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Guest Thepattywagon

i dont have any pictures of the poo. we saw multiple piles. mostly in the road, yes in the ''road'' their not really roads but you drive on em. yes i understand fully the difference between bear/deer/elk/horse/cow/cougar/coyote/fox ect poop, i've spent my entire life in the woods. no doubt in my mind it was something huge and different then the rest of those animals. we started seeing these piles in the morning and kept saying what in the world is that. i believe thats in dereks account on the ops site. it was huuge. it looked basically like horse crap in size and quantity. somewhere between horse crap and bear crap over all. very samaliar in size and color to horse crap forsure, no horses in area and did look much different then horse thats the best i can describe it. as far as quantity more then a bear but much less then a horse.

Thanks for responding to this one General! :)

Guest HairyGreek
Posted (edited)

Probably a silly question but how do you identify deer in a scat sample?

I was JUST about to write that this thread had run it's course and there was nothing left to talk about...I stand corrected.

I mean, Parn checked in with his amazing conjectures (enough to blow anyone's mind) and just prior someone got to use the term "straw man" (which always makes me throw up in my mouth a little) so I thought for sure there could be nothing left.

Now we are back on topic and there is still something left that's interesting and hasn't been discussed. I have to say I am shocked. I also would like to know how you can tell an animal's diet outside foods that don't break down completely in the intestinal tract. I know corn and berries and such will remain, but I had no idea there would be anything left of deer. Maybe hair? Maybe Dr. Ketchum could help us identify the hair in the poop if she doesn't get confused with the thickness and it turns out Bigfoot ate an Asian person.

Edited by HairyGreek
Posted (edited)

Here's a pic for General to check, for resemblance of his beast.


If I saw something like that, I don't think I could move, let alone, pull the trigger.

Is that picture considered to be a true representation of a BF?

Really a drawing of what most BF look like?

Yikes Twice Thrice..I'd be too afraid to shoot if I saw something that looked like that because I'd be frozen in fear..

I'm familiar with Patty, who is obviously not the Godzilla of the BF species, as the drawing depicts something more scary than Patty IMHO..

Is this something like what General shot?

If so, I can understand him shooting a monster, especially since he had no previous knowledge of the BF species. :(

Edited by SweetSusiq

Well, this thread WAS going really well. Was.

Prag, for the record, I don't give a rats a$$ if you doubt me or the story. I don't mind answering questions but I'm done answering yours. You are never satisfied with the answers anybody gives. Discussing this with you is a complete waste of my time.

Parn, really???


Very interesting post from RL. I wonder how much of that stuff is true.

I'd like to think that the OP retrieving the body part is true, but it might just be wishful thinking.

Well, for the record, Derek and General (both with OP) have said no body was recovered. Given that I don't know RL's sources, and I've found Derek and General to be extremely forthcoming, I give them the benefit of the doubt over RL's sources, but I'll keep reading his blog for updates. Their entertaining, and I'm weak.

Posted (edited)

You rock HairyMan!!

Thank you Derekfoot! I just would wish everyone would calm down. I realize we all are waiting and waiting...but that's life. Don't sweat the small stuff... I know enough to know we won't be disappointed. Just wait.

Edited by Jodie
tense correction
Guest PaulGT3

Derekfoot Said:

"PaulGT3, Do you seriously expect her to present an incomplete study? She is in no way toying with everyone, the paper needs to make it through peer review before it's presented. As a scientist you know this."

Derek I dont expect her to do a incomplete study but that doesnt have anything to do with my question. It appears to me She is covered by a NDA, you are behind a NDA, JC Johnson is behing a NDA, Steve Kulls is behind

a NDA, The General is behind a NDA. WHY? I dont understand. When I publish a paper and I have, it goes to my department, then to security then out. As a military scientist I dont have to send it out to the Air Force

or to the Army. I have to present the paper at a International Conference then I am up for questions by anyone who is cleared to be at that conference if its classified or anyone if its not classified and at a international

public technical meeting. Then anyone can pin me to the wall if they see fit. Usually the questions start with "I hate to disagree with my esteemed colleague but..." The ONLY time I have signed a NDA is to cover proprietorial

information for a defense contractor.

Forgive me but I am new to this non military scientific community here but I have listened to so many internet radio programs and it appears to me that EVERY so called expert is covered by some NDA.

