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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2015 in Posts

  1. Here's a link to Bob Garrett talking on SC. http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-government-just-shutdown-bigfoot.html His part starts at about 32 min. and runs to the end. At 52 min he starts talking about the torn up campsite. The problem is throughout the program they were discussing other similar campsites found, human bones found (not related to these campsites), serial killers, etc. It all ended up getting lumped together when talking about this specific site even though very little of any of it was related to this site. He does mention other camping gear, not recorded in either video and after the fact. No mention of gear found in lake. Bodies being dragged toward the lake was just speculation on his part. And any mention of bodies at all was because of supposed reports of 2 people missing. In other words all speculation and hearsay! In his own words, it was not a crime scene cleanup. Just your typical garbage cleanup. The tracks being bigfoot tracks was discussed also in the interview. But, in both videos at the time of the recordings he said they were inconclusive. This site may be considered remote, but in his own words, he informs us that people launch their canoes there. It's a popular campsite to be close to the lake. He also notes that people may have been scared away from their campsites by bigfoot in the area. Maybe so maybe not. Have any of those people been interviewed? I have dug deep enough. There is nothing of any consequence here. The conclusions are based on speculation, misinterpretation, hearsay and embellishments.
    2 points
  2. I don't think that there is any mandate to specifically protect bigfoot and I don't think that there is a specific mandate to protect the public from bigfoot. I do think that government agencies know about bigfoot (they can't be that incompetent), but consider them a headache, simply because their missions would become much more complicated if the greater public awareness created demand for action and management of an inherently unmanageable species. So if there is any activity that could fall under the heading of cover-up, I believe that it is sporadic, occurs only when necessary, and is driven by agency self-interest and the intent to avoid public demands.
    1 point
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