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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2015 in Posts

  1. I know a couple of guys that could probably handle the situation and also know several that bailed on multiple events (Louisiana Hunt, The Cookout, etc.) when things got electric. As a participant, for me it was not melodrama rather, a rush the likes of never before experienced. I do not personally know Norseman but have stated previously that I feel he is good people, on the wrong path (IMO) but nonetheless a decent person, so your inference is off the mark. BTW, there's a huge difference with being "hardened" enough to kill one however, the realization, after the fact will totally overwhelm the state of ignorance the shooter was operating within, beforehand. IMO, BF101 is to actually observe one first before you decide to pull the trigger.
    2 points
  2. What about people who aren't fist-shakers and blowhards? (BTW-Is that what you are accusing Norseman and others of the same mind of being?) Your scenario reeks of melodrama. Perhaps you've just not met someone born hard enough to do the deed. I know they exist.
    1 point
  3. Norse, I didn't expect this from you. I have done nothing to test the effects of Nuclear explosions on people and the environment. But you can bet your Viking butt that I am going to criticize Nuclear weapons testing.
    1 point
  4. How will it go down, Yuchi1? Please enlighten the virginal among us.
    1 point
  5. By his own account, Norseman has yet to have a FTF encounter. His postulations of how it would go down echo the same from countless other virgins of the same ilk.
    1 point
  6. Beck's rifle was chambered in .30-30 Win as per his own account: http://www.bigfootencounters.com/classics/beck.htm
    1 point
  7. Not a fan of killing without a good reason. That being said I am starting to lean more to the pro kill camp to be honest. Take all the pictures and film you want. Write descriptions until the cow jumps over the moon. Cast every track from here to the end of the rainbow. People will say fake, they'll scream it from the roof tops. Kill one and march the body through town right to the Department of Wildlife door and people are going to take note. If these things are truly real then people need to know. Kill one get your proof, safer then tranquilizing one and having it wake up or die from OD.
    1 point
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