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Does Bigfoot Dig Earthen Tunnels?


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Most of us are here  want to learn about Sasauatch.  The Native Americans were forced learn or else. Some Native Americans may have been able to ‘hang out’ with bigfoots. Some of us are getting closer to solving the bigfoot riddle or list of known facts regarding Sasquatch. This valuable forum helps us learn from the experiences of others. A friend just told me about a bigfoot and tunnel that he observed.  


Ok, what’s this have to do with bigfoot? A fellow from this area is going with my daughter and he told me of a scare he had with bigfoot thirty years ago. He refused to take me to the area where he found a bigfoot tunnel in regular soil and an angy bigfoot guard!  


We know bigfoot has used abandoned caves built into rock. The question is has anyone learned that bigfoot digs earthen tunnels? Could this be why they are so hard to observe?


Do we know if bigfoot digs elaborate tunnels down steep ravines where they are hard to findl? During the Vietnam war the NVA, dug a network of tunnels to hide their soldiers. Some remember the NVA as an enemy to fear.  YouTube has shown films of these amazing human made tunnels with meeting rooms, chow hall, and sleeping quarters. Special small stature Marine and Army  soldiers volunteered to become ‘ Tunnel Rats’ where they went down shafts to blow up the network.

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^^^^^ "may have created giant caves". May have created or buffed out an existing cave. No one knows for sure.

Washington State has caves, lava tubes and abandoned hard rock mines. There is a directory of the WA. caves.

I used to know people who had a hard rock mine in the Liberty Mining District of Eastern Washington. They said that the air temperature in their mine was 65 degrees F all year. Kind of cozy.

Keep in mind that mammals have to concerned about fresh air going into a space and CObeing removed.


I don't know about Oregon, but White-Nose Syndrome in bats is in Washington caves. Leave it to those cave hopping Sasquatch to contaminate the bat population ( joke ).

If Sasquatch dig caves, how do they handle the excavated material and what do they do with it? Frantic mega-scale 'cat box' scraping?

I would be concerned with the water table.

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20 hours ago, norseman said:

Thanks Norseman for the find:


That's the realization some scientists had when they stood in odd tunnels in southern Brazil. Rounded with smooth floors and claw marks along the wall, the caves may have been dug out by elephant-sized giant ground sloths or maybe a species of enormous armadillos, both now long extinct, Discover Magazine reports. Whatever the responsible critter, next time you're out adventuring underground, you might think twice about whose home you could be exploring."


Ray my fellow researcher, said they stumbled into a large camoflauged tunnel entrance that was half way up a steep hill along a forested ravine in southwest Oregon. It probably had a trickling stream to help get rid of excavated dirt. On the way up the ravine, they discovered the stick covered entrance. The deep tunnel bottom went out of view. While Ray was looking up hill, past the tunnel and stick cover, he was horrified when he saw an angry huge bigfoot peeking around a tall fir tree. The head was massive and fur covered with glaring eyes. He told his friend, and they both headed back down the ravine and heard the bigfoot in close pursuit. 


To dig a tunnel with no 'cave ins' the soil would need to be just right soil mixture so the ceiling holds up. Now the next question is did the cave lead into a large underground room? If so, this may be how sasquatch remains so hard to find.  Does it hibernate in deep underground shelters all winter? During the summer do they spend day time in underground rooms sleeping and during the night time we know they hunt, deer, and other game.                  

19 hours ago, Catmandoo said:

^^^^^ "may have created giant caves". May have created or buffed out an existing cave. No one knows for sure.

Washington State has caves, lava tubes and abandoned hard rock mines. There is a directory of the WA. caves.

I used to know people who had a hard rock mine in the Liberty Mining District of Eastern Washington. They said that the air temperature in their mine was 65 degrees F all year. Kind of cozy.

Keep in mind that mammals have to concerned about fresh air going into a space and CObeing removed.


I don't know about Oregon, but White-Nose Syndrome in bats is in Washington caves. Leave it to those cave hopping Sasquatch to contaminate the bat population ( joke ).

If Sasquatch dig caves, how do they handle the excavated material and what do they do with it? Frantic mega-scale 'cat box' scraping?

I would be concerned with the water table.

We are talking about earthen tunnels depending on the soil type available. A good soil entrance so digging with sticks is possible. The entrance opening needs to be possibly four feet across.  Big enough so a large male could crawl back to a room or rooms where it's 65 degrees F.                                


Sasquatches's domain might be 20 miles by 20 miles so plenty of room to remain hidden. Possibly all the natural caves or abandon mines are claimed  in this area. The soil and terrain may be perfect for hiding a bigfoot family unit.  Bigfoot might have great digging abilities so underground tunnels or rooms don't cave in on the family. Does bigfoot have the digging abilities of a large mole?  no joke 


Trying to find the tunnel entrance would be extremely difficult. Bigfoots know how inquisitive humans are so the critter picks prime tunneling soil in a steep forest ravine and ferns with a winter creek.  Slippery boulders makes it risky to climb. Sasquatches must know the correct soil to tunnel in during the night.  Most all caves are naturally made and mine shafts are human made. When occupied by a bigfoot family it takes an expert who knows what to look for and good with motion detector cameras.


