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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2016 in Posts

  1. Shoot Secure (refrigerate) Retain attorney Contact Meldrum Voila!
    1 point
  2. Just back from some air search today. Needed to fly the airplane to keep the engine running well, and update my landing currency so decided to go into Skamania County and check out some areas I was wandering about. The wind was supposed to be strong from the East which would have prohibited that, but I found that the wind was not bad at all. If there is more than 10 knots of wind the turbulence over the mountains can get really nasty. I wanted to check out some places I have not been able to get to on the ground. It is amazing how different a place you know like the back of your hand on the ground looks from the air. It is hard sometimes even to find a place you want to look at. You have to go from what you recognize, follow a road from that, and find the place you are looking for. Trails are for the most part not visible from the air if there is any tree coverage. The airplane sort of flattens out the terrain so to speak, so the hill you really do not want to climb on foot, you can just pop over and find out what is on the back side. I did a lot of that today and was disappointed in some cases that what I thought was continuous woods had clear cuts on the back side. Washington has a lot of logging going on right now. More now that I have ever seen before. Anyway I was hoping to find a family of BF laying out on a warm rock basking on a SW facing slope. No such luck. There were a lot of vehicles out in the woods. Most parked at locked gates. Sure makes me wonder what those people are doing out there. Thinking of what I saw today and my loss of contact with BF two years ago, I think they have to have moved East where there is less logging. I wish I had documented the forest cover when I first started field work. I bet there is 30% less standing forest in that area.
    1 point
  3. Well speaking of lost guns I have to tell a story on me. I normally am in the field with my holstered automatic. Now I keep checking to see if I have it and there is a reason why. I went into one area, off trail and was doing a lot of scrambling over logs and down wood. Heavy stuff that has you climbing over and under stuff every few feet. I felt like I was being watched for a long time. Hard going. I had enough when the going got too hard and I was not finding anything, so headed back to my truck, got in and still had a lot of logging road to drive out before I got down to a river to check along the bank for footprints. So I kept the gun on instead of taking it off like I normally do when I drive. When I got to the river got out and the gun was not in my holster. I freaked out, decided it must have fallen out when I was scrambling over and under all the down wood. I thought it unlikely I would find it again because I was not on a trail. I was not worried about anyone finding it because of where I thought I must have lost it. I briefly wondered what a BF would do with a found gun as I drove back to the other location. I got back there and there near where I had parked. was the gun laying on the ground. OK maybe it fell out of the holster when I got in the truck. But I cannot understand why I did not see it when I backed out to leave because I saw it when I pulled in again. It was right in the open but not where I remembered parking the truck. It was not even dirty like it had fallen out of the holster. I had a crazy feeling someone had brought it out and put it there for me to find when I came back. Probably wrong but I still cannot shake that feeling. Maybe Gotta Know's buddy lost the gun where a BF found it. Not there is a scary thought, armed BF.
    1 point
  4. Dr, Ketchum never said sasquatches were a hybrid between a female human and a lemur. What she did say is "one" of the genes was "similar" (not exact) to that found in a lemur, and from that those making bad assumptions or wanting to malign her claimed she said sasquatches were the result of a union between the two. She's corrected that false claim many times, she believes the unknown DNA is a hominin, and I'm sure others here may know this, but anytime someone is in the cross hairs corrections on known false claims like this may not be forth coming.
    1 point
  5. Do you believe they sought you out or was it an accidental bothering? First face to face was a bit of a meeting engagement - while backing away from one growling at me, I turned and discovered one was running at me, and when I spotted him, he veered slightly and ran past me. The other times were on their part because I wanted no part of them. It seems we were all living that Summer and Fall on the same mountain. Our bad luck. I suspect our fall may be their summer, if you are using a metaphor. (poetic) Would you recommend getting in touch with them? Or are they uninterestingly giant and hostile? The bulk of commentary from many assume these are benign, shy, gentle giants who just want to be left alone, and are relatively harmless. Maybe. However, in any living population of any species, much like the typical distribution found in a Bell Curve, the bulk of the population, regardless of your factor being measured - has the bulk pattern in the center, and yet on each end of the Bell Curve, there are lesser tails that account for aberrations. In human populations, there are aberrant behaviors that are so dissimilar to conventional behavior, it's hard to believe the aberrations are of the same human species. We have our Jeffrey Dahlmers, John Wayne Gacy, Henry Lee Lucas. There are hundreds of serial and spree killers identified from around the world, a significant number who are also cannibals. Ukrainian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish, South American, Arabic, African, on and on. So. For me, knowing the always present dangers of human predators, for me to complicate matters and roam alone in remote areas where there is a fair possibility of meeting one of these critters - however rare - I'd say that if someone alone meets up with an aberrant critter - you may be lunch. While I had one growling at me, and had my full attention, only by habit did I turn and discover one running at me from behind. Maybe he was just trying to get to the other one growling at me to not press the matter - or - the voluminous distraction was by design while the other one closed in on me from behind. I'll never know. I have a problem believing in coincidence. I have a problem trusting unknowns. Just my contrary nature, but it's gotten me through some real close events.
    1 point
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