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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2015 in Posts

  1. Well the blog writer is clearly a skeptic, but she's not the one doing the rebuttal. Lisa Bright is the one who will go over the bones, which will be in part 2 tomorrow. She was cited as a source in the bones paper. Well that's why I said we'll have to wait until tomorrow. You guys should just relax. Did you not expect there to be rebuttal? Did you not expect any to be skeptics? It's like deflector shields have gone up and defensive mode kicked on just at the mention of a rebuttal.
    2 points
  2. I think we're misinterpreting. I don't believe they are avoiding contact, only controlling it. I think that explanation fits the report data better than blind avoidance does. I think that explanation would be easier to accept if it didn't poke our fear / insecurity button by implying things ape camp mentality, whether we acknowledge it in ourselves or not, refuses to consider. MIB
    2 points
  3. There are two people involved here writing two parts to the article- the blogger writing about bigfoot in general, and the professor writing the response to the paper. When I asked Lisa Bright about a Halloween joke, her comment was: "My part is a serious discussion of six main points of the papers. It's Katy's blog so she does have creative control." Two people, two opinions. It's easy to understand when you ask questions.
    1 point
  4. ^If it makes you feel better about it then you go ahead and view it that way WesT. I wouldn't want anything to get in the way of your beliefs. Blanket dismissal is much easier than refuting any points that they make. Lisa Bright is the professor that was sourced for the paper. Whatever her opinion may be on the paper, I'm sure she will back up her points since she is obviously well educated on the subject. People here had no problem taking her work seriously when it supported the paper. Now that it comes time for her to weigh in on the paper then suddenly she is not to be taken seriously anymore.. She hasn't even submitted her article yet and the damage control is already in high gear.
    1 point
  5. Guys, Some folks here were having a nice discussion about tree breaks/ manipulation. Not about what degrees we have or don't have, or who knows the most..... DWA.... stay on topic please. Michele
    1 point
  6. I hope I live long enough to see all of these supposed scientists eat crow when someone brings in a BF body. We should start a list of all the stupid statements they have made over the years. One of my favorites is "It is impossible for something the size of a supposed BF to exist in the forests of the PNW because there is not enough food available to support a population" The NE PHD who said that apparently does not know that bears do quite well in the PNW and they are omnivores like BF.
    1 point
  7. Oh for Pete sake, WSA. You and your brother (particularly your brother) are the number one off topic wanderers around here. Try to keep the hypocrisy to a minimum, huh?
    1 point
  8. Absolutely. You have consumed a ton of bandwidth and presented zero evidence.
    1 point
  9. You pretty well nailed'em WSA. Deliberately exposing themselves even for a few seconds to humans during the day is extremely rare. If they do it, it shows they have seen and watched you over time and concluded you mean them no harm. (Leaving a few snacks in their home range over time will help them decide.) To them, the night is THEIR time, and they have no fear of intruding onto human's home range. For reasons unknown to us, their prime "witching" hours are from about 2 am (varying with the season) until dawn. I'll bet that a close review of night time reports from campers and residents will show that to be true.) I think they realize that most folks are soundly asleep at those hours.
    1 point
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