Is anyone using motion detector cameras to prove Sasquatch uses natural caves, human mine shafts, or earthen tunnels

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11 hours ago, Twist said:

I would be surprised to learn BF dig tunnels but not all surprised to learn they utilize pre-existing tunnels/caves.  

Well Twist, tunneling is a great way to stay hidden then only come out at night to hide from cazies with guns. Are the bigfoots horrified with humans and powerful guns? Probably.  Are they are taking evasive action by taking on tunneling projects to desperately survive? 

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I haven’t read any reports of Sasquatch caught digging tunnels?  It’s possible I suppose, but they’re not naturally equipped for that, as are moles and were giant sloths.


As Twist said, I think it’s more likely that they use existing caves, like early hominins were doing millions of years ago.  https://www.history.com/news/prehistoric-ages-timeline#

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^ Every good Hominidae should!  Keb’ Mo’ is playing on our stereo dots right now!  waiting for Bigfoot to find Us :rock:

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The theme of Subterranean Sasquatch was posted on this forum about 10 years ago. Lori Simmons continued the work of her father, Donald Simmons.  Her position was / is subterranean activity. You may have flashbacks about a mission with Lori Simmons, Adam Davies and Bryan Sykes to a location in Washington State where a large Sasquatch was claimed to hide out in a large chamber that was under a large fir tree. No results. 

There are books available on Amazon. "Tracking Bigfoot", Donald Wallace & Lori Simmons. Paperback and kindle.

I have not read the information so I don't have an opinion on the books.

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On 9/30/2023 at 10:06 PM, Catmandoo said:

^^^^^ "may have created giant caves". May have created or buffed out an existing cave. No one knows for sure.

Washington State has caves, lava tubes and abandoned hard rock mines. There is a directory of the WA. caves.

I used to know people who had a hard rock mine in the Liberty Mining District of Eastern Washington. They said that the air temperature in their mine was 65 degrees F all year. Kind of cozy.

Keep in mind that mammals have to concerned about fresh air going into a space and CObeing removed.


I don't know about Oregon, but White-Nose Syndrome in bats is in Washington caves. Leave it to those cave hopping Sasquatch to contaminate the bat population ( joke ).

If Sasquatch dig caves, how do they handle the excavated material and what do they do with it? Frantic mega-scale 'cat box' scraping?

I would be concerned with the water table.

You make a good point. Sleeping in an earthen under ground chamber would fill up with a heavy gas. Good ol' carbon dioxide or CO2 that kills mammals if breathed long enough. The gas would sink to the bottom or completely fill the chamber.


If Sasquatch sleeps in underground chambers how do they get oxygen? Is the mouth or tunnel entrance is lower or higher than the sleeping chambers?I have a theory.    



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12 hours ago, Catmandoo said:

The theme of Subterranean Sasquatch was posted on this forum about 10 years ago. Lori Simmons continued the work of her father, Donald Simmons.  Her position was / is subterranean activity. You may have flashbacks about a mission with Lori Simmons, Adam Davies and Bryan Sykes to a location in Washington State where a large Sasquatch was claimed to hide out in a large chamber that was under a large fir tree. No results. 

There are books available on Amazon. "Tracking Bigfoot", Donald Wallace & Lori Simmons. Paperback and kindle.

I have not read the information so I don't have an opinion on the books.

Look inside this book. Tracking Bigfoot by [Lori Simmons, Donald Wallace] ... He had a theory that the Sasquatches used underground caves and tunnels to travel ...
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On 10/1/2023 at 8:29 PM, georgerm said:

Well Twist, tunneling is a great way to stay hidden then only come out at night to hide from cazies with guns. Are the bigfoots horrified with humans and powerful guns? Probably.  Are they are taking evasive action by taking on tunneling projects to desperately survive? 

Tunneling is also a great way to be trapped…….by hunter or earth.



My opinion remains the same.  They may utilize pre-existing systems.  I do not see them digging/creating them.

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1 hour ago, Twist said:

Tunneling is also a great way to be trapped…….by hunter or earth.



My opinion remains the same.  They may utilize pre-existing systems.  I do not see them digging/creating them.

I think it would entirely depend on the substrate. I have a bear den on my property constructed under a granite rock. Could a Bigfoot excavate something like that digging in loose decomposed granite? I think so. Basically anything a Bear could do, I think a Bigfoot could do.


I’ve also heard of them rearranging talus rock slides to form big pits also. Technically not digging. But rearranging the terrain to suit its needs.


But nothing like the extinct giant sloth.

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I’m thinking of tunnels as into the soiled ground, dug out by hand, aka Vietcong.     I may be completely off from the original intent of OP.   

Similar to how I could see them using existing tunnels, using outcroppings, or constructing rudimentary lean too’s etc could be possible.  

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