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New Member "Anthropologist" welcomes your thoughts on his research

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Hello to anyone who is interested in my research!


I guess I caused quite a stir in the contest forum.  My apologies for creating a logjam.  It was recommended that this might be a more appropriate section for that kind of discussion.  If this isn't the place, please let me know.  I am a complete novice to how forums work.  


Who Am I?


I am a professional archaeologist who has surveyed hundreds of thousands of acres of national forests, national park lands, national wildlife refuges, state forests, and other federal, state, local and private lands from New York to California and from Wisconsin to Louisiana.  I spent most of my adult life navigating heavy forested lands with only a topo map and a compass searching for cultural resources in order to identify them, record them, map them, test them, and in some cases excavate them.  In order to do my job, I had to distinguish natural settings from cultural disturbances.  Changes in vegetation often provided indicators of historic or prehistoric past activities.  I have recorded thousands of archaeological sites in wooded environments.  Nowadays, the people who do that kind of work are guided by GPS.  I had to keep track of my distances walked by the measure of my strides.  Later on, after joining the US Forest Service and moving up the food chain,  I managed heritage resources on a forest wide scale of millions of acres of national forest, worked on forest management plans, Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, as well as managing heritage resources in wilderness areas and wild and scenic management plans.  I have a great amount of experience working with biologists, silviculturists, foresters, geologists, fishery biologists, and scientists of different disciplines on best management practices for a variety of habitats to protect, preserve and/or interpret special use areas.  


I've always had an interest in large hairy hominids, beginning with the Yeti and later Bigfoot.  I can still recall my fascination in reading my friend's father's copy of Argosy magazine the article about the Patterson-Gimlin film of Bigfoot.  I remember thinking "That would be fun and exciting!"  At about the same time, I was greatly influenced by Jane Goodall's work with Chimpanzees that was shown on National Geographic specials on TV.  Influenced enough that I majored in anthropology in college.  I cared little about Physical Anthropology.  I really enjoyed taking Cultural Anthropology classes.  However, after taking my first archaeology class, I was hooked!  My senior year, that's all I took.  When I went to field school, visitors often mistook me for the Field Director's Assistant in how much I knew and was willing to share with visitors.  That catapulted to graduate school and then on to a long career as a professional archaeologist.  Bigfoot was out of sight and out of my mind back then.


It was only after I retired that my interest in Bigfoot was renewed.  First, by the TV show "Finding Bigfoot," which was laughable, entertaining and sometimes informative.  During this time, I was spending a lot of time at my family's camp.  When I was kid, my grandmother lived in the house.  After she passed, my father and mother used it as our camp or summer home.  Since I was able to walk, I'd go off to play in the deep woods that surrounded our camp.  Beyond the cut lawn of our yard was millions of acres of private and government forests.  I played on logs, building forts and just hanging out in what I called my "pocket of peace" where I could be alone in my thoughts.  Little did I know, I was never alone.  


Since I had no fear of forests and, like Thoreau, I couldn't get enough of being alone in the forest, I liked to hike into the woods by myself going as deep as I could where I would get lost and then I'd work to find my way back.  To further challenge myself, I'd go hiking at night without a flashlight and into the woods in the dark.  Moonlit nights were easy.  No moon and cloud cover was something else.  That was my thrill seeking adventures after I retired.  After watching Finding Bigfoot, as a joke, I started incorporating their tree knocks, howls, and other methods into my midnight hikes with little success.  After all, I had no idea that Bigfoot existed away from the mountains of the west.  Then I saw an episode that was filmed about ten miles away as the crow flies from my camp.  Hmmm, I thought.  I kept knocking and howling.  Still without much success.


