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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2015 in Posts

  1. I wonder what will happen if the great hunter actually manages to shoot & wound one. He tracks it down to "mercifully dispatch it", & finds that he has shot a hairy being with a human face that can speak to him. Complications happen.....
    2 points
  2. I think these creatures are better off as Cryptids, more fun for us, and countless more TV shows to watch:) IMO, if you shoot/kill one and have the body, you just might see the guys in dark suits - Big Brother will never admit these creatures exist, and the reasons are quite $$ obvious.
    1 point
  3. Yuchi1 Were you a part of the GCBRO hunt, in which a BF was wounded? I just remember reading that thread, not too long ago. The report didn't give many details about the follow up. I remember wondering why everybody just didn't stay to search for the body. The only reason I could think of was maybe because part of the group didn't believe the shooter had actually shot a BF. As to the question at hand, and the ongoing back and forth debate; there's no right answer to this dilemma. There are people on this forum that have seen and experienced these creatures close up and in detail. They also appear to have in depth knowledge as to their unique characteristics and behaviors. Because of this, they consider them to be near human, if not actually human. Therefor, because these few and obviously privileged individuals, have this experience, it's expected that the rest of us poor souls, that don't happen to have these creatures living in our back yards, should simply nod our heads and accept other people's experiences as gospel? There are some researchers that proclaim Bigfoot as a monster that's cunning and deadly. Others claim it's nothing but a leaf munching, overgrown hippie, peace loving forrest giant. These polar views, on the same subject, are held by people that would swear on a bible they're telling the truth. Bottom line, we either have to accept somebody else's opinions, as to what's really true about these enigmatic beings, or find another way to discover the truth, as to what BIgfoot is and is not. Again, if you're one of the lucky few that have had regular and ongoing interaction with BF, that's great for you. The rest of us don't have this and we're very curious to find out if they're real and what makes them tick. If that involves getting a body, by killing one with a rifle or finding one laying dead, next to a squished possum, on the side of the highway; that's likely ok with most of us, middle of the road, Bigfoot enthusiasts. If there's a way to catch one and study it for a while, even better. Either way, all of us, who don't know; want to know! If you already know then let the rest of the 99.9% of people, that have not seen one, have a turn. Seriously we're arguing about killing something that has yet to be proven as real....
    1 point
  4. CM, The raven wing video you sent did not have anything that I could hear. I asked others and they said they could not hear the wing chuffs either that you claimed was there. So that was no help to me. Yes I have listened to dozens of grouse drumming audio clips. The problem with that is that any recording of that, does not reflect the whole sound spectrum due to microphone capabilities. Much of grouse drumming is in the infrasound range too. Any recording or reproduction equipment does a poor job with that. Nothing much in audio equipment as far as microphones or recorders will record below 20HZ. I do not have a recording of what I heard that day. And if I did, it would probably have issues with recording and reproduction too. From what I have experienced with the drumming, what I think is not a grouse starts faster and does not get as fast at the end. A grouse starts at about 1 or 2 beats per second then ramps up rapidly to much faster than what I think is something else. Until I record it, I cannot really make any sort of critical comparison. Just how it sounds is not in my mind, an objective way to differentiate. Because that depends greatly on microphone, recorder, and reproduction equipment capabilities. With audio visualizer equipment it is easy to count beats per second and that kind of thing. That to me would be a more definative way to tell any difference. When I can make that analysis, if I am wrong, I will admit it like I did with the raven. I am interested in truth and not opinion or saving face.
    1 point
  5. I think his stories are no different from the others that would have you thinking you are going to kill a Non-human ape. I also think most people who shoot one tend to wind up with just a story anyways. I've seen a number of people though, make the mistake of thinking that their story is better than the rest. Still, I see a majority of FTF encounters leaving a distinct impression of humanity. I hope that if you do get one, it's appearance and subsequent analysis doesn't leave you with something that you can't use to prove a new species with and the horrific sickening feeling that you've done something terribly wrong that would come with that.
