Especially one that worked or works part time for F&G if i'm not mistaken too ?

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To the best of my recollection Justin said that fish and game had gotten wind of his story (they where called I think) so they had to investigate. They normally dont come visit you at your home unless you have broken a hunting law. Yes its possible some of his friends visit him that work for fish an game but I remember Justin saying this visit was official. I think I heard that from his first blog talk interview. I may be wrong.

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Guest slimwitless

Justin Smeja has sent a piece of his sample from the Sierra Kills to an independent DNA lab. This lab has been described as "prominent" and "credible". There's some suggestion more than one lab may be utilized. Both Derek Randles and Justin have hinted the results are promising. Further, Justin stated here the outcome will be posted free of charge and available to all. For obvious reasons, he has a stated aversion to the word "soon", instead opting for "in the near future" when discussing a time frame.

There are now three active DNA studies looking into the possible existence of Bigfoot. It seems doubtful the results of the Smeja Report will be peer reviewed. That said, a positive result from a prominent lab could only bolster both the Ketchum and Sykes studies.

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Guest slimwitless

It's worth noting that Bigfoot Evidence is reporting this morning that a sample from the Sierra Kills will be sent to the Sykes study for analysis. That's great news in my opinion.

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SSR Team

There are now three active DNA studies looking into the possible existence of Bigfoot.

Not sure about that Slim, can you or anyone confirm that the third active study IS NOT the Sykes study where this sample is concerned ?

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Derek while we have you here and excuse me if you had answered this already but can you confirm that the pictures of the flesh/hair sample that have been floating around are what you are familiar with.

Thanks Derek and hang in there !

Big Stinky

Thanks for the information Derek. At this stage with all the information and allegations flying it is refreshing to have an honest,transparent and level headed contact here.

With that being said I was question the "blonde" color of the sample as well ?????

Big Stinky

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To the best of my recollection Justin said that fish and game had gotten wind of his story (they where called I think) so they had to investigate. They normally dont come visit you at your home unless you have broken a hunting law. Yes its possible some of his friends visit him that work for fish an game but I remember Justin saying this visit was official. I think I heard that from his first blog talk interview. I may be wrong.

Yes, he said they visited his house without prior arrangement, asked for his consent to enter and search his house. Justin refused. They threatened to return with a warrant for the purpose of searching his home for evidence of a criminal act. Justin's characterization of the conversation contained elements that would probably cause the contact to be classified as a coerced search (essentially making anything discovered useless).

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Not to beat a dead horse but i have stated this before,with all the talk about DNA sequencing and typing and the labor involved couldn't a simple screening test be performed on unknown tissue to determine the number of chromosomes.

This would easily rule out many if not all of the indigenous north american animals from those of a primate as shown below :

Species Chromosome numbers (diploid)

human 46

chimp 48

coyote 78

bison 60

fox 66

bear 74


Big Stinky

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At least where I'm from (WI), the Fish and Game (DNR) don't need any sort of warrant to search your home if they have probable cause a crime has been committed. They have much more freedom to do searches than even the police.

Additionally, I don't think that the F&G would just 'drop by' even if you were a professional hunter - there would need to be a reason. Now, perhaps in CA, they can't enter w/o a warrant, I just know that isn't the case where i'm from.

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BFF Patron

Yes, it's called a karyotype (and has been brought up by several commenters on these threads early on) and would allow them to determine sex chromosomes too which someone has done since Derek claims that fact is under NDA. I'm sure they could determine sex without a karyotype but certainly it would be a simple and important matter to early on determine chromosome number. I'm sure it was primary in their methodology BTW.

Edited to add: Justin recalled on an interview, that the F&G people said they could come back with a warrant but did not (within the ensuing weeks since his statement), and did not enter his house, he had them wait at the door and denied them entry. He said one of the investigators was a sergeant as I remember. I forget whether it was mentioned that it was a branch office or central office person. One of the numerous online blogtalk interviews or blogger sites would get you that info. There was talk of an FOIA request for the investigation notes. It was stated by someone in thread that actually unless a follow through investigation had taken place there could be no access to such..... which I was not at all clear on.

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