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Oregon ranks high in sasquatch sightings | State | bendbulletin.com - Bend Bulletin


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From the article:


........Oregon has the highest rate of reported sasquatch sightings per capita

for a state without a sales tax, according to data collected by the Bigfoot Field Research Organization that for decades has hoped to prove it’s real.

The organization’s official Oregon sightings reports is 254, the group states. With 4.2 million residents, that means six reports per 100,000 residents — not exactly worth betting a stimulus check but at least a fighting chance to have a good cocktail party story.

“Oregon is definitely one of the best states to see a sasquatch in the world,” said Matt Moneymaker, executive director of the Bigfoot Field Research Organization and star of a handful of Bigfoot-chasing cable television shows.

If you don’t like those odds, move to Washington where the organization has logged 8.9 reported sightings per 100,000 residents. But be warned: You will be hit with a sales tax........


Now, that's some detailed and critical data. The BFRO is definitely on the cutting edge of science in this industry, including economic science.


For the record: of the 50 states in this (dis)union, only five do not charge a sales tax: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon (that's in alphabetical order, not in order of sasquatch reports per capita or property tax rates.........).




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