    1 point
  6. Doing that would put us in the TS group think, wanting publicity, make videos, go on tour, make money, and when we run out of authentic material, have to start making muppets. No thanks. The subject material does not lend itself to tag along videographers with huge time constraints. I would like to have a chat with Les and make some suggestions for his future field work. In some areas I think he has been led astay.
    1 point
  7. The whole vibe of the April 21 experienced changed for me afterwards when I realized that me peeing might have triggered any hostility. I can understand reasonable behavior or an animal response to my actions. And now that the third event that day has been explained as a raven, then the whole experience was a big misunderstanding on my part. Before I went out yesterday I had already calmed down enough that I would have gone back solo. Better armed maybe but still solo. But a well armed companion certainly made it a lot more comfortable.
    1 point
  8. Went up yesterday with a forum member who was kind enough to accompany me. The whole experience was very different for me being in the field with someone that had a lot of field experience. As we drove into the area passed some shooters who seemed to be sighting in a rifle with scope from a bench. That pretty well dashed my hopes of anything happening. They were firing about half the time we were out there. Again numerous deer and elk tracks in the area. The question about chuffing was quickly answered once we were started hiking. A raven flew low towards us, made a hard U turn, and flew off. The sound was close enough to what I experienced the other day at nearly the same location I am probably 75 to 80 % sure it was the same thing. Never heard a raven fly that close before so the sound was something I had never experienced before. I will strip it out of the recording and make it available so others do not make the same misidentification. It does sound a lot like an animal huffing like the movie bear charge. I am glad it was kind enough to give a repeat performance with a visual appearance this time. Anyway we spent a lot of time looking for tracks in a marshy area. Deer, elk, and coyote scat and tracks were evident. But nothing remotely that could be linked to BF. Did have a curious thing happen on the way out. We stopped to examined a rabbit skeleton then when we got back to our vehicles right behind the vehicles on a stump was a metal rabbit napkin holder. The thing looked brand new. We should have seen that when we left to hike because we had to walk right past it but neither of us saw it then. Strange! Was a really nice day to be in the woods so very enjoyable.
    1 point
  9. Without proof? I'm afraid your no higher on the dung heap than anyone else......... You have cool stories nothing more. You might as well be the Jane Goodall of Gnomes! Also and most important? You were a member of a hunting party. You took a shot and missed your hunting partner took a shot and wounded it? Hunter code of ethics says your just as responsible as he is to track it down and dispatch it! Instead you both left it to suffer and die because you got scared....... Any other hunters reading this? Wasn't that the moral course of action. This is why I have you on ignore, everything that comes out of your mouth is hypocrisy. Just because your a bad hunter doesn't make me one!!! And it doesn't matter if I'm hunting deer who are familiar to me or wilder beast who are not.
    1 point
  10. ^^^ Wrong buckwheat! I didn't hit it (thankfully) rather it was the "sniper boy" from Anadarko. My opinions are derived from FTF encounter(s) as well as conversations with ~14 other individuals with similar experiences, including those having observed the subject through a rifle scope for extended periods of time, something which you are completely ignorant thereof.
    1 point
  11. You don't seem to understand what an assumption is. Nothing that Sasfooty said indicated she was making an "assumption". Sasfooty does not make assumptions. Your presumption that she does, however, shows that you do.
    1 point
  12. And, the pro-killers continue to joust with windmills.....
    1 point
  13. It's all GARBAGE, including the wookie mask right there on the front page.
    1 point
  14. Depends on what you call a "monster", I guess. To some, the gorilla is a monster or the hippopotamus or the great white shark.
    1 point
  15. Bipto defended more claims than I can count!? How many threads and pages? Yes, the tree break claim was the final straw but I always saw him as 1000 times more patient than I could be. he is a good spokesperson and the NAWAC shoild be glad to have him.
    1 point
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