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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2014 in Posts

  1. Untrue. Not to YOUR satisfaction perhaps. They have proven themselves plenty real to me. A sighting will do that. Finding yourself within a foot of one that apparently doesn't want to leave has about the same effect. Be careful what you search for, it just might find you. MIB
    1 point
  2. How do we vet out misIDs and hoaxes? I have spent the past eight years working in fraud investigation--cybercrime. I have seen a lot of stuff. When I look at data, I have to make a judgment about what are legitimate accounts and which are high risk. There are patterns I look for, trends, and certain behaviors. I also look at surrounding accounts that may have a similar look at feel. Then I have to make comparisons to form an assessment as to their legitimacy. I also look at probabilities. What are the chances that twelve accounts that joined today all have the same month and year of birthday and are using the same email domain? "Something is wrong here." I go through this process before I start looking at digital footprints of the account. It's a process by which you have to account for behaviors, probabilities, and known trends and patterns. So I guess when I look at bigfoot videos, I look at all behaviors and compare them to behaviors that we accept as legitimate. The stealth, the smell, the way it walks, the color, the shape, the size, the sound, ... everything. What are the chances that a bigfoot would stand off the side of the road in clear view of headlights and just stand there while you take video? You have to be discriminate and scrutinize. There really isn't one or two main things that have to pass the smell test before I believe it is legitimate. It's more like a long process that stands the test of time.
    1 point
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