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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2015 in Posts

  1. Sightings and tracks are how I hunt. Thats what a hunter scouts for when selecting an area to hunt. So I have to ask you this....... if sightings are nothing but campfire bs? Then were does a pro kill proponent start? If there is a cryptid out there to shoot? At some point you have to start taking someone seriously......
    3 points
  2. I agree with this. That got me laughing. Seems like if a post gets videos, graphics, cartoons, and cut out letters spelling something in a response to a post it has struck some nerve. I guess if some have run out of arguments, they need to resort to grade school arts and crafts in their response. speaking of graphics... I love the one above. Kinda' answers those questions about what was in that elk wallow...an elk.
    2 points
  3. That got me laughing. Seems like if a post gets videos, graphics, cartoons, and cut out letters spelling something in a response to a post it has struck some nerve. I guess if some have run out of arguments, they need to resort to grade school arts and crafts in their response.
    2 points
  4. Man, there are some really mean spirited people on these forums.
    2 points
  5. An elk laying in that casted soil area would have shown a very pronounced manner of exiting that would have made a definite impact on soil proving that is what was laying there. (This from my understanding from many Skookum Cast threads here in the past and my opinion based on digesting those). I don't believe that manner of exit of an elk rising from ground was ever seen in the impression which is more odd than no BF tracks rolling up to the edge if you ask me.
    1 point
  6. I would help you Drewbot, if your heart was in the right place, but its not so I won't. Besides your whole line of reasoning is kaput, concerning what was logged when or where. Wild populations of animals are not static, after all most of our terrestrial animals used Beringia to get here in the first place. Thats a long ways from Oklahoma, yes?
    1 point
  7. LOL, I knew I would hit a nerve with the right people. Proceed.
    1 point
  8. If a tree falls in a forest and is seen by a few thousand folks, none of them with a gun, did it actually fall?
    1 point
  9. Why all the condescending attitudes lately?
    1 point
  10. 1) Where will you go? What area in north America gives you the best shot at proving the creatures existence? Somewhere in the PNW. 2) What gear will you be taking and what strategies will you be deploying? Camping gear and evidence collection material 3) How costly will it be? Pretty danged cheap other than what they pay us. 4) How long will it take? Several years at minimum, unless we get lucky and find something sooner 5) How many people will you be bringing with you and what positions will they fill? The least amount possible. 6) Whom will you be bringing with you? I wanna be safe, so Huntster for sure. You and your mules. Not sure after that. Bobo Fey (just for fun if nothing else) and Cliff Barakman, I know they'd be committed. Nathanfooter. Would probably need a rotating crew, so that's just a start.
    1 point
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