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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2012 in Posts

  1. Ray: Is there a reason you don't understand what a Public Relations person does and does not do, when you asked above: "But who is Sally Ramey? Does she teach at the college? Where did she teach prior to GGC? Does she teach at all? What papers has she had published in scientific journals? What qualifications and experience does she have with regards to DNA?" "Sally Ramey is the Public Relations person behind Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study." A PR person does not need to teach, does not need to publish papers, and doesn't even have to have any experience with DNA. A PR person is an professional intermediary between someone and the media, the press, the public. What part of that do you apparently not understand? Bill
    2 points
  2. Spin Doctoring ( v. ) Definition.... See Ray's definition of cynic.
    1 point
  3. "I didn't invent the term 'spin doctor', that's been around for awhile. Do a little digging and you'll find ample evidence that public relations people put some sort of spin on virtually everything they produce. It's their job." Sometimes the PR person's job is to balance out the wobbling caused by overly doubtful and suspicious people who are putting their own negative spin on a positive event. Every profession has some practitioners who do their work in an honest, respectful and valued way, and has some practitioners who may do their work in a self-serving and useless way.Do you have any reason to suspect the person being discussed is the latter, and cannot be the former? Bill
    1 point
  4. Mulder, I think if you are suggesting that there is a meaningful ethical distinction to be had between fellow members of Hss and the rest of the hominid line, then I believe you are correct. However I think you are virtually alone if you think the term "human" denotes Hss only. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/human
    1 point
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