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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2016 in Posts

  1. Logical question for Crow. Let's say a small population of Sasquatch reside in the Pacific NW. What would that have to do with Ray Wallace, Ivan Marx or Rick Dyer? If I put a shark fin on my RC sub and run it through my local swimming hole? What does that have to do with sharks? For whatever the reason humans hoax humans. Why? Who knows. But it would have nothing to do with Sasquatch themselves.
    2 points
  2. ^^^Norseman: Your example exposes the logic fallacy that that Crow's ilk seem to cling to. Because there have been hoaxes they believe all things are hoaxed. They repeat that false logic over and over. Crow: "Each and every one of the big name hoaxers have been outed". That is like saying that each and person convicted of murder is a murderer. Where as in reality, there are people convicted of murder that are later proven innocent. It is a failure of logic to assume that people like Wallace could not have had authentic experiences as well as performing hoaxing. To presume so, is to entertain the question after you have already decided that BF does not exist. Once the skeptic has decided that BF does not exist, then every case of hoaxing simply validates their belief. They repudiate BF believers for having a belief, when they themselves believe something that can never be proven.
    1 point
  3. I don't give Crow that much credit. I used to. Not anymore. MIB
    1 point
  4. Norseman You are starting to get a sound mind. an understanding, it is just that Crow has not got it yet. We can have all the Ray Wallace, Ivan Marx or Rick Dyer's, but sooner or later it will come out. If there is some one with a suite ,playing games then they better a vest. It is going to take a body to prove these creatures and if there are hoaxers reading this board then they are being fairly warned. There are some of us who are armed and ready to take down one of these flesh and blood creatures that can be aggressive. I mean these guys just do not like humans and they mean it, just like there are some messed up humans there are of them. I sure as heck in agreement in taking one down that is killing live stock,tracking it if having too. But who is going to come out with that, when they will try to do it them selves. No experience just makes things worse, having some exerience one gains more. Crow is on the issue of attacking it, rather then trying to gain from it. His denial is from his experience that can only be helped by himself. It's like you with those prints, you have no idea what path they have led you. But you have one project, to bring one in that will match those prints. It is hard to go imto denial, yet we do cause it is the way we cope with it. Or maybe it is the way I have been coping with it, i do not know. I just know the truth and it speaks of what others have been saying including the stuff i cannot explain. Certain beliefs stops people from doing things, so explanation is in need of order. I call it my moral value's, others may call it their belief system. I will take Fararcher input anytime of the day to anyone elses, not sure why but some how i trust him on his knowledge. I trust yours as well, But Faracher has been in the rut with these guys and I want to learn about this. I really want to learn about thier aggression in person and upclose. I have encountered aggressiveness when I first started, but it stopped after wards. So is this a behavior with all these creatures? I always thought that it was due to the area that they lived in, that the area was small so they stayed aggressive to keep people out.Strange thinking Huh ! Yet what happen is that they moved on or out of the area. Is this a normal behavior? Their aggression was a charge , but it was not even a charge but the breaking of brush down a hill. Again normal behavior? See what should be said is not being said , Crow is trying to get to the truth , just to much of a agressive way as a skeptic. I would really hate to see you if you ever have a sighting. Not sure what would happen to the forum Crow, But I am sure there be reporters knocking at your door though. I like debating with ya Crow.
    1 point
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