Then I found my first footprint.  It was 18+ inches long and was embedded four inches into the ground.  I'm a big guy and I couldn't make a dent into the ground deeper than an inch.  I call this my "first step" into turning a hobby into an obsession.  I graduated from Finding Bigfoot to watching Bigfoot researchers on YouTube.  It was about this time that Barb and Gabby started gifting Bigfoots near her place out west.  So, I started doing it too.  From watching the old "Dr. Squatch" urban hikes and later "Utah Sasquatch," I started realizing that similar stick and tree structures were all around me and were what I played in and around as a kid.  They were especially prevalent in my "Pocket of Peace."  When that realization hit me, I went to bed that night in my camp lying awake for many hours staring at the ceiling thinking to myself "Hell, you're an archaeologist!  A **** ANTHROPOLOGIST!  An anthropologist who became an anthropologist from watching National Geographic specials on Jane Goodall and her work with Chimpanzees.  Why not me with these Bigfoots who have lived alongside my camp all of my life?  They must know me better than I know myself, after watching me in their wallows thinking that I was all alone by myself.   That I was never snatched by them, though they had many chances to do so, said to me that they were no threat to them possibly because I was never a threat to them.  That they had the chance to crush me like a grape and never did made me emboldened to conduct a habituation study ala Jane Goodall on them.  How to do it was another question?  They're not like Chimpanzees or most other forest animals.  So, I continued gifting them for several years trying to figure out a way to study them.


By 2015 I latched on to Christopher Noel's (Impossible Visits) research watching all of his videos and reading all of his books (as well watching others and reading every Bigfoot book I could get my hands on).  I especially liked the idea of his "listening project."  So much so that I bought a digital audio recorder to put out in the woods in the location where I had been gifting them.  To document this momentous occasion, I brought along my Panasonic Lumix camera which could take digital photos and videos.  Although I had for several years, I never took any videos of anything and never took it out with me in the woods on my hikes.  Apparently, taking my camera along and videotaping my hike didn't go over well with those in the forest who I was gifting because I got zapped with infrasound.  Here's a link to my adventure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ8zMMEZ4o0



I also got zapped the next day when I went back to regift and retrieve my audio recorder.  Here's a link to that video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTrXOJbr1M8



Since I had no fear of them, I took it all in stride.  Their infrasound discombobulated me and, in doing so, made me fall face first into a tree trunk but I didn't want to show them that it was their zapping to give them the satisfaction that, in fact, it was their zapping that made my legs turn to jelly and my head spinning before I hit the tree with my noggin.  


When I brought the recorder back to the camp with me, I played back some of the recordings.  I could hear some anomalous sounds beyond the hissing sound of recording.  Growing up, I used to lie in bed with a transistor radio turning the dial to far off stations and through the hissing sounds pick up stations from as far away as Mexico and Montreal.  So, the hissing sound didn't bother me.  It did, however, bother my wife who complained that all she could hear was "white noise."  I knew then that I had to remove the "white noise" to be able to listen to the anomalous sounds of suspected Sasquatches.  I also knew that I would have to remove it from all of the 24 hours of recordings in order to establish a baseline of presence and absence of suspect Sasquatch sounds.  This, to identify patterns of sounds and differences of sounds.  All these thoughts ran through my head at the time and I had no idea how to do it or even how to download the audio files.  This took me a year to do.


I first learned how to download the files and then found an article written by Sasquatch Bioacoustics on how to use the free audio processing software called "Audacity."  After much experimentation, I figured out a process that would allow me to carefully peel away several layers of the "white noise" without any distortion to reveal the anomalous suspected sounds of Sasquatch. 


My next step was analyzing the 24 hours of audio recordings of June 1 - June 2, 2015 which I called "A Day in the Life of a Group of Bigfoots" divided into two days, Day One (June 1 from about 8 pm to midnight) and Day Two (midnight to approximately 8 pm June 2).  Here's  a link to the 48 episodes in a playlist  https://youtu.be/ju8jvzl9H2Y?list=PLzkVpssCSuoc8oHJcw-LFjAAYR7kpgy-j   If you don't have 24 hours to listen to all at once, you can listen to each episode individually at your leisure.



I then started posting them on my new YouTube channel called "Bigfoot Anthropologist."  https://youtu.be/ju8jvzl9H2Y?list=PLzkVpssCSuoc8oHJcw-LFjAAYR7kpgy-j



You might say that I am specializing in the research of Bigfoot behavior through audio surveillance and field visits (sometimes with a camera) to collect information on Bigfoot activities to understand their language, rituals, spiritualism, intelligence, social systems, culture, demography, and settlement-subsistence patterns.