This is what I have pieced together just by casual reading on the internet and about this accident with the general. Everyone is that has any real evidence is under contract to Dr Ketchum. NO one is allowed

to divluge any REAL evidence that Bigfoot exists until her paper comes out. Everyone is holding back to time their release with her paper release. Thats the part I dont understand. Suposedly there are HD videos

of Squatch's and pics of Squatches that are holding back for the Dr's Paper. Why? That would be akin to me coming out with a targeting systems for Special Ops for the Navy then the Air Force not releasing any targeting

systems they have come up with in the same development period as me, the Army not releasing any systems they have come up with, NATO countries not releasing any info, until I present my paper at the International NATO

Technical Meeting in Brussels the following year. Do you see my confusion?

I dont understand how ALL of a sudden the whole BIGFOOT community is congealed in to one very cohesive organization all waiting to reveal convincing evidence all based on the release of one paper. It appears to me that

this WAS a very competitive scientific community have all come together to release all this info all at once at some huge technical meeting as if they all went to work for SkunkApeworks in Palmdale. The only other conclusion

I can draw is that the evidence is not that compelling which I HOPE ISNT the case.

Again I am just coming out of my own closed scientific community as I retire and I am just confused, since its not the same as I am used to. I just dont understand the sudden cohesion in what seems to me to be the biggest

biological find of our lifetimes. Outside of the fact chihauhaus are the smartest of all canine species.


HairyMan, true dat!!

Wow, I just read Lindsay's blog. I now look forward to it for the laugh value. Today was no disappointment. LMAO. I guess now we have movie deals! I wonder if I can get Brad Pitt to play me? Well maybe not. What in Gods name is fueling this guy? I wonder who's paying him for his feeble attempts to throw us under the bus. It's a real head scratcher. He is right about a couple things though. Wally is helping with study costs on the DNA project. The money has to come from somewhere. All serious Bigfoot researchers owe Wally a big thank you for his contributions and help with this project. He has one goal. Solve this mystery. As far as the Olympic Project swimming in money, not so much. Wally does not pay us for our field work. That all comes out of our pockets. Wally does buy our equipment, and we are forever thankful. He told me a long time ago that if we are willing to do the footwork than he's willing to buy the equipment, and he's always held true to his word.

And No, we did not and have not recovered any body's. I have been 100% truthful on this forum from the very beginning.



PaulGT3, I understand your frustration, but hopefully you can understand that this is not what you're use to. This has the potential of being one of the most important discovery's of our time. The NDA's are in place to protect the info until the study is finalized, and the paper published. You've seen the damage that leaks can cause. When info is leaked prematurely it can easily be misconstrued because it's not complete. She needed to finish her study in it's entirety to come up with exact answers. I'm probably doing a horrible job trying to explain this, sorry. This is not something that could be, or should be released a little at a time.




What did your two trackers conclude or think manifested the impressions in the photo you posted earlier in this thread?


Why, are you going to try and tell me it's a bear track?

Posted (edited)

HairyMan, true dat!!

Wow, I just read Lindsay's blog. I now look forward to it for the laugh value. Today was no disappointment. LMAO. I guess now we have movie deals! I wonder if I can get Brad Pitt to play me? Well maybe not. What in Gods name is fueling this guy? I wonder who's paying him for his feeble attempts to throw us under the bus. It's a real head scratcher. He is right about a couple things though. Wally is helping with study costs on the DNA project. The money has to come from somewhere. All serious Bigfoot researchers owe Wally a big thank you for his contributions and help with this project. He has one goal. Solve this mystery. As far as the Olympic Project swimming in money, not so much. Wally does not pay us for our field work. That all comes out of our pockets. Wally does buy our equipment, and we are forever thankful. He told me a long time ago that if we are willing to do the footwork than he's willing to buy the equipment, and he's always held true to his word.

And No, we did not and have not recovered any body's. I have been 100% truthful on this forum from the very beginning.


It is good news to know Wally is helping with your research and hope you can solve the DNA mystery. Once someone nails the DNA down, I suppose all of the university primatologist will jump on the band wagon and apply for funds. Let's hope the BF pioneers such as the OP are credited for their efforts and contributions to science. Have any University of Washington biologist been approached to join your team as a measure to preempt the flood of grant money sure to follow DNA proof?

We have an area close to Coos Bay, Oregon, where a bigfoot has been seen a few time over the last year. I have visited the area several times, and there are so many places to hide it seem impossible to find them or it. What is some advise as to how to search an area? I usually look for broken trees, scat, and hair on branches. So far none of these signs. I'm in the process of getting an RV and plan to live in the area for several days at a time. Some extra help would be good.

