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How many members have seriously looked for Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest

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Really curious about this! I'm an old timer who never found Bigfoot and I absolutely love that description. It was in a recent edited post.  Was at Bluff Creek in 1972 and lived in Oregon through the 70's. Ordered Roger Patterson's book back in high school. Anybody else have a copy? And of course all of John Green's books. Looking back a great time in my life. Never found anything at Bluff Creek, actually stayed at Happy Camp for a month. Only able to check out one report while in Oregon that I thought it was credible. Would love to hear about how many other people were active back then. Such a different world today. Also seems like some of the best evidence came from back then even if you don't include the Patterson film. Really thought back then that the answer would finally be known by now. But after all these years still nothing. We can only hope!



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Interesting poll, covers more than the PNW:



@Madison5716and I are both often out there in the forests and places in Oregon searching. We had a FLIR sighting on July 5th, too. We were out in the woods yesterday, in fact. So, count that as two to your list. I know there are others as well, but will let them chime in as they wish.



I never had to go looking for them, because throughout the late 70's, all of the 80s and into the mid 90s, they came looking for me. I don't mean that literally. I just lived on a property with lots of activity and had a couple of hunting areas that also had a lot of activity. I don't go looking for them now because of time and the fact that they scare the heck out of me.

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Not actively looking for them when I had a sighting about 40 years ago, but now that I'm semi retired, I get out in the forests of BCs SW corner, part of what's termed the Pacific North West, every chance I get, with some friends and acquaintances with a similar passion for the subject.

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I have read the book several years ago. I found it interesting.

I have camped near the film site area with my youngest daughter and her friends.

They are convinced they have had encounters. 

Of course not when I am around.

Something about doubting Ron vibes. 



Definitely, but it sounds like you're quite a bit older than I am.    


I was introduced to the topic via reading some copies of The Bigfoot Bulletin back in the early 70s on my great grandfather's porch.    Many of the write ups from Coos and Curry counties involved people I knew of via my grandfather (mom's dad) and great grandfather (dad's mom's dad) who seemed to respect them as being solid citizens.   Both grandpa's were.     So when I found a track line in '74, though I was only 11 .. 10 going on 11, maybe ... I knew exactly what I was looking at and I didn't want to be right there anymore.    I had an extended sighting in '76 .. probably 5 minutes-ish? .. long enough for it to cover over a quarter mile moving down the middle of the river.    Looking back there was a fair bit of weird, unexplainable stuff we shrugged off which may well have been bigfoot activity but i never paid it much mind, they just "were".    Some stuff happened about 2007 that drew me into the community actively and headed me down the path of investigating reports for a group.    In 2013 I had a second sighting, that one in broad daylight, open / sparse 2nd growth forest with scattered firs and a good bit of grassy area between them.    No doubt at all.   None.  


So I research / investigate.   My general area is SW Oregon from the coast to about Highway 97 and from about Eugene south to the OR/CA state line.    Within that I focus a lot on the Cascades south of Crater Lake (where Paulides says he won't go alone ... I go alone), into the edge of the siskiyous, and the SE part of the coast range ... kind of a circle around the Rogue Valley.  


There is a lot of activity .. a lot that never gets formally reported.   Lot of stuff a local with their ears open can pick up on and follow up on.  



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NorthWind and I go out a couple of weekends each month, regularly.  


I've been utterly amazed to discover that we live within prime habitat, here in Oregon. It's been an amazing journey. 

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You two sharing it with us is much appreciated.

  • Thanks 1
7 hours ago, MIB said:

So I research / investigate.   My general area is SW Oregon from the coast to about Highway 97 and from about Eugene south to the OR/CA state line.    Within that I focus a lot on the Cascades south of Crater Lake (where Paulides says he won't go alone ... I go alone), into the edge of the siskiyous, and the SE part of the coast range ... kind of a circle around the Rogue Valley.  



Very interesting journey you've had. Do you find anything creepy or unusual when you're in the Crater Lake area?


Thanks for the comments!


MIB, I think you are in prime habitat. That is where the bigfoot trap was set up back in the 70's. Used to pan gold in that region of the state so have been to several streams.  The PNW is by far the best area in my opinion. Very skeptical of other areas. Good luck!


Madison5716 and Northwind,  great that you both get out in the field that often! Just a matter of time, good luck again to both!


I will have to find my notes on my only credible sighting that I personally checked out and respond here on the forum. It was in 1973 and near Linton Lake in Oregon.


Everybody out there stay safe and keep looking!

5 hours ago, wiiawiwb said:

Very interesting journey you've had. Do you find anything creepy or unusual when you're in the Crater Lake area?




51 minutes ago, Bearfoot said:

That is where the bigfoot trap was set up back in the 70's.


Yeah, it's a short ways up the Collings Mountain trail.   I'd driven by the trailhead, such as it is (a wide spot by the end of a guard rail), many times but finally went up there in ... I think it was 2015.  


53 minutes ago, Bearfoot said:

It was in 1973 and near Linton Lake in Oregon.


That is an interesting area.    Definitely.    I used to camp up around McKenzie Pass a bit.   I lived in Eugene from '89 to '96.   I wish I had been thinking about bigfoot back then because I missed a lot of opportunities to look into amazing places.  


Thinking of the other thread going on about hoaxes, there was an utter BS account on PacWest Bigfoot a while back.   Knowing the location, you'll understand why I call BS when they said they were parked at the campground on the edge of Linton Lake.  :)  :)  :)


I still try to get up there when it works out.   I make a big loop .. head out of Medford, up I5 to Eugene, east on 126, then turn south up the South Fork of the McKenzie on FR 19 / Aufderheide Forest Drive, down into Oakridge/Westfir, south past Hills Creek Reservoir, up the Middle Fork, usually make side trips to Lake Timpanogas and Windigo Pass, then into Kelsay Valley, cross 138 and the North Umpqua River, usually take Fish Creek but sometimes other routes, into the head of the Rogue above Prospect and Union Creek, then to Medford and home.   It usually takes 2-4 days.   I stop and fish a lot, poke around.   There are some old report locations I look into plus I have picked up probable bigfoot reports off of some outdoor forums I follow that are worth looking into.    Sometimes, but not always, I go on up to McKenzie Pass while I'm there .. just depends on how much time I have.


I have often thought that would be a fun few day drive to do at night with BFRO's big "R2D2" FLIR unit.  



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I've looked high and low all over the PNW


I used to go spring bear and turkey hunting with my son in law, who lived in eagle point, north of Medford. We would hunt all over from Selma up towards Crater Lake. The oddest thing we saw was random lone bikers driving choppers on the gravel roads. The whole time I spent down there, I kept thinking that it was awesome bigfoot habitat. I was very much bear, turkey and deer habitat judging from the amount of them we would see in a week.


I lived in the PNW for years, NorCal and Oregon. Searched all over, actually full time for 2 years.


Did not find a thing, nothing, no evidence. Decided to take things into my own hands

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