I have tested and replicated these results in rigorous experiments.  Consequently, I am extremely confident in my research methods and results.  My interpretations of the data are all my own, but the data that I collect is presented for anyone to reach their own conclusions, as is part of the process of the scientific method.  I call these tests "Cross Cultural Comparisons and Collaborations" and have a playlist of 50 of them at https://youtu.be/MhrBqoGCF0E?list=PLzkVpssCSuocNDhg8SCNgaoJZuPf6KVVt  Again, one could watch any one of them individually by clicking on whatever episode that you are interested in on my channel.  Some are video classics and others are collaborations using other Bigfoot researchers materials (with their permission).


I am not a traditional Bigfoot researcher.  Nor do I approach the subject matter in the same manner as traditionalists.  My posit is that I assume or affirm the postulate that Bigfoot is real and that, once interaction is established, we can learn about them through observation.  Albeit, they are naturally averse to being observed.  The fact that I may not always observe them by "seeing" them, knowing that I am in their midst by examining audio data either from a digital audio recorder or audio from a video or both should speak volumes to those researchers who seek to know more about these elusive reclusive hominids.  Anyone who is on this journey of discovery who also posits their existence is welcome along.  Those who continue to question everything about their existence will have a great amount of difficulty just taking the first step.  



If you want Bigfoot to be recognized by Science, you have to first start with one.  I am a Scientist who recognizes that they exist.  I may not be the first, but I am one.  I interact act with them and they with me.  I have captured them on film and audio.  I have broken the "Bigfoot Sound Barrier" by figuring out how to carefully peel away the "white noise" from the ambient background sounds of the forest to reveal suspected Sasquatch sounds.  I have carefully examined hundreds and hundreds of hours of Bigfoot audio recordings in context.  Contextual information is key to understanding human and hominid behaviors.  By studying the patterns of Bigfoot sounds in similar contexts, I've identified different types of Sasquatch sounds from "happy Bigfoot sounds" to infrasounds used to zap people and many other sounds attributable to other patterned hominid behaviors in a variety of different contexts.  


Watching my videos on YouTube is free and subscribing to my channel is free also.  As a member of this forum, I'd especially welcome you to leave a comment on any video so I can know who you are on both platforms.  Please be respectful, as you are on this platform.


Besides my YouTube channel, I am also in the process of writing a book on all of this.  It will be an ebook.  When it comes out, I'd like all of you to have a free copy of it.  My hope is that it and my research will help you out in your own journey of discovery of this fascinating phenomenon we call Bigfoot.  In my mind, we're all in this together, even if we are following different paths and have divergent ideas.  We are one with Bigfoot.


I simply ask to be accepted in your community for who I am and what I am doing.  I'm anxious to share what I know with you and look forward to establishing a dialog with like minded individuals.   I would like you to think of me as your friendly neighborhood Bigfoot Anthropologist.  


Peace, love and Bigfoot!

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Welcome to the Forum, I hope you find your time here rewarding and entertaining. Have any other scientists shown interest of your recent research and pursuits?

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Welcome to the forum!

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Welcome to the forum!  And thanks for posting your research to date.  While I take a different approach than you do, it will be interesting to see your methods and results. 



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Hi Incorrigible1 - To answer your question, Hominogist Richard Soule has taken great interest in my work.  He just contacted me today about the clicks that I identified in his interaction video with Chia Tonga on the Omaha Reservation with Dr. Igor Burtsev.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cl4JJoFZmY

Richard mentioned that Duke from Bigfoot Radio contacted him about a story, "the Glagg Saga" in which a person named Kevin befriended and orphan juvenile Sasquatch that took him into a cave and traversed the cave in complete darkness.  After watching my video, Duke came to the epiphany that the clicking sounds you have identified are, in fact, echo location and that these Hominoids use echo location to traverse in the darkness.  I then shared with him an article in Science entitled "Echolocation in blind people reveals the brain's adaptive powers" https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/10/echolocation-blind-people-reveals-brain-s-adaptive-powers#:~:text=Now%2C a study of blind,neural repurposing never before documented.