All General had to do, was to drive off with the deseased juvenile BF and bigfootery would be in orbit. These close calls are frustrating.

keep up the good work

Edited by georgerm

Well, this thread WAS going really well. Was.

Prag, for the record, I don't give a rats a$ if you doubt me or the story. I don't mind answering questions but I'm done answering yours. You are never satisfied with the answers anybody gives. Discussing this with you is a complete waste of my time.

Parn, really???


Something you might keep in mind. This being a public forum, we are publicly discussing something of great importance to us all, and many here have our own interest in the species. What is said happened to these bigfoot matters to others besides you and General. We each also come from different perspectives and experiences, and then there are these outside rules being placed on what you can and can't discuss. It is those rules that are brought to the table that are juxtaposed to the norm here. As a result, key elements that either validate or disqualify the overall claim are considered forbidden territory. Yeah that's just the way it is. But NDA or not, that's going to create friction for claims. You shouldn't expect that the alleged killing of two bigfoot is supposed to be smooth either. That's actually contrary to the spirit of the so called desire to protect them. So when people make deeper inquiries or are even suspicious of certain things that don't add up, don't blame them, don't blame me either for my line of thinking of which I have every right to have.

You have become acclimated or resolved to what you believe happened. That's not the case for everyone Derek! Kind of like now being told that bigfoot crap all along the road. Since when? Since when shouldn't such claims be questioned Derek? So while some elements may not be important to you, they are to others. Allegedly shooting a 40 lb bigfoot child raises serious questions too, whether you do or don't want to accept that. The general public may not be so kind and understanding either Derek! I'm not so sure you realize that in your present position. You also don't realize I'm not YOUR enemy here as its the tangent story I question.

So yes, HOW it happened MATTERS! The FOR THE GREATER GOOD rationale justifies nothing, contrary to your conclusion that something good come out of it. There seems to be instances where you have you run interference on certain issues about what happened. That is also understandable under the circumstances. But really, how would General feel threatened at 100 yds while in a vehicle? From what we're told the driver said, I never heard he said anything like "OH MY GOD, SHOOT IT BEFORE IT GETS US!" Was anyone ever threatened? And so yes, we rightfully question various elements of the act. Because if we don't then it only enables the next person to say 'well they did this the first time and it was okay because... oh and, well, we have an NDA that allows us to not tell you.'

And so just how will you be addressing the tough criticism to claims when it comes from the general public Derek? Will you ignore them too or become rude when they raise things that you don't want to hear? Better get over your new stature because it won't fly in the public arena with a killing. Other scientists and News Media won't accept it either. Better to refine the art of diplomacy with questions like mine, then to view us as not worthy of having our doubts to the story. In your response you remind me of how King MM ranted over on CM to the minion readers under him.

There are two elements to this larger saga. There is the DNA analyses (which involves many other samples) and there is what allegedly happened in the Sierras. I haven't even questioned the overall DNA process because I know they exist and that process will progress as it should. But since when with respect to 'what happened' has it been wrong to question elements that don't add up as stated? And frankly Derek no, its not even about questioning you, or doubting you about what happened there, because you weren't there.

Guest General

Wally is helping with study costs on the DNA project. The money has to come from somewhere. All serious Bigfoot researchers owe Wally a big thank you for his contributions and help with this project. He has one goal. Solve this mystery.

Yep.... That is the truth. If not for wally likely NONE of this would be here today. He is a hell of a guy, he has given far too much personally to this community imo, his efforts and contributions have gone unnoticed and recognized.

Derek has also contributed financially very much whether or not he will admit it is up to him, but I have seen first hand the money he has SPENT on this.

Have I made a dollar off of any of this?? No, FOR SURE I have not. Well I was given some gas money here and there for some recovery efforts I made that has yet to be posted about (too much snow would summarize all of my trips, honestly no reason to read into anything I say, cause thats all thats happened). Is wally hoping to make money off this? Has wally made money off this? hell freakin no he hasnt is the answer. Wally has spent money not made money. There is a huge difference between the two. Thats all any of the researchers have done that I have personally meat. Spent..... both countless time and effort and money, I'm tired of hearing ''its all about the money'' if there is money involved let me know cause the gods honest truth is I havent seen any of it yet, I work hard for my money many of my hours are spent in a 140 degree attic pulling wire or running pipe. I have put in my hours providing for my family and at the end of the month bills are very very tight for me. ''Its all about the money'' argument doesn't suit me well. It just rubs me the wrong way.

I want to see this whole thing be over as much as any of you. my patients is wearing thin too.

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