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Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 220


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Tonight's guest, Daryl Owen, is a co-founder of the Northern California Bigfoot Paranormal Research Adventures Team. The NCBPRA's website can be found bu going to NCBPRA.com. Daryl is a boots-on-the-ground researcher who has 26 years of experience researching Sasquatch. Daryl had his 1st sighting in 1992. That experience sparked the interest in Sasquatch that's resulted in him becoming obsessed with researching them. That wasn't his only sighting, though. He had another one after that. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him talk about his sightings and more. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Show Store, by going to Dogman-Encounters.MyShopify.com If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, please go to BigfootEyewitness.com and submit a report. Thanks, as always, for listening!

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