Richard Soule has thought so much of my work that he's introduced me to several American Hominologists as well as renowned Russian Hominologists Dr. Igor Burtsev and the late Dmitri Bayanov of the International Center of Hominology in Moscow.  


So far, some Hominologists have taken an interest in my research.  


I don't expect mainstream science to latch onto my research until long after my death. 


The lukewarm reception that I received from the Bigfoot research community when I launched my channel also didn't surprise me.  It reminded me of when I wrote my Masters thesis many years ago.  It was met with ridicule by my contemporaries because "all of the major archaeological syntheses of the archaeological area in question never mentioned anything about any aspect of my research interest."  Twenty years later I was introduced to a group of archaeologists at a meeting in which the person closest to me looked at me in shock and said in a loud voice "SO, YOU'RE THE LEGEND!!!"  Nearly four decades later I was invited to sit in on a video conference call with NPS archaeologists, who were all familiar with my work, at which I was introduced to the group as a subject matter expert who was "ahead of his time!" 


So, you might say that I've been there and done that with one of my archaeological research interests.  It takes a while to catch on.  The beauty of science though is that the power of a theory lies in its explanatory powers.  When researchers conclude that your theory works the best to explain things much better than any of the previous theories and it becomes obvious to everyone, then there is a paradigm shift.  When the shift occurs, it usually happens with a new generation with open minds.  One thing that I learned is that it takes decades to become "an overnight success."


With that in mind, the audience that I aim for in my research is the next generation of Bigfoot researchers who I expect will have the same response as I received with my thesis.  I'm just beginning in this field and I don't expect to be an "overnight success" for quite a while.  


Thank you for the great question Incorrigible1.  I hope to have more examples and more interested scientists to add to this in the coming years.  :-)

  • Thanks 1

Thank you for the response. Coincidentally, I live in Omaha. Our good member, @Redbone, may find interest, also.


Again, I appreciate the further info.

9 hours ago, Incorrigible1 said:

@Redbone, may find interest, also.

not really...


I was there on the Omaha Reservation with Igor and have my own audio recording. I know that many of the 'clicks' were nothing more than people making sounds, distorted by the heavy filtering of Audacity.

However, there was definitely something going on that night.

  • Upvote 2

The same Duke from World Bigfoot Radio who thought that Khat Hansen was the greatest thing ever?


That Duke?







Posted (edited)
On 12/24/2020 at 10:31 AM, BlackRockBigfoot said:

That Duke?


There's only one Duke. Isaac Hayes and he's A-Number One.


edit: didn't realize he had passed away. He's still the Duke.

Edited by Arvedis
  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, Arvedis said:


There's only one Duke. Isaac Hayes and he's A-Number One.


edit: didn't realize he had passed away. He's still the Duke.




Hi Rebone,


I envy the fact that you got to be on the night investigation with Dr. Burtsev, Richard Soule, Barry Webster and the other members of the Rez Squatchin Research visiting Citonga.   I think you'd agree with me that it was a very interesting evening with some very fascinating results.  Perhaps some day, I'll have the pleasure of meeting you in person and have the good fortune of being able to be part of a night investigation with you on the Rez, with your permission and the other members as well.  In these Covid times, the chances are slim for me to be doing any traveling anytime soon, although Dr. Burtsev has indicated that he's planning to visit your group again next year.     


I have to admit that, for the record, I shy away from conducting audio analyses on audio recordings involving a group of researchers in the field because the noise that they make either by talking, walking or fidgeting.  I much prefer more controlled settings for me to carefully peel away a few layers of the ambient background of "white noise" in order to more clearly hear familiar and/or suspected sounds of Sasquatch.  That said, Richard had asked me to examine the audio using my methodology which I call "Bigfoot Bioacoustics" and I did so.  As you know, it was a very long investigation that went on long into the night.  I carefully listened to your whole night time investigation hoping to hear something that was unequivocal to me that was definitively Sasquatch (Hominid) in origin.  That I did.  It was during the prayer by Barry.  Which was followed by a clear "click" and in between Barry's words were sounds so familiar to me in my own research and that I've also identified in other researcher's audio which I call "Bigfoot Morse Code."  I call it that because there is no nomenclature in the literature or on YouTube that has identified it, defined it and described it elsewhere.  In my world as a professional archaeologist, whenever I identify a new archaeological site, it's common practice to name it.  I call it "Bigfoot Morse Code" because it is something that is, in fact, in code that, until now, no one has ever heard or identified before.  We haven't heard it because it is hidden in the White noise" much like they like to hide themselves in the forest cover.  Here it is for everyone to listen to  https://youtu.be/LtQE2byqVQM?t=1331


I beg to differ on your description of "the heavy filtering of Audacity" producing the clicks.  Even without the filtering, I can hear the clicks.  I hear them in the original audio recordings these days because I listen for them.  I guess you can say that in over 200 audio analyses that I've published on YouTube and of all of the audio recordings that I've listened to that I can pick out most of them without even using Audacity.  But with Audacity, the average person can hear and see them (i.e., their "voiceprints" in the waveforms, spectrograms and visualizations. 


It's been my experience in studying "clicks" that they are used by Hominids for different purposes based on the context and circumstances.  I first became aware of them in listening to the first 24 hours of continuous audio recordings of my Bigfoot Study Group, "The Gifted Ones."  It was in their quietest moments when they were resting.  I kept hearing a single soft click followed by a period of silence followed by another soft click at regular intervals.  I had heard most of the group move on, but I heard a couple of the clan stay behind and "talk" to each other in "Bigfoot Morse Code" back and forth very quietly.  I surmised it was an adult and a young child.  There were a few others dispersed nearby as well.  I found it fascinating!  They were using clicks to echolocate each other to say "I'm here and all's right" both to keep time and to let everyone resting know that they have lookouts posted.  Most of my viewers skip over these parts of my recordings and nowadays I have to fast forward through them to keep my audiences' interest up, but I love them.  For it is in the quietest moments with only a few individuals present that someone like me can gain the most information out of this secret Sasquatch communication system.


It's not just Sasquatch that uses clicks for communication and echolocation.  Humans do too.  My mother used a "click" to keep me in line when I was a child.  That's why the sound sounded so familiar to me at first.  But blind people use clicks to navigate through their environments as well.  Here's a Smithsonian article reference on that https://www.newscientist.com/article/2145962-this-is-how-some-blind-people-are-able-to-echolocate-like-bats/  and here's a Science magazine article on how it works in their brains https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/10/echolocation-blind-people-reveals-brain-s-adaptive-powers#:~:text=Now%2C a study of blind,neural repurposing never before documented.


As for the clicks being  produced by the audio processing program Audacity, that's new to me.  I never heard or experienced it before.  The process that I use for noise reduction does not produce the sound of clicks.  I experimented with Audacity enough to be confident that it wasn't producing any introduced sounds to the tracks.  I will, however, test for this when I have the time.


You are right that people can produce the clicks themselves.  I've been hesitant to mention that because that would lead some people to use it to fool folks like myself who do these types of audio analyses.  However, judging by the members of your group and the honesty and trust that Richard has built up with me, I couldn't imagine any of you trying to trick me by using clicks.  One thing that I was concerned about In this scenario with regard to clicks was the sound of your footsteps on twigs, branches and extremely dry grass as well as any equipment that folks were carrying that might make a clicking sound.  So, if you look at my interpretations of clicks on the waveform and spectrogram, I was extremely conservative in marking what I judged to be clicks generated by your visiting Forest Friends.  


I'd love to hear your own recording of this investigation to test the validity of my methodology!   Is it posted somewhere where, with your permission, I can analyze it?


I know that this nothing like the Bigfoot research as seen on TV with "Finding Bigfoot."  But I find it so fascinating that it has taken my time and attention away from several archaeological books that I am writing that my archaeological colleagues are anxiously waiting for me to finish.   Much to the dismay of my wife, who'd rather I spend my time on archaeology and not, of all things, Bigfoot. :-)




Thanks to all who welcomed me to the forum!   I'm glad to be here talking Bigfoot.

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