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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2016 in Posts

  1. IIRC, the ordinance in question was passed not so much because any officials believed in or knew of bf but to dissuade taking shots at what is in all likelihood a Homo (notso) sapiens sapiens.
    1 point
  2. Norseman that could include up to a year in jail along with the $1000 fine. I bet popping a juvenile will get you both jail and fine. Celtic you could certainly argue self defense in court. If Smeja really shot a juvenile like he claims, in Skamania County, I think he would do the year in jail too. The young juveniles are really cute and not at all scary. My contention has always been that a shot or found body is likely to end up with you needed to hire a lawyer to either defend yourself or get your body/skeleton back. Finally I wonder how many have been shot and the shooter thought all this through, and decided just to bury the body rather than fight the authorities in court. I would not be surprised if the same thing happens during hunting season. Some hunter accidently shoots another hunter, and decides to just bury the guy rather than defend himself in court. The dead hunter just goes missing.
    1 point
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