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Sierra Shooting from A-Z


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I've seen repeated references in this thread that "100 yards is a long way away". I've read in a couple of reports of Sasquatch moving at speeds exceeding 40mph. For arguments sake I'm going to use 30mph. At 30mph 100 yards might seem like "a long way away" but that distance is covered in less than 7 seconds.

Put yourself outside your vehicle, weapon shouldered. How long would it take for you to un-shoulder your weapon, turn around, get you (and your weapon) in the vehicle turn the ignition, hoping the vehicle fires right up.....

...you've got less than 7 seconds and this huge hairy "monster" is right on top of you. Is 100 yards REALLY "a long way away"?

edited to add: Just for the record, I am NOT pro-kill. I'm not a fan of killing anything, much less Sas. I am, however, a FIRM believer in self-preservation. I am not trying to justify or condone General's actions. I am merely trying to put them in perspective.

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SSR Team

That bear is nowhere close to a "standing" ten feet and 700 lbs. More like 7ft. and 400 lbs. This smells to me of the same old "out of the loop" professional jealousy crap that crops up alot in Bigfoot research. I'm hanging my hat on Derek and General. I think they have gone above and beyond to talk about this. Until the story is fully documented, alot of wanna-be insiders are gonna be spewing junk like this youtube video.

Hallajuhla, & i wouldn't blame neither now if they went quiet until it does all come out..

But i will thank them for their participation up to this stage on this Forum, they didn't HAVE to do that..

I know where i'm hanging my Hat too.. :thumbsup:

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Huh? Am I reading that right? Where exactly are the results published?

4. The sample is said to be submitted for testing and the results will be published. This is all I need to see.

Just read it like that. :)

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i dont get what this bear thing has to do with anything. people shoot bears all the time, its not like that is a rare occurrence in October in ca. i could post random pictures of 20 different bears on a tail gate of someones truck, that still doesnt change whats happened here. this guy is ''connecting the dots'' and gettting way off whats actually happened. somehow cause its in a video and not in letter like what the rest of us our writing people seem think its more credible. i dont get it. anybody can make a youtube video.

the dates are not correct this did not even happen on a weekend, i've seen those pictures before they were floating around online. obviously those guys were just some houndsman who shot a bear, that bear right there is about 400lbs btw.

i gotta get to work

It's human nature Gen'

People "connect the dots" themselves in the absence of full details.

I wouldn't sweat it.

If your being 100% honest and truthful and the DNA results come back testing the way that they are being strongly insinuated that they have...then everything will work out fine.

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It's human nature Gen'

People "connect the dots" themselves in the absence of full details.

I wouldn't sweat it.

If your being 100% honest and truthful and the DNA results come back testing the way that they are being strongly insinuated that they have...then everything will work out fine.


Slabdog, I must say I think you have created one of the most informative threads I've ever read. Good stuff.

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Guest General

i got an email a few days ago from a friend that i found interesting that goes along with the most recent questions a page or two back. in the email he basically said ''justin, i've been at this awhile. a truck catching a sas off gaurd just isnt going to happen. obviously it wanted to be seen or it needed help or the sas felt like it had to make itself seen to protect the youngins? or????? whats your take on why this happened. this just isnt typical Sasquatch behavior''

i dont know the first thing about squatch behavior. A lot of you probably most of you in some ways know much more about these creatures then me. I do know now it had to happen sooner or later (someone shooting one). Looking back imo it was likely basically a suicide run just trying to get the attention off the kids, maybe it was trying to reach out and make contact. I really dont know. I've been looking for reports of bigfoots that seemed to want to be seen, and I am having a hard time finding any.

The kids appeared after the shot from behind some brush. They could have possibly been in eye site for us. All our attention was focused on the adult. I really dont have an answer as to why this happened the way it did.

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Guest General

btw can someone send me that voice recording again again on youtube. i cant find them in my pm's and i told someone i would listen to them and get back to them like a week ago, i've gone back through 7 pages and dont see it, probably there hiding.

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General, check out "Sierra sounds Ron morehead" on YouTube or I think the site is bigfootsounds.com. Sounds like mumbling and saying "what what"

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Sorry if this has been covered already but there has been a lot of discussion on the DNA testing of the tissue sample submitted. I have not heard much in regards to the hair sampling from this tissue. If the reports are correct the hair color of mostly grey is quite unusually for a bear. Also, the microscopic morphology should be able to distinguish and help categorize this tissue sample as Sasquatch hair is quite unique correct ?????


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SSR Team

btw can someone send me that voice recording again again on youtube. i cant find them in my pm's and i told someone i would listen to them and get back to them like a week ago, i've gone back through 7 pages and dont see it, probably there hiding.

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Guest wtwest

This is the first time I have ever listened to these vocalizations. They are amazing.

For those more knowledgeable, how sure are we that these aren't hoaxed?

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They could very well be hoaxed. But someone would need to imitate them from some type of original sound which is why I am curious to seeif general thinks they sound similar. Sorry I could not post the link, I am having phone issues. The original recording is from the early 70's or something I believe.

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This is the first time I have ever listened to these vocalizations. They are amazing.

For those more knowledgeable, how sure are we that these aren't hoaxed?

That's the first time I've ever heard them, too. How amazing! They sound exactly like what a cross between a human and an ape would sound like... incredible.

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Scott R. Nelson's done a lot of great work on these vocalizations. Since we're talking the Sierras.

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