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You can answer it too for your samples :)

I have one sample submitted, my team collected over a hundred hairs off of one tree, in Central Oklahoma, There are several documented sightings in that imediate area. We intend to update this page with more of the straight facts once the paper is released.


Posted (edited)

tpick, I've had two, possibly three sightings. One good one from about 60 yards, one decent one from a boat and one that I can't be sure of.

julio126, I'm sorry but all that info falls under the NDA. I'm sorry, I know everyone is tired of hearing that but there's nothing I can do about it.

Hoosierfoot, If and when the Olympic Project gets more pictures of Sasquatch, the pictures will be posted on our web site almost instantly. I promise you that. Once they're copyrighted we'll show them.

swisschris, yes there have been sightings in a couple of our areas by team members.

Edited by Derekfoot
Guest tpick

tpick, I've had two, possibly three sightings. One good one from about 60 yards, one decent one from a boat and one that I can't be sure of.

julio126, I'm sorry but all that info falls under the NDA. I'm sorry, I know everyone is tired of hearing that but there's nothing I can do about it.

Hoosierfoot, If and when the Olympic Project gets more pictures of Sasquatch, the pictures will be posted on our web site almost instantly. I promise you that. Once they're copyrighted we'll show them.

swisschris, yes there have been sightings in a couple of our areas by team members.

Thanks man!


I would like to ask Derek if he could please tell us his understanding of the word "soon" as it is being being used by those in the know regarding the release of the Ketchum Report and the in depth details of the Sierra story? ;)

Soon to me is 3-4 weeks. Others may think that 6-8 weeks is soon. And those really patient people may think 6 months is soon. :wacko: Example: If my 4 year was to ask me today when Santa was coming, soon would not be a word I would use in my response. If he was to ask when does school start I would respond with soon.

I understand that this is a tricky question and respect if you cannot ellaborate at this time. However, if it is any date in 2012 and this thread is still active with only those in the know still the only ones who know, perhaps we shoould find a new word for describing when one of the greatest discoveries in our lifetime will be released?

With that being said, I respect the hell out of the OP.

Thanks in advance.


I thought I heard on Chris's show that it was going to be "out" in November/December of this year some time. They got that from Dr. Ketchum in an off the air interview, if I remember correctly.

At any rate I remember Saskeptic questioning how she would know when peer review would end. After much debate on what "out" meant ( out for peer review? out of peer review? or out for publishing?) I think the general consensus from posters who publish or have published in journals before was that it must be out of peer review and in the queue for a publishing date at that time, but this part is only a best guess based on what was said on the SquatchDetective show.


Hey Jodie,

Was this on this week or last weeks show? If so I missed that piece of info. November/ December is not so bad I guess, it's the

not knowing that's eating at me.



tpick, I've had two, possibly three sightings. One good one from about 60 yards, one decent one from a boat and one that I can't be sure of.

julio126, I'm sorry but all that info falls under the NDA. I'm sorry, I know everyone is tired of hearing that but there's nothing I can do about it.

Hoosierfoot, If and when the Olympic Project gets more pictures of Sasquatch, the pictures will be posted on our web site almost instantly. I promise you that. Once they're copyrighted we'll show them.

swisschris, yes there have been sightings in a couple of our areas by team members.

gday derek

i read on another site that wally hersom has a blown up photo from a trail cam on his wall and its said to be impressive. is this a photo that hasnt been shown on the olympic site? and why not. cheers

Posted (edited)

tpick, I've had two, possibly three sightings. One good one from about 60 yards, one decent one from a boat and one that I can't be sure of.

julio126, I'm sorry but all that info falls under the NDA. I'm sorry, I know everyone is tired of hearing that but there's nothing I can do about it.

Hoosierfoot, If and when the Olympic Project gets more pictures of Sasquatch, the pictures will be posted on our web site almost instantly. I promise you that. Once they're copyrighted we'll show them.

swisschris, yes there have been sightings in a couple of our areas by team members.

sorry guys having a bit of a computer uploading gremlin attack.

while im here again id also like to ask Derek the question that i asked general. will the book be released before or after any dna results are made public or do we expect a flood of video documentries and books to come out at once with the supposed dna results?..................all in time for christmas shopping i presume :lol: cheers

Edited by lil foot

I am also an animal lover; but I do eat my pound of flesh weekly so I am no hypocrite. I know my protiens come from all things fuzzy, feathery, and furry. Sounds to me like this may be closer to shooting a human and its child though. But the jury ain't even close to out yet. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Hairy, My friend, I understand where you are coming from, however, we do eat what we buy/purchase, we don't go out hunting and leave it lying on the ground..

We(hubby and soldier son) shot a wild turkey, brought it home, mounted the tail feathers, and they(only them) ate the edible parts. :blush:

They also knew what they were shooting.

I think the youth of General had a part in this event, my son had his dad with him, and again,they knew *what* he was shooting and killing.

Military training has honed my son into a man worthy of carrying a weapon, and knowing when and how to use it.

My son is also the same age as the General.

Off topic:

(BTW, Hubby and I were there when he got his Captain's bars, and his commanding officer was so kind in his remarks regarding my son and his hard work to get his battalion ready for deployment.)


Strick said:

And to Susiq, just because something is in a book doesn't make it true, but it does make for a very tangled web if it's not!

Susi says:

Excellent point, but I now do believe that this event actually did occur.. :(

However, All of us have hopefully learned from this and the hunters will think before shooting something that they are not exactly sure of what they are shooting, even if it is a monster that is not threatening them.


The issue with custody is to prevent contamination. It is a lot more complicated than I'm describing here but you want the sample free of contaminates so you can get more amplifications that are true. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.

You are not wrong at all my friend, and the chain of custody is important also to know *who* handled it, and if anything is **missing** that someone decided to keep and send in for their personal benefit. :rolleyes: It can happen if there is money or fame involved.:ph34r:

The Sierra Kills actually happened,the story is being included into the book/DNA study. We will know hopefully sooner rather then later as to what all will be revealed.

I hope that they will do a major news conference in New York City or Washington to provide their evidence about the reality of BF so it will get lots of coverage.The National Press Club would be a fabulous place to hold the revelations/conference.

Will the researchers be revealing the results to senators and congressmen to get them to help protect this species?

I think protection ideas and possible legal ideas could be included in the revelations to help protect them.

Their lives are hard enough without people wanting to bag one for fame and fortune.

Guest wtwest

If I had the fortune to sight a bigfoot while hunting and I could confirm beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn't a person in a costume, I would shoot it without a second thought.


Some more questions. Sorry, if they have already been asked and answered.

How many days or weeks went by until the hunters returned to the site?

How deep did they have to dig to find the piece of flesh?

Why did the hunters contact Derekfoot? Why not another Bigfoot group? And why not the Wildlife Department?

Why were they afraid anyway? Why did they flee and not contact the federals after the shooting? They said the creature looked like a cross between a bear and a gorilla. They said it walked on two and four legs. They apparently didn't thought that it was some kind of human. So why were they afraid of punishment?


Hey Jodie,

Was this on this week or last weeks show? If so I missed that piece of info. November/ December is not so bad I guess, it's the

not knowing that's eating at me.


It was on the first show where this situation was addressed, I think a couple of weeks back? I thought I mis-heard what was said, but as we were discussing it in another thread, one of the posters verified that the report is supposed to be "out" by the end of the year. "Out" was never clarified by the guys and I never asked them to verify what it meant.


wtwest- the shooter in this unfortunate incident thought the subject looked like a cross between a bear and a gorilla, correct. that means he wasn't really sure. OK in the state of California it is to shoot an unknown wild mammal. what the regulations mean there is if you can't tell if what your shooting a squirrel or a pine marten and you can't make out what it is DO NOT SHOOT IT. Also if you think it is a bear and it has cubs with it, regulations say DO NOT SHOOT IT. it is also agianst regulations to shot a bear cub at any time. My point is this. I know plenty of hunters and they are responsible citizens that are carrying guns and that requires a good deal of common sense and experience in the field to handle the sport responsibly. know your regulations and act saftely.

IMHO this incident was not handled safely. The shooter could have backed away . I also understand his grief and remorse the shooter has but that doesn't change the attitude of acting improperly in the field. I'm really not here to prosecute the shooter, I know he has a lot of grief as WE ALL Do, but your last post would seem like a "shoot first and ask questions later" attitude and that sort of mind set has not shown to be a safe outcome which was the result of that sort of mindset. Now we have two dead very rare species, and someone who is going to profit from his misplaced mindset. this sort of thing makes me ask those with the experience but not the proper minset to show a lot more caution when engaging in the field. I also understand that the shooter wouldn't have handled it the wat it went down in hindsight OK. so wt you may choose to handle yourself in the state you live in but certainly in the near future if your perform that shoot for profit attitude in California you may wish you never saw a bigfoot. ptangier :